
  • 网络glue bead;gel bead;plastic beads
  1. 电压增大,胶珠的直径先减少后增大;

    With voltage increasing , the gel bead diameter descended initially and then rose ;

  2. 今以海藻酸钙胶珠为研究对象,建立了胶珠内部的扩散传质模型,并研究胶珠尺寸或其内部孔隙结构对其扩散系数的影响。

    A model of diffusive mass transfer in the gel bead was established for the study of the relationship between the diameter or the inner pore structure of Ca-Alg MBs and the diffusivity .

  3. 固定化菌种胶珠含菌量为4.59×109个/g。酸马奶酒菌种的固定化研究

    Content the lactic acid bacteria of the immobilized 4.59 × 109 cell / g. Koumiss Mold Mushroom Spawn 's Immobilization Research Forecast

  4. 不同原因造成的骨缺损,其部位和形态差别很大,海藻酸钙微胶珠能够较好的适应不同形态的要求。

    The location and shape of bone defects vary greatly from different causes . However , calcium alginate microbeads can better adapt to the requirements of different shapes .

  5. 通过比较内、外部凝胶化胶珠结构,发现凝胶化过程机理的不同导致了凝胶珠结构的差异。

    Comparing the bead structure by internal gelation and external gelation , respectively , it was also found that it was the mechanism difference of gelation that resulted in different bead structure .

  6. 正交试验结果显示,海藻酸钠溶液的浓度是决定微胶珠机械强度和传质性能的决定因素,其次为氯化钙溶液的浓度,骨粉密度的影响最小。

    The results of orthogonal experiments revealed that the concentration of sodium alginate solution determined the mechanical strength and mass transfer performance of microbeads , followed by the concentration of calcium chloride solution , and the impact of bone power was minimal .

  7. 首先,利用高压静电液滴发生装置制备了海藻酸钙胶珠,考察了海藻酸钠溶液浓度、电压、注射泵推进速度、针头等因素对胶珠制备的影响。

    Firstly , the calcium alginate beads were produced by using high-voltage electrostatic droplet generator , the influences on beads profiles such as concentration of sodium alginate solution , voltage , push speed and pinhead were studied to select the basic parameters to produce microcapsules .