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dā pèi
  • collocation;gear;agree with;arrange in pairs or groups;be in close coordination;join as a partner;assort or arrange in pairs or groups
搭配 [dā pèi]
  • (1) [agree with;collocation] [语]∶[在性、数、格、人称上] 与一致,与相配

  • (2) [pair;arrange in pairs or groups;be in close coordination;join as a partner]∶安排使互相配合

  • 小王和小李搭配参加混合双打

搭配[dā pèi]
  1. 层次较高的学生必须意识到词语搭配的重要性。

    Advanced students need to be aware of the importance of collocation .

  2. 英语动词take与名词的搭配

    A Collocation of " Take " with Nouns

  3. 这种深浅的颜色可与很多颜色搭配。

    This shade coordinates with a wide range of other colours .

  4. 这道菜的味道和口感搭配得很奇特。

    This dish has an unusual combination of tastes and textures .

  5. 这房间是把不同的绿色和蓝色搭配起来装饰的。

    The room was decorated in a combination of greens and blues .

  6. 不同的味道搭配在一起,可口极了。

    The different flavours complement each other perfectly .

  7. 他们新的颜色搭配难看极了!

    Their new colour scheme is hideous !

  8. 我们尽量使颜色搭配协调,但最好也就能做到这样了。

    We tried to match the colours , but this is the closest we could get .

  9. 我们必须算出所需人员与现有人员之间的最佳搭配。

    We need to work out the best fit between the staff required and the staff available .

  10. detached与house搭配使用。

    ' Detached ' collocates with ' house ' .

  11. 厨师安东用龙虾和芦笋搭配,制作出了一道口感很好的菜肴。

    Anton the chef concocts a sensual coupling of lobster and asparagus

  12. 精心搭配的室内装饰似乎已不再受欢迎了。

    Interior decoration by careful coordination seems to have had its day .

  13. 你不一定非要让唇膏的颜色同礼服完全搭配。

    You don 't have to match your lipstick exactly to your outfit

  14. 她会教你如何搭配款式和颜色。

    She 'll show you how to co-ordinate pattern and colours

  15. 喝这酒的时候可以搭配浓乳酪或淡乳酪。

    The wine goes with strong and mild cheese alike .

  16. 把鸡肉、辣椒和米饭和在一起、口味辛辣的搭配

    A fiery combination of chicken , chillies and rice .

  17. 这道食谱适合搭配冰激凌。

    This recipe makes a good accompaniment to ice-cream .

  18. 穿件别的吧,这件不搭配。

    Wear something else . This won 't go .

  19. 曲奇就应该搭配高脚杯的天然柠檬汁一起享用。

    Cookies are just the thing to serve with tall glasses of real lemonade .

  20. 把你从“设计公司”新系列中挑选来的餐具和桌布搭配好。

    Mix and match your tableware and textiles from the new Design House collection .

  21. 她着装典雅,搭配着一条双层珍珠项链。

    She was elegantly dressed with a double strand of pearls about her neck .

  22. 这些颜色搭配使用会使你屋子里暖意融融,充满生机。

    Used together these colours will make your interiors glow with warmth and vitality .

  23. 营养搭配均衡的菜谱旨在不必忍受饥饿的前提下帮您每天减掉一磅体重。

    The nutritionally balanced menus are designed to help you lose up to a pound a day without hunger pangs .

  24. 一幅漂亮的褪色仿旧粉色窗帘是房间色彩搭配的基调。

    A pair of pretty , faded pink antique curtains was the starting point for the room 's colour scheme .

  25. “它是不是美极了?”她说道,“真希望我有合适的胸针可以借给你来搭配它。”

    ' Isn 't it divine ? ' she said . ' I wish I had the right sort of brooch to lend you for it . '

  26. 那件很难看的外套搭配什么都不好看。

    Nothing goes with that hideous coat .

  27. 这两个词搭配不当。

    These two words don 't go together .

  28. strongtea与byaccident是英语经常搭配的词组。

    " strong tea " and " by accident " are English collocations .

  29. 颜色搭配得很和谐。

    The colours match quite well .

  30. 例如,坦索罗辛和阿夫唑嗪和其他的降压药物搭配使用,效果一直不错。

    For example , tamsulosin ( flomax ) or alfuzosin-blockers that work well in combination with other anti-hypertensive medications .