
  • 网络free-riding;free riding;free-rider;free rider;Free-rider problem
  1. 对等网络搭便车行为研究与激励机制的优化

    Research on Free-riding Behavior and Optimization on Incentive Mechanism in P2P Network

  2. 供应链双源渠道中基于信息的搭便车行为

    Information-based Free-riding Behavior in a Dual-channel Supply Chain

  3. 针对P2P网络的搭便车行为及网络资源的同质化现象,提出了一个基于PKI体系和结构化P2P网络的激励机制。

    To solve free rider and homogenization problems in peer-to-peer ( P2P ) network , an incentive mechanism based on public key infrastructure ( PKI ) and constructed P2P network was proposed .

  4. 正如博弈论所预测的,正统芬兰人党(TrueFinns)、斯洛伐克人、欧洲央行(ECB)、债权银行和其他方面的搭便车行为,使得对任何事情达成合理的一致都变得几乎不可能。

    As game theory predicts , free riding by the True Finns , the Slovaks , the European Central Bank , creditor banks and others has made it nearly impossible to reach a sensible agreement on anything .

  5. 知识交易过程存在着交易双方信息不对称的现象,卖方向买方披露信息消除这一信息不对称,会引发买方的搭便车行为。

    An asymmetry of information exists between bargaining parties in knowledge transaction .

  6. 股权同质化,减少搭便车行为;

    Equity should be homogenous and the " free raider " should be avoided ;

  7. 使用与驰名商标相同或近似商标的搭便车行为是对驰名商标的淡化,具有很多危害性。

    The behavior of using the same or a similar mark is like taking an incidental bus .

  8. 各自由贸易区为了防止非成员国的搭便车行为,制定了复杂的原产地规则。

    Every Free Trade Agreement ( FTA ) establishes various ROOs to prevent Non-member countries from free-rider .

  9. 由于分工,企业家团队比单个代理人改善了均衡投入产出,弱化了搭便车行为,这部分的表现为投资的优化。

    The behavior of free riding is lessened , partly represented as the optimization of the investment .

  10. 按照理性选择理论,在公共物品供给中,个体容易出现搭便车行为。

    According to Rational Choice Theory , in the providing of public goods , individuals are inclined to be free-riders .

  11. 驰名商标制度本来可以有效的制止搭便车行为,保护高商誉商标。

    The well-known trademark system could have effectively stopped the act of hitchhike and protected the trademark which has high reputation .

  12. 只有政府、业协会和企业共同努力,规避搭便车行为,才能矫正负数和博弈。

    Authority , industry association and enterprise should make best effort to evade " free ride " action and rectify negative-sum game .

  13. 团队中的搭便车行为是指团队中的个人在团队生产环境中,由于个人理性的存在而导致的一种努力水平下降的偷懒行为。

    The free-rider behaviour in team means the shirking action which is took by the individual in team because of his individual rationality .

  14. 与数据库制作者的巨大投资相比,复制成本极低,极容易导致搭便车行为。如果任由其发展,必然挫伤数据库制作投资者的积极性,不利于数据库产业的发展。

    Compared with enormous investment of database producer , the cost of duplicating is extremely low , so it is apt to cause the " hitchhiking " phenomenon .

  15. 行为的敌友指数效用函数模型,在个体水平上说明了利他、利己、损人和搭便车行为发生的条件和程度,指出它们都是符合经济学规律的。

    The utility function model of friendship index expounds the prerequisite and degree of altruistic , egoistic , harm and ride-free behavior that they conform to economic law .

  16. 在资源宽松信息下个体的效能感最高,但是对亲社会型个体来说,降低了其个人紧迫感,从而鼓励了搭便车行为。

    Individuals ' efficacy is highest in loose information style , but for pro-social oriented people , this situation reduces their sense of emergency and encourages their free-ride behavior .

  17. 本文认为,现代公司中代理成本主要由经理的短期行为、偷懒行为、控制行为、以及股东的搭便车行为所致。

    Agency cost in modern corporations leads mainly from the short-term behavior , the shiftless behavior and the manipulative behavior of executives , and from the hitchhiking behavior of shareholders .

  18. 而能否有效地克服搭便车行为和是否具有高度的合法性权威是我们理解合作困境的直接和深层动因。

    Whether the free riding behavior can be overcome efficiently and whether the highly legitimate authority can be constructed are the direct and deep reasons for us to understand the cooperation dilemma .

