
  • 网络ethnobotany
  1. 民族植物学&社会及文化价值初探

    On social and cultural values of ethnobotany

  2. 民族植物学与内蒙古植物资源开发利用与保护

    Ethnobotany and the exploitation and conservation of plant resources in Inner Mongolia

  3. 晋东南地区民间食用野生植物的民族植物学研究

    Ethnobotanical Study on Folk Wild Edible Plants in Jin South-east Region

  4. 贵州西部杨梅属植物的民族植物学研究

    Ethnobotanical Study on the Plants of Myrica in the West of Guizhou

  5. 莲的民族植物学&经济与植物文化价值

    Ethnobotany of lotus : on economical and plant cultural values

  6. 拉祜族食用花卉的民族植物学研究

    Ethnobotanical studies on the edible flowers in Lahu Societies

  7. 藏药绿绒蒿的民族植物学研究进展

    Advance in Ethnobotanical Investigation on Meconopsis The Echoing Green

  8. 用民族植物学观点分析黎族与植物资源的关系

    Analysis of relationship between Li Nationality and plant resources on viewpoint of ethnobotany

  9. 竹类与民族植物学:传统知识系统的应用研究

    Bamboo and Ethnobotany : Application of Indigenous Knowledge System

  10. 本文还提供了一些有关藤类的民族植物学资料。

    Some ethnobotanical information on rattan were also provided .

  11. 额济纳野生植物资源的民族植物学研究

    Ethnobotanical Studies on Wild Plant Resources of Ejina

  12. 樱桃及胡桃蛋糕中国李的民族植物学

    Study on the Ecology of Prunus divaricata in China Cherry and Walnut Ring Cake

  13. 呼伦贝尔鄂温克民族植物学的研究

    Ethnobotanical Study of Ewenki Nationality in Hulun Buir

  14. 我国西部开发中的若干民族植物学问题

    Some ethnobotanical issues on West China Development

  15. 中国侗族萨(女神)信仰文化的民族植物学

    The Ethnobiology in " sao " goddess religion and civilization of Dong nationality of China

  16. 非木材林产品的民族植物学研究进展

    Advances of ethnobotany of non-timber forest products

  17. 新疆药用乌头的民族植物学

    Ethnobotany of Aconitum in Xinjiang

  18. 内蒙古库伦旗低山丘陵地区植物区系及其民族植物学研究

    A Study of the Flora of Low Mountain and Hilly Area in Hure Banner and Its Ethnobotany

  19. 蒙古族植物饮食文化是蒙古民族植物学的主要内容,也是蒙古文化的重要组成部分。

    Mongolian plant diet culture is the main content of Mongol-Ethnobotany , it is also the important branch of the Mongolian culture .

  20. 利用生物多样性快速编目、样方调查及民族植物学中民间访谈的方法,考察了三个傣族村寨原住民的植物识别能力。

    We tested the Dai people 's plant identification ability by using Rapid Biodiversity Inventory , quadrat method , and folk interviews .

  21. 民族植物学对于民族地区经济的发展、生物多样性的保护、环境的保持及自然资源的可持续利用发挥越来越重要的作用。

    Ethnobotany has very important roles on economic development , biodiversity conservation , environment preservation and sustainable utilization of natural resources in the minority nationality areas .

  22. 应用民族植物学的方法,对生活在云南西部高黎贡山东坡的勒墨人进行了调查。

    An ethnobotanical investigation and study in the Lemo people 's society was carried out in the eastern slope of the Gaoligong Mountains in western Yunnan , China .

  23. 因此,民族植物学研究在新疆这样一个少数民族地区具有重要的实践意义,将在新疆的经济发展和生态保护中发挥重要的作用。

    Therefore , the ethnobotanical research has important practical significance in multi minorities Xinjiang , and will play an important role on the economic development and ecological conservation .

  24. 本研究内容包括:1根据民族植物学的理论和研究方法调查和收集竹类的形态和分类学特性;

    The main objectives of the present research project are : ( 1 ) to survey and collect the morpho taxonomic characteristics of bamboo resources based on the ethnobotanical theory and research methods ;

  25. 应用民族植物学的理论和研究方法,研究了德宏原住民对竹类资源的传统利用和管理,并就德宏天然竹林资源德保护与可持续利用提出了建议。

    Ethnobotanical theory and methods are applied in this research . Bamboo traditional utilization and management are researched , and some suggestions related to the protection and sustainable utilization of bamboo resources are proposed .

  26. 本文应用民族植物学的方法,研究分析西双版纳傣族竹子传统利用经验,提出了该地区竹子经营存在的问题和改进措施。

    Used the ethnobotanical method , the author have investigated the traditional experience of bamboo utilization , and some problems and their improving measures for bamboo management have also been put forward and discussed .

  27. 额济纳蒙古族与荒漠野生植物资源之间的相互作用而形成的民族植物学知识,包括野生植物的食用、药用、饲用和文化利用知识。

    Ethnobotanical knowledge which results from interrelationship between the Mongolians in Ejina and desert wild plant resources are including the indigenous knowledge on food , medicinal , forage and cultural use of wild plants .

  28. 本文通过民族植物学在药用植物资源开发、民族民间传统知识系统的应用等方面,探讨民族植物学与植物资源开发的关系,期待这一学科在西部大开发中发挥更大的作用。

    The author discuss the closely relationship of ethnobotany and plant resources exploitation based on the utilization of medicinal plant and indigenous knowledge system , and hope that ethnobotany exert strongly roles in Chinese Western Exploitation .

  29. 竹类资源的民族植物学研究,不仅是竹类资源可持续发展的前期要求,而且最重要的是其能利用传统知识系统去建立一个适宜的就地和迁地保护的框架。

    The ethnobotanical study of bamboo resources , is not only a prerequisite for sustainable development of bamboo resources , but also more importantly can be used for providing framework for feasible in situ and ex situ conservation by indigenous knowledge system .

  30. 内容涉及栽培植物的起源和进化、新作物的探索、民族植物学、综合利用方向、多样化原则、植物资源的利用兴衰史及植物园的新任务等。

    It covers the following items : the origin and evolution of cultivated plants , the exploration of new crops , ethnobotany , multiple utilization , diversity of plants , history of the utilized plant resources , and the new purpose of the botanical gardens .