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tǔ niú
  • mound on a dyke or dam;mound on a dike or dam;a clay ox
土牛 [tǔ niú]
  • (1) [mound on a dike or dam]∶远看似牛的,堆在堤坝上准备抢修用的土堆

  • (2) [a clay ox]∶泥土制的牛

土牛[tǔ niú]
  1. 土牛膝液增强宫颈癌热敏感性的研究

    Increase in Thermosensitivity of Cervical Cancer Cells by Achyranthes Aspera

  2. 目的观察土牛膝液对宫颈癌热敏感性的影响。

    Objective To investigate the thermosensitivity effect of achyranthes aspera on cervical cancer cells .

  3. 非诺贝特双层渗透泵制剂的处方优化复方土牛膝口炎膜处方优化及工艺研究

    Formulation optimization of fenofibrate bi-layer osmotic pump tablets Optimization and technology study of compound eupatorium oral ulcer film prescription