
tāi wèi
  • fetal position;position of the fetus;foetal circulation
胎位 [tāi wèi]
  • [foetal circulation] 胎儿在子宫里的姿势和位置

胎位[tāi wèi]
  1. 围产儿主要死因顺序为胎位异常,窒息,畸形,早产和病理妊娠等。

    The main causes in sequence were abnormal position of the fetus , asphyxia , monstrum , premature labor , and pathological pregnancy .

  2. 结果65例PPROM中以流产引产史、感染及胎位不正多见。

    Results In 65 cases with PPROM , abortion , infection , and abnormal fetal position were the common causes .

  3. 随着预产期的临近、腹中男宝宝的胎位是头上脚下,菲奥纳•西蒙斯(FionaSimmonds)尝试了自己知道的各种方法——针灸、膝胸卧式运动、在肚子旁边播放音乐——来试图让胎儿翻转过来,让自己可以自然生产。

    With her due date approaching and her unborn son pointed feet first , Fiona Simmonds tried every technique she knew of -- acupuncture , raising her pelvis above her head and playing music near her belly -- to encourage the baby to flip around and allow him be delivered normally .

  4. 胎位异常15例(27.7%)。

    Fifteen cases ( 27.7 % ) had abnormal fetal position .

  5. 其次为产程及胎位异常占27.69%;

    Birth process and fetal position abnormal is 27.69 percent ;

  6. 耳穴贴压法纠正胎位不正的超声评价

    Ultrasound-evaluation of Correcting Malpresentation by Sticking and Press ear acupoint

  7. 子宫破裂的首要原因是胎位性难产,其次为疤痕破裂。

    The first reason for uterine ruptures is fetal dystocia .

  8. 悬灸三阴交治疗胎位不正临床观察灸治痼疾心得霍尔蒙古灸考

    Clinical Observations on Treatment of Fetal Malposition by Suspended Moxibustion over Sanyinjiao

  9. 膝胸卧位校正胎位对脐带异常的影响

    Effect of knee-chest postural version of fetal malpresentation on occurrence of umbilical cord abnormality

  10. 晚期妊娠胎位的变化

    Changes of fetal position during the third trimester

  11. 胎儿心电图的导联、振幅、波形与胎位的关系

    Relations between lead , amplitude , and wave of fetal electrocardiogram and fetal position

  12. 目的观察针刺加灸治疗胎位不正的客观依据。

    Objective To find the objective evidence for correcting fetal malposition by acupuncture and moxibustion .

  13. 不过最后,胎位依然是臀位,她需要进行剖腹产了。

    But in the end , the baby remained breech and she needed a caesarean section .

  14. 结果胎膜早破的主要诱因是引产或流产,胎位不正等造成宫颈功能或宫腔压力改变。

    Results The main cause of PROM was the changes of cervix function and pressure in uterine cavity .

  15. 8463例正常分娩新生儿体重、胎位与孕母年龄的对应分析

    Study on Birth Weight , Fetal Position and the Mother 's Age for 8 463 Babies by Correspondence

  16. 当西蒙斯的胎位没有纠正过来时,她做了剖腹产。

    When Mrs. Simmonds baby failed to move out of the breech position , she scheduled a caesarean .

  17. 结论:臀位矫治时间应适当提前,妊娠28~32周胎位矫正成功率高,是臀位矫正的适当时机。

    Conclusion : The earlier of correcting foetal circulation , the higher success rate of pregnancy 28 ~ 32 weeks .

  18. 我来到一棵空空的大树下,抓住了他的腿,他像一个胎位不正的婴儿似的蠕动出来。

    I reached into a hollow tree and pulled at his leg until he squirmed out like a breached baby .

  19. 他说,胎位不正的双胞胎也需要进行剖腹产,所有的三胞胎都要进行剖腹产。

    A caesarean also is necessary for twins whose heads are not pointed down and anytime there are triplets , he says .

  20. 结论:在骨盆正常的情况下,与活跃期停滞有关的主要因素是较高的新生儿出生体重和胎位异常,潜伏期的长短亦起到重要作用。

    Conclusion : With normal pelvis , the high birth weight , abnormal presentation and prolonged latent phase were factors affecting active phase arrest .

  21. 结果:资料表明致分娩期子宫破裂的顺序为催产素使用不当,疤痕子宫,胎位不正及困难的阴道手术。

    Results : The main causes of uterine rupture were unproper use of oxytocin , scared uterine , misrepresentation and difficult trans vaginal operations .

  22. 在她出生的时候,我帮陪产员一起从外面调整了胎位你帮忙从外部倒转胎头吗

    When my daughter was born , I helped the doula turn the baby from the outside . You assisted in an external cephalic version ?

  23. 不过实际上,孕妇肚子在怀孕期间的形状及高度是取决于孕妇腹肌的紧实度及腹中胎儿的胎位。

    Actually , the shape and height of a woman'belly during pregnancy is determined by her muscle tone and the position the baby is in .

  24. 结论脐带因素、产程及胎位异常、胎盘功能不全是导致新生儿窒息的主要产科因素。

    Conclusion Neonatal asphyxia , birth process and fetal position abnormal , with placenta functional defect together , are the factors mainly lead to neonatal asphyxia .

  25. 以胎儿胎位、脊柱、肝脏、胃泡、降主动脉、卵圆孔膜方向等判别左、右心室。

    Left or right ventricle was distinguished by fetal position , spine , liver , aerogastria , descending aorta or the blood direction of foramen of ovale .

  26. 结果头盆不称、胎位异常、早产流产史、生殖器炎症是胎膜早破主要病因。

    Results Cephalopelvic disproportion , abnormal position of fetus , history of premature birth and abortion , inflammation of reproductive organs were the most factors of PROM .

  27. 高危妊娠的病因构成依人口不同而有别,主要是疤痕子宫、胎位异常、头盆不称、早产、妊高征等等。

    The main symptoms were scar uterus , abnormal fetal position , cephalopelvic disproprotion ( CPD ), premature dilivery and pregnancy induced hypertension syndrome ( PIH ), etc.

  28. 产前诊断及减胎时的定位方法主要为B超定位下根据胎盘位置、胎儿性别、胎位等分辨胎儿。

    The major positioning methods of prenatal diagnosis and fetal reduction were distinguishing the fetus according to the placenta , fetal sex , fetal position and so on .

  29. 围产儿死亡原因依次为早产、胎儿畸形、缺氧综合征、脐带因素、胎位异常、胎盘因素及妊娠并发症。

    The leading causes of perinatal death were premature labor , fetal malformation , hypoxic syndrome , umbilical cord factors , malpresentation , placenta factors and gravid complications ;

  30. 结果新生儿窒息的产科原因中脐带因素、胎位及产程异常为主要原因,分别占35.16%和32.58%;

    [ Results ] Umbilical stalk , fetal position and birth process dysfunction were the main obstetric causes of asphyxia neonatorum , by 35.16 % and 32.58 % respectively ;