
  • 网络Land adjustment;land readjustment
  1. 能不能取消土地调整制度?

    Will we cancel the system of land readjustment ?

  2. 论文该村土地调整过程中村民、村委会与业主等利益群体的行为进行了描述与考察。

    Paper in the process of land readjustment to its property changes of the villagers , the village committee and other interest groups are described with the investigation .

  3. 对农村承包土地调整制度的反思&基于治理逻辑的视角分析

    Thinking on countryside contracting land adjustment system & analysis basing on governance logic

  4. 土地调整、生产开发或资金利用方案实施。

    Implement the scheme of land adjustment , production development or fund utilization .

  5. 人口增长与土地调整的关系:一个理论推导

    Relations Between Population Growth and the Adjustment of Rural Lands : A Theoretic Deduction

  6. 土地调整:农村社会保障与农村社会控制

    Land Adjustment : Social Guarantee and Social Control

  7. 第三章是土地调整制度的规范分析和设计部分。

    Chapter three of my thesis is the section of normatively analysis and design .

  8. 我国农村土地调整中的冲突研究&基于社会燃烧理论视角

    Research on the Conflict of China 's Rural Land Adjustment Based on Social Burning Theory

  9. 本文将农户的长期投资划分为两类,与特定地块不相连的长期投资以及与特定地块相连的长期投资,通过实证研究发现,土地调整对农户的这两类长期投资决策的影响是不同的。

    In this paper , the long-term investments are first classified into two categories : not-land-attached and land-attached .

  10. 土地调整是家庭联产承包责任制推行以来我国农村土地配置利用中特有的社会经济现象。

    Adjustment of rural land is an unique socioeconomic phenomena in the rural land distribution since the household contract responsibility system was implemented in China .

  11. 论文选取山西省一个村庄为研究单位,该村经历了全国大多数村庄一样的土地调整历程。

    Paper to choose a village in Shanxi Province as the research unit , the village has experienced the most of the village land adjustment process .

  12. 而土地调整和使用权流转一直是中国农地制度变迁中的普遍现象。

    And " land adjustment " and " use right circulating " has been the general phenomenon in the Chinese farmland system changes all the time .

  13. 第6章土地调整:基于对意愿的调查与实证分析是对农地调整问题的实证分析,分析表明土地调整在土地资源配置中的作用将逐步下降。

    Chapter 6 is " a positive analysis on land redistribution based on farmers real will ", it indicates that demand of land redistribution will decrease .

  14. 但鉴于我国限制的直接性,认为在价值判断上应该尽可能地限制土地调整;

    But because of restrictions directly in our country , I think that on the basis of value judgment we should restrict the land readjustment as far as possible ;

  15. 现行的分配方式是在保证安置区移民环境容量的基础上,通过政府的调整,将安置区居民的部分土地调整出来供移民使用。

    In the basis of ensure environmental capacity in resettlement areas , the current allocation is that some residents should place out part of the land for resettlement through government adjusting .

  16. 文章对这三点一一予以评述之后,对我国正在起草的物权法中有关土地调整问题的条文进行述评,并提出个人修改意见。

    After commentating these points one by one , I discussed the judicial clause of land readjustment in real law that on draft , and offer my advice to real law .

  17. 重点分析了生存保障链条,结论是现实生活中我们还不可能斩断它,土地调整制度在事实上不得不存在。

    And I analyzed the causal sequence of pure endowment insurance , the conclusion is that in reality we can not cut off it , the system of land readjustment has to exist .

  18. 在事实判断和价值判断之后,基于生存保障的思路,回答了农村土地调整制度在法律规范上应该如何存在的问题。

    After the fact judgment and value judgment , on the basis of pure endowment insurance , I answer the question that how the land readjustment in rural area to exist in legal norm .

  19. 具体到土地调整问题上,就是谁得请求调整土地,调整土地给谁,谁来决定调整土地,哪些情况下可以调整土地。

    As far as the problem of land readjustment , it is who can ask for readjust land , readjust land to whom , who can decide readjust land and readjust land on what situation .

  20. 应不应该取消土地调整制度是一个价值判断,在这之前需要一个事实判断:导致现实中土地调整的原因是什么?

    It should cancel the system of land readjustment or not is a value judgment , before that , we need a fact judgment , that is , what the realistic reason of readjustment the land ?

  21. 土地利益调整中的地方政府行为分析

    An Analysis of Local Authorities ' In fluence on Land Demands

  22. 内插地价监测点进行土地级别调整的研究

    Adjusting Land Rank with Interpolating the Land Price Inspection Points

  23. 重庆市土地级别调整及特点分析

    Land Grade Adjustment and Characteristic Analysis of Chongqing City

  24. 土地结构调整与优化配置研究;

    Structural adjustment and optimal distribution of land ;

  25. 基于数字地价模型的城镇土地级别调整研究

    Study on the Level Adjustment of Urban Land Based on Digital Land Price Model

  26. 数字地价模型的构建及其在土地级别调整中的应用&以上饶市住宅用地为例

    Building Digital Land Value Model its Application in Adjusting Land Grades A case Study in Shangrao Residence

  27. 第四,土地产权调整是工程移民土地整理的核心。

    Fourthly , the property rights adjustment of land is the key content of land consolidation in the projects affected resettlement .

  28. 本项成果可为合理利用土地,调整农村产业结构,进行农业现代化建设提供可靠依据。

    The results of the work could be used for readjusting rural production structure and other purposes in the modernization of agriculture .

  29. 研究目的:寻求一种新的城镇土地级别调整方法&因素类比法。

    The purpose of this study is to find a new method of adjustment of urban land gradation - - factor analogy .

  30. 本研究通过定量的分析得出结论,即适宜的土地利用调整能够有效协调城市经济发展与城市生态功能的关系,实现土地利用的生态服务高效能。

    The results showed that suitable adjustment of land-use pattern coordinated the relationship between urban economic development and function of urban ecosystem , and achieved higher eco-system service efficiency of land utilization .