  19. 但当特许经营体系持续时间较长时,如果未来收益对受许者来说较重要,则受许者可采用触发策略阻止搭便车行为的发生。

    However , when the franchising system has a long duration , if the future benefits are important to franchisees , the franchisee may adopt the trigging strategies to prevent the free-riding behavior .

  20. 税收竞争的产生源于辖区政府为最大化提供公共物品而引致的收入最大化行为与居民的搭便车行为和理性行为双方的冲突,是辖区政府的一种必然化行为。

    The tax competition is caused by the conflict between the government of the administrative district and its residents , and it is an unavoidable act for the government of the administrative district .

  21. 当前对搭便车行为的研究方法主要可以分为四类:基于虚拟货币、基于互惠、基于信誉和基于博弈论。

    Currently , the main restraining free riding approaches can be divided into four classes : based on virtual currency , based on reciprocity , based on reputation and based on game theory .

  22. 社会资本理论基于信任、互惠规范和公民参与网络的社会资本,可以促进集体行动,规避和约束集体行动中的搭便车行为,从而有效地节约了交易成本,提高了行动效率。

    Social Capital , based on trust , norms of reciprocity and networks of civic engagement , can promote collective action and averts the " hitchhike " to reduce transaction costs and improve action efficiency .

  23. 如果特许经营体系持续时间较短,或者特许经营体系持续时间虽然较长,但未来收益贴现率较小,则为了阻止搭便车行为,可能需要特许者对受许者的搭便车行为进行监督。

    If the franchise system has a short duration , or , the future discount rate is small though the duration is longer , it will be necessary for the franchisor to monitor the franchisees free-riding behavior .

  24. 由于投资者是分散的,为了提高信息生产的效率和避免搭便车行为带来的信息生产不足,要求企业必须强制性地披露合格的内部信息。

    Due to dispersion of investors , firms should be obliged to announce the qualified internal information in order to improve the efficiency of information production and avoid the lack of information production which is caused by free-ride .

  25. 事实上,个体的外部经济性行为引发集体搭便车行为而导致环境问题的发生,因而环境问题带来的是社会代价,是对个体与社会的双重代价。

    In fact , individuals ' external economical behaviors solicit the collectivity 's hitchhiking behaviors , which directly result in environmental problems . So what environmental problems bring is social cost , which is the dual cost of individual and society .

  26. 这说明股权适当集中能够有效解决股东之间的搭便车行为,公司经营目标的单一、决策的有效执行能够提升公司绩效。

    This shows that the proper equity shareholders have an effective solution on the " free rider " of the owners , the single goal of company , the effective implementation of the decision-making can improve the performance of the company .

  27. 对担保机构的激励与约束通过担保费率实现,由于实践中担保费率相对较低,不会触及上限导致担保机构的搭便车行为,担保费率的下限由担保机构及银行调研能力等因素决定。

    The incentive and restriction of the guarantee institutions are realized by the rate of credit guarantee fee , which is relatively low in practice , thus will not touch the upper limit that promotes free-riding behavior of the guarantee institution .

  28. 然后分析初始法律权利界定的短期成本和长期效应,以及流通股股东的搭便车行为、谈判地位的非对称性等对交易成本的影响。

    Furthermore , the paper analyzes the long-term and short-term effects of the initial allocation of the legal rights , the effects of free rider of tradable-share-holders and asymmetry of negotiation position on transaction costs between the tradable-share-holders and the non-tradable-share holders .

  29. 然而广泛存在的搭便车行为会降低对等网络的性能,增加系统的脆弱性;此外,还存在着白洗、女巫攻击、以及共谋等恶意节点行为。

    However , the widespread existence of free-riding actions will reduce the performance of the P2P network , and increase the vulnerability of the system . In addition , there are also malicious node behaviors such as White Washing , Sybil Attack and Collusion .

  30. 由于存在外部性、市场失灵和企业搭便车行为,建立政策支撑体系和市场支撑体系就决定了政府必须在发展新疆主导工业当中扮演政策制定者和执行者的角色。

    Because of externalities , market failure and business free-rider behavior , the establishment of a policy support system and marketing decision support system in the development of the government of Xinjiang to be among the leading industry policy-makers and play a role in the implementation .