
  • 网络Property Law
  1. 占有是一项古老的民法制度,也是现代民法物权体系中一项特殊的、重要的法律制度。

    Possession is the most ancient Civil Law system as well as a special and important legal system in modern Property Law system of Civil Law .

  2. 论经济法之内物权&兼论民法物权的局限性与企业法创新

    On the Internal Real Right of Economic Law On Nature of Internal Right of Company Director

  3. 自然资源利用权对民法物权理论的新发展

    Studies of Natural Resources Utilizing Right

  4. 善意取得制度作为民法物权编中的一个重要制度,一直以来颇受重视。

    As an important system in the civil law , bona fide acquisition has been always received attention .

  5. 中国古代法与现代民法物权制度比较研究&兼及《中华人民共和国物权法(草案)》的相关规定

    A Comparative Study of the Rules on Right in Rem in Chinese Ancient Law and Modern Civil Law

  6. 优先购买权即先买权,是民法物权法范畴中的一项重要制度。

    Purchase priority , as an important system of civil law , refers to the right of purchase preference .

  7. 法国民法物权变动制度解析民法法典化与自然资源物权

    Analysis and Evaluation on the System of Real Right Changing in French Civil Code On the Codification of the Civil Law and the Natural Right of Resources

  8. 本文的论题是一个以民法物权和婚姻家庭法为核心,兼跨多个法学领域和多个学科的综合性题目。

    The topic of the thesis focusing on real rights of civil law and marriage ( family ) law stretches across several legal fields and several social science subjects .

  9. 善意取得制度是近现代民法物权的重要制度,一直以来,占有脱离物能否适用善意取得制度都是理论界争论的热点。

    Innocent is an important property of modern civil law system , has been out of possession of material can be applied to obtain good system theorists are hotly debated .

  10. 根据现代民法物权债权法理论和立法实践,抵押合同的生效与抵押权的生效是两个不同的概念。

    According to the theory and the practice of the legislation of the real right and the obligation , the mortgage contracts being validated is different fiom the mortgages being validated .

  11. 接下来笔者从产权理论、民法物权理论角度以及制度变迁理论对不动产登记制度进行了分析。

    Then , from the angle of Theory of Property Right , Theory of Property Right of Civil Law and Theory of Institutional Changes , the writer analyzes the real property registration system .

  12. 善意取得制度是民法物权的一项重要制度,它注重对经济交易安全的保护。

    The acquisition system in good faith , which is one of the most important systems of the real right in civil law , emphasizes the protection of the safety in the economical transaction .

  13. 土地是最为重要的不动产,因此关于土地财产权利的内容、如何取得这些权利、变更这些权利以及行使这些权利等的法律规范,是民法物权法最为重要的内容之一。

    Land is the most important real estate and therefore the legal norms which regulate the contents of land property rights , the way to obtain , manage and exercise those rights are most significant element of property law .

  14. 善意取得是各国民法物权法上的一项重要的法律制度,其创设的目的是为了对绝对主义所有权原则设立一种限制。

    The system of acquisition in good faith is a very important legal system of civil law and law of jus ad res in the world , whose aim is to enforce a restriction on the protection of absolute ownership .

  15. 善意取得制度,是各国民法物权法上一项重要法律制度,其内容涉及民法财产所有权静的安全与财产交易动的安全的保护问题。

    Acquisition in good faith system is an important system in civil law and the law of property ownership , including the protection on the safety between the stillness of the ownership of property and the activity of property exchange .

  16. 善意取得制度是现代民法物权法中的一项重要的法律制度,在客观上起到了保护交易安全、促进财产流转、稳定社会经济秩序的作用。

    As it can play the function of protecting the trade security , promoting property circulating and steadying social economic order objectively , the Bona Fide Acquisition is an important legal system in the real right law of modern civil law .

