
  • 网络Stock dividends
  1. 石油公司那时并不需要在提前还清债务、提高股票派息、增加现金持有以及扩大资本支出中间做选择。

    Oil companies didn 't have to choose between paying down debt , raising stock dividends , increasing their cash balances or expanding capital budgets .

  2. 大宗商品不像公司股票那样派息或产生盈利,也不像债券那样承诺支付利息。

    Commodities do not pay dividends or generate earnings like company shares and they do not promise to pay interest like a bond .

  3. 这一成绩来之不易,股票收益、派息和违约等方面传来种种不好的消息,而所有消息都比1月份预期的更糟糕。

    They have done so despite terrible news on earnings , dividends and defaults , which were all worse than expected in January .

  4. 首先分析了上市银行的股票价格和派息对高管薪酬的影响,然后分析了上市银行利润构成和收费项目之间的联系,最后对上市银行高管薪酬的诸多影响因素进行了多元回归分析。

    First , the article analyzed the affect of stock prices and dividends of listed banks on executive compensation . And then analyzed the link between the listed banks profit composition and fees . Finally , the article analyzed many of the factors listed bank executive paid .

  5. 当一家上市公司公布上年度有利润可供分配并预备予以实施时,则该只股票就称为含权股,因为持有该只股票就享有分红派息的权利。

    Appear on the market when the company announces to go up when year has profit to be able to be carried out for allocate and preparing to give , criterion this stock is called contain right , because of hold this stock enjoys the right of dividend distribution .