
  • 网络Soil resistivity;earth resistivity;p.m
  1. 影响其腐蚀速率因素主要有:土壤电阻率、土壤含水率、PH值等。

    Factors affecting the corrosion rate of major are : soil resistivity , soil moisture content , PH value , and so on .

  2. LQG-1型土壤电阻率远程自动测量装置研制

    Development of LQG-1 Soil Resistivity Automatic Measuring Device

  3. 通过对土壤电阻率、pH及其它理化指标的测试分析,评价沙漠中天然气管道服役环境的腐蚀性。

    The corrosiveness of the circumstances in which pipeline was working was evaluated by testing and analyzing resistivity , pH and physicochemical properties of the soil .

  4. 高土壤电阻率地区地网的改造

    Retrofit of Grounding Gide in the Area with High Soil Resistance

  5. 高土壤电阻率地段接地装置施工设计

    Construction and Design of Earthing Device in soil High Resistivity Area

  6. 高土壤电阻率地区接地网建设中若干问题的探讨

    Discussion on Grounding Systems Construction in High Soil Resistivity Area

  7. 高土壤电阻率条件下变电所接地设计与实施

    Grounding Design and Appling of Transformer Substation High Soil Resistivity

  8. 引线间互感对土壤电阻率测量结果的影响

    Influence of inductive coupling between leads on soil resistivity measurements

  9. 给出了土壤电阻率随温度变化的规律。

    The regularty of variation of soil resistivity versus temperature is given .

  10. 高土壤电阻率地区发变电站接地设计

    Grounding Design for Power Plants and Substations in High Soil Resistivity Area

  11. 塔里木地区土壤电阻率的影响因素研究

    A study of factors influencing soil resistivity in Tarim Region

  12. 电解地极在高土壤电阻率接地网中的应用

    Application of electrolysis in grounding grid with high soil resistivity

  13. 分布不均匀高土壤电阻率地区接地的综合治理

    Comprehensive Earthing Treatment in the High Soil Resistance and Asymmetrically Distributed Area

  14. 而渗滤液污染导致的局部土壤电阻率变低,则使检测效果变差。

    Local lower soil resistivity caused by leachate has negative effect on detection .

  15. 网络化土壤电阻率参数采集系统研制

    Development of automatic acquiring system for network soil resistivity

  16. 土壤电阻率和接地电阻的测量与分析

    Measurement and Analysis of Soil Resistivity and Grounding Resistance

  17. 土壤电阻率与地网优化设计

    Soil Resistivity and Optimal Design of Earth Electrode Network

  18. 微电极法测定土壤电阻率

    Measuring the Soil Resistivity by Micro - Normal Arrangement

  19. 输电线路高土壤电阻率地区降阻措施的应用

    Application of Reducing Resistance Measures for Transmission Line through High Soil Resistivity Area

  20. 高土壤电阻率地区变电站接地网长效降阻的实现

    Realization of long-acting resistance reduction for grounding system in substation with high soil resistivity

  21. 土壤电阻率对罐底外侧阴极保护电位分布的影响

    The Effect of Soil Resistivity on Cathodic Protection Potential Distribution Outside of Tank Bottom

  22. 土壤电阻率增大时,加速了电晕电流在传播过程中的衰减,使无线电干扰减小。

    The increasing soil resistivity will accelerate corona attenuation , thus RI decreases as a result .

  23. 多层水平分层土壤电阻率模型

    Resistivity Model of Multi-layer Horizontal Soil

  24. 在土壤电阻率的测量方法中,四极法测量的效果远远好于二极法测量。

    The four-electrodes method is better than the two-electrodes method in the measurement in soil resistivity .

  25. 且接地模块的降阻率不随土壤电阻率的改变而改变。

    The resistance reduction rate of grounding module had nothing to do with the soil resistivity .

  26. 如果变电站上部土壤电阻率高,下部土壤电阻率较低,在原地网埋设垂直接地极是一种很好的降阻方法。

    Using rod electrodes is a good decreasing resistance method if the bottom soil resistivity is lower than upper .

  27. 但是否需要考虑接地阻抗中的感性分量,应根据地网规模和土壤电阻率加以判断。

    Whether the inductive component should be considered is decided by the scale of the grounding system and soil resistivity .

  28. 论文提出了两种方法来降低高土壤电阻率地区杆塔接地装置的接地电阻。

    The results are of referential value to designing or improving tower grounding connection in areas where soil resistivity is high .

  29. 该装置建于伊朗首都德黑兰北部地区,该处土壤电阻率较小,约在4~12Ω·m之间,对地下钢铁设施具有强烈的腐蚀性。

    In that area , the soil possesses strong corrosiveness to underground steel facilities owing to rather low electrical resistance of soil .

  30. 介绍了几种发电厂、变电所在分布不均匀的高土壤电阻率地区接地网的综合治理措施,并对发电厂、变电所地网结构进行了探讨。

    It introduces the treatment methods of earthing in power stations or substations located at high soil resistance and asymmetrically distributed area .