
  • 网络Overlapping Length;lap length;LlE
  1. 搭接长度对胶接接头工作应力分布影响的数值分析

    Numerical analysis of the effect of lap length on the stress distribution of adhesively bonded joints

  2. 胶接接头中应力应变分布的具体情况取决于被粘物的几何尺寸、搭接长度以及胶层厚度等因素。

    The stress and strain distributions in the gluing joint are considerably influenced by some factors such as the geometry of the adherend , the lap length and the adhesive thickness etc.

  3. FRP板的搭接长度、试件对中偏位、FRP板与混凝土块的宽度比等因素对粘结强度有显著影响,支座高度变化也有一定影响;

    The bond length , loading offset and FRP-to-concrete width ratio have significant effects on bond strength while the support height also has certain effect ;

  4. 冷轧扭钢筋的锚固和搭接长度的确定

    The Determination of Anchorage and Lapping Length of Cold rolling Reinforced Ben

  5. 连续檩条设计中的搭接长度分析

    Analysis of lap length in design of continuous span purlin

  6. 搭接长度对玻璃钢复合材料拉伸强度的影响

    Effect of Rejoin Length on Tensile Strength of GFRP Composites

  7. 为研究这种接头的抗剪强度设计方法,对钢筋型接头采取了不同的含钢率、剪跨、搭接长度;

    Our purpose is to study how to carry out the design of its shear strength .

  8. 焊接钢筋网在混凝土板中的粘结和搭接长度

    Bond and Life Bond strength and splice zone of welded wire fabric in reinforced concrete slabs

  9. 环氧树脂涂层钢筋搭接长度及梁受弯性能试验研究

    Research of Splice Length of Epoxy Resin Coated Steel Bars and Bending Test of R.C. Beams

  10. 试验结果表明,梁的开裂荷载与植筋搭接长度关系不大,梁极限荷载在一定范围内与植筋搭接长度有关。

    Experimental results show that , there are little differences in cracking loads of tested beams .

  11. 试验表明,在配置螺旋箍筋约束的情况下,可有效地降低钢筋的搭接长度。

    Test indicate that on deploying spiral hoop restrain occasions , it could effectively reduce lap length .

  12. 因此,请用户按接头的搭接长度,确定硫化机的台数。

    Therefore , the user presses the length of lap joints to determine the number of curing machine units .

  13. 如果所得测量值与“竣工”图不一致,那么必须重新调整高度及搭接长度。

    If measurement differ from " as-built " drawings it will be necessary to re-adjust the height and stagger .

  14. 混凝土配筋砌体结构结合带中钢筋的锚固与搭接长度的试验研究

    Experiment and Research on the Bar Anchorage and Lap Length in the Bond Beam of Reinforced Concrete Block Masonry Structure

  15. 对12根混凝土短柱采用不同粘贴方法和搭接长度进行试验研究。

    Trial research has been made for 12 concrete short pillar through taking different sticking methods and connecting length in this paper .

  16. 不同搭接长度的植筋搭接梁其抗弯刚度差异不大,但其开裂荷载和极限承载力却有较大差异。

    There are little differences in bending stiffness for beams with different bonding anchorage length , while there are obvious differences in cracking load and ultimate load .

  17. 对于承载力试验,搭接长度的范围为截面高度的3~5.625倍。钢与高强混凝土组合梁截面高度的取值研究

    The lapped lengths are changed from 3 to 5.625 times the depth of the Z-section . Study of Section Height for The Concrete-High Strength Steel Combinatorial Beam

  18. 改善尾架与车架的搭接长度,将连接焊缝改为断续焊缝,从而有效地提高了车架的强度。

    Also , improve the overlapped length of the tail frame and the frame and change the welding seam into intermittent seam , therefore the frame strength can be effectively increased .

  19. 证明了搭接长度的安全值,并提出了其建议值,为碳纤维材料在加固技术中的应用提供了经验积累。

    A safe value of the connecting length is proved and the suggestion value is given . It will provide the experience for the application of the reinforcing technique for the carbon fiber material .

  20. 无偏心K形圆钢管搭接节点焊缝长度计算

    Calculation of the Length of Welds at CHS Overlapped K - Joint without Eccentricity

  21. 介绍了对GFRP板采用外部粘结张拉法施加预应力并分析了其基本原理,分析了施加预应力时GFRP板与搭接钢板粘结长度与预应力值之间的关系,并介绍了几种确定初始预应力值的方法。

    In the paper , method and basic principle of applying prestress to GFRP plates are introduced , the relationship between bonding length and prestress is drawn , and several methods of determining prestress value are introduced .

  22. 分析了墙幕搭接的合理长度问题;

    The rational overlap length of wall-curtain was analyzed .

  23. 改变车身缝隙搭接部分的长度和拐角角度并不能保证提高其屏蔽效能,具体变化趋势与频率范围有关。

    Changing neither the length of overlapping gap nor the angle of turning corner can assure the rise in shielding effectiveness , rather the specific changing trend is related to frequency range .

  24. 采用有限元方法分析了铝塑复合管在模拟承载状态下的应力应变行为,研究了中间铝层的直径变化以及搭接接头搭接部分长度的变化对承载行为的影响。

    To adopt finite meta method analyzes stress strain action of Al-plastic compound pipe under Analog load status and studies the influence of load capacity by variation of diameter of medium Al layer and change of joint part length lap joints .

  25. 交叉搭接时,随着搭接长度的增加,屈服强度和屈服伸长率变化不大。

    In the crossed way , the yield strength and yield elongation have no apparent change .

  26. 单搭接接头承载能力与搭接长度关系定量描述

    Numerical Relationship of Tensile Shear Strength and Length of Adhesive Single-Lap joints

  27. 为了研究单搭接接头承载能力与搭接长度的定量关系,对不同搭接长度的单搭接接头进行了有限元分析,得到了单搭接接头承载能力与搭接长度的关系曲线图。

    In order to study the numerical relationship of tensile shear strength and length of adhesive single-lap joints , the finite element analysis of different lengths of adhesive single-lap joints is performed .

  28. 简单搭接的拉伸强度与搭接长度无关,但对屈服强度和断裂伸长率有影响。

    When the composites are lapped in the simple way , the lap joint length has no influence on the tensile strength , but it has influence on the breaking elongation and the yield strength .

  29. 与搭接面积呈线性关系,在搭接面积相同的情况下,可以通过增加搭接宽度减小搭接长度来增大接头强度;

    The strength can be increased with increasing lap width and decreasing lap length in the case of the same lap area .