  17. 目前,我国正在构建新物权法,作为现代民法物权的一项重要制度,适当扩大善意取得制度的适用范围是符合法律价值趋向的。

    At present , our country is setting up property law and taking it as an important system of modern civil law , therefore , widening properly the application scope of acquirement system in good faith accords to the legal value trend .

  18. 对中国古代法和现代民法物权制度的相关内容进行比较可以发现,中国古代法存在着类似于现代民法动产与不动产的区分,而土地所有权制度则与现行民法有着较大的区别;

    Comparing the contents of the rule on right in rem in Chinese ancient law and modern civil law reveals the similar rule on movable and immovable property in Chinese ancient law , but there are more differences in land ownership between them .

  19. 在以农业为基础的中华法系的发展过程中,作为民法物权客体之一的土地,对于统治阶级和被统治阶级均有重要政治、经济及军事意义。

    In the development of China 's legal system which is based on agriculture , land as one of the objects of property right in civil laws has great political , economic , and military significance for both the ruling and the ruled classes .

  20. 我国物权登记制度带有浓厚的行政管理色彩,并不是真正民法物权意义上的登记制度,不适应现代市场经济发展的要求。

    The property ownership registration system in our country is of a strong administrative control characteristic ; it is not a registration system in the real sense of property ownership in Civil Law , therefore , it cannot satisfy the demand by modern market economic development .

  21. 但是目前我国的不动产登记制度并不是真正民法物权意义上的登记制度,带有浓厚的行政管理色彩,已不适应日益发展的不动产市场和保护不动产财产权益的需要。

    However , our system of real estate registration , which is mostly on the basis of administration , is not a real registration system on the real right of civil law It could not meet the demand of the quick developing market of real estate .

  22. 商品房作为民法物权中的典型客体,是房地产开发企业开发建设,并在房地产二级市场自由出售、具有完全商品意义的、买卖人有完整所有权的住房。

    As a typical object of the right in rem in civil law , commercial housing with full product meaning is constructed by the real estate development companies , and can be sold in secondary market freely , and people also possess an absolute ownership of it .

  23. 我国民法通则物权中对建筑物所有权尤其是对建筑物分层所有权是一个空白。

    There is no regulation dealing with the building 's floor proprietary in our country 's Civil Law .

  24. 大陆法系民法承认物权与债权区分的局限性,以预告登记制度保护不动产物权受让人。

    Based on the acknowledgement of the limitation of the real right and credit or 's rights division , the Continent Civil Law protect a grantee of real estate by a registrations in advance system .

  25. 水资源作为财产有其价值和使用价值,公法调整的同时并不排斥私法尤其是民法(物权法)的调整。

    Water resources , as property , they share both value and use value . The adjustment of public law does not reject to that of Private Law particularly the Civil Law ( Real Right Law ) .

  26. 我国未来的物权法或者民法典物权编应当统一动产登记的公信力规则,即统一赋予动产登记以公信力。

    This task of unification should be fulfilled by the law of real right or China civil code in the future , and also , the effect of public credit of registration of movables should be endued an prescripted .

  27. 新《公司法》主要侧重于对董事违反信义义务的刑法和行政法制裁,在实际案例中也多与民法、物权法并用,功能非常局限。

    New Corporation Law puts its emphasis on the punishment and administrative reprimands when a Director breaches his duties to the company , as in many cases used in connection with civil law and property law , its effectiveness is limited .

  28. 体育比赛组织者对其举办的体育赛事享有民法上的物权。

    The organizers own the property right of sport tournaments in civil law .

  29. 依传统民法理论,物权作为对世权,具有排他性和优先性。物权的这种特性也要求物权的变动须向公众公示。

    Depending on the traditional civil law theory , the real right has exclusiveness and having priority as the right to generation .

  30. 调查的收获也相当丰富。清末民事习惯调查涉及民法总则、物权、债权、亲属关系、承继关系等方面;

    At the end of Qing Dynasty , civil habit surveys concerned civil rights with respect to general principles , property rights , creditors ' rights , kinship , and inheritance relationships ;