
  1. 作者比较三个单螺杆使用他们生产的各种配方颗粒滚圆适宜性和在各种条件下二元配方挤出系统。

    The authors compare three systems of single-screw extrusion using binary formulations for their suitability for producing pellets of various formulations and under various spheronization conditions .

  2. 因此在选择二元体系配方时尽可能的取其流变性方面的有利因素,再考虑与体系的界面活性间的协同效应,以获得综合性质较好的二元复合驱体系。

    Therefore , take as much as possible favorable factors when selectes binary system formulations , also need to consider the interfacial activity , in order to obtain better integrated nature of the binary flooding .

  3. 相比之下,二元复合驱配方中未使用碱,矿场可操作性更强,因而受到油田的欢迎。

    By contrast , the binary compound flooding system without alkali is popular in the oil field with strong application on the spot .

  4. 但是由于不用任何碱,原油中石油酸类活性物质不能得到充分利用,所以研发具有更高表面活性的新型表面活性剂和无碱二元复合驱配方势在必行。

    But as no alkali , petroleum acid active substances can not be fully utilized , so it is imperative to research and develop a new kind surfactants and non-alkali compound formula .