
  1. 土家族民歌的发展及其艺术特征探析

    Analysis of Folk Songs ' Development and Artistic Characteristics in Tujia Nationality

  2. 适应旅游市场需求弘扬民族文化教育&浅论土家族民歌与旅游专业音乐教学

    Adapting to Tourism Market Enhancing National Culture Education TOURISM INFORMATION

  3. 回顾前文,笔者提出,随着历史和时间的推移,土家族民歌将会不断的发生变化。

    The author pointes out that the Tujia folk songs will constantly develop with the history as time goes by .

  4. 歌词与乐曲的结合塑造了音乐形象,丰富了土家族民歌,因而使土家族民歌的艺术魅力长存。

    The integration of words and music creates music images , enriches folk songs and thus makes the artistic glamour of Tujia folk songs ever lasting .

  5. 栽秧薅草锣鼓歌从生产生成、内容、形式及艺术特征来看,也是土家族民歌中保留最为古老的形式之一。

    From the perspectives of its formation , content , forms and artistic features , the song is one of the oldest folk customs of Tujia people .

  6. 面对目前湘西土家族民歌的传唱日益减少的境况,笔者作为一名声乐学习者与研究者,深感有责任和义务为此做一点工作,这也是写作本文的目的所在。

    The face of the Tujia folk songs sung from the situation of diminishing , the author , as a vocal learners and researchers , feel a responsibility and obligation to have done some work , this is where the purpose of writing this article .

  7. 土家族傩戏唱腔是在土家族语言声调及其民歌风格的基础上形成的一种声腔,其形式已经形成了统一的类型和不同的结构成分。

    The music for voices of the Tujia Nationality 's Nuo opera is a kind of tune , which is formed on the basis of the Tujia Nationality 's language tone and its folk song style , whose pattern has formed a unified type and different structures .