
  • 网络Residential buildings;Vernacular Dwellings;residential construction;domestic architecture
  1. 传统民居建筑的保护与改造是一个非常重要的问题。

    The preservation and reform of traditional domestic architecture is an important issue .

  2. 让传统与现代接轨&昆明市传统民居建筑单体保护改造再利用

    Coalesce Tradition into Modern & The Preservation , Reform and Reutilization of the Traditional Domestic Architecture in Kunming

  3. 徽州古民居建筑中的人文精神

    The Humanistic Spirit in the Architecture of Ancient Houses of Huizhou

  4. 由徽州古民居建筑装饰引发的思考

    Reflection Arising from Architectural Decoration on Ancient Civilian Residence in Huizhou

  5. 晋徽民居建筑装饰性格比较研究

    Comparison of decoration character of residences in Shanxi and Anhui provinces

  6. 河南新农村民居建筑概念设计与研究

    Conceptual Design and Research of New Countryside Residential Architecture in Henan

  7. 徽州民居建筑装饰艺术及造型的象征意义

    Symbolic meaning of garnish art and modeling of Huizhou folk house

  8. 水圩式民居建筑研究

    Research of the Civilian Buildings in the Form of Water Bank

  9. 试析中国传统民居建筑的文化精神

    Analyses on the Cultural Spirits of Traditional Chinese Vernacular Architecture

  10. 沙漠绿洲传统民居建筑适宜性发展模式研究

    Research on the Suitability Development Pattern of Traditional Residential on the Oasis

  11. 中国传统民居建筑中模糊空间所体现的功能性

    The Functionality Embodied in the Fuzzy Space of Traditional Architectures in China

  12. 对大理地区的白族村落的民居建筑实地调查研究。

    To Dali bai village area of residential building investigation .

  13. 中国传统文化在传统民居建筑中表现出的空间概念

    30 Space Concept in Chinese Traditional Culture Refleted in Traditional House Architecture

  14. 本文对诺邓村落民居建筑的研究,不再侧重于归纳总结出几种典型的布局方式。

    Summary no longer focuses on the layout of a typical way .

  15. 从传统民居建筑形成的规律探索民居研究的方法

    Study on the methods of Vernacular Dwellings Research though its Forming Rules

  16. 论赣北清代民居建筑装饰艺术

    About Civil Dwelling Decorative Art of the Qing Dynasty in Northern Jiangxi

  17. 客家民居建筑文化初探

    Initial Study on Hakka Folk Houses and Architecture Culture

  18. 略论木雕艺术在客家传统民居建筑中的应用

    On the Role that Wood Carving Art Plays in the Hakka Native Residence

  19. 不同类型的民居建筑也是如此。

    So did different types of civilian residential houses .

  20. 中国传统民居建筑可谓中国传统文化的缩影。

    The traditional Chinese vernacular architecture is an epitome of Chinese traditional culture .

  21. 云南民居建筑的空间取向

    On Spatial Orientation of Folk Dwelling Buildings in Yunnan

  22. 天人合一的建筑文化特色&桂北侗族民居建筑概述

    Building Culture of Dong Nationality in Northern Guangxi

  23. 民居建筑中的艺术美感

    The aesthetic feeling of art in folk building

  24. 从客家民居建筑的造型谈其色彩对比美

    From the Hakka the People Resides the Architectural Shape Talks Its Color Contrast Beautiful

  25. 古希腊与古罗马传统民居建筑中的庭院探析

    Analysis on the courtyards in the dwelling houses of ancient Greece and ancient Rome

  26. 第二部分论述大园苗族民居建筑发展概况。

    The second part discusses the development survey of the Dayuan Miao dwelling architecture .

  27. 闽南蔡氏古民居建筑装饰意义的研究

    Study on the Architectural Decoration Meaning of Cai 's Traditional Residential Buildings in Min'Nan

  28. 古民居建筑村落的保护与开发&以徐州周边城镇为例

    Protection and Development of the Ancient Residential Architecture For Village around Xuzhou an Example

  29. 皖南古村落民居建筑装饰形成因素探析

    Discussion on the formative factor of ancient village dwelling house decoration in north Anhui

  30. 新疆维吾尔族传统民居建筑技术与艺术特征研究

    The Research on Xinjiang Uygur Traditional Local-style Dwelling Houses Building Technology and Artistic Features