
jiāo juǎn
  • film;roll film;film strip
胶卷 [jiāo juǎn]
  • [roll film] 为摄影机所使用的条状胶片

胶卷[jiāo juǎn]
  1. 今天整理出一部分照片,那时都是用胶卷拍的。

    I picked some pictures today , by roll film then .

  2. 胶卷压簧多工位级进模设计

    Design of multi - step progressive die for compression spring of roll film

  3. 这卷胶卷还有三张没拍。

    There are three exposures left on this roll of film .

  4. 我们应该在旅行前备足胶卷。

    We ought to stock up on film before our trip .

  5. 她在相机里装上新胶卷。

    She put a new film in her camera .

  6. 她在照相机里装了胶卷。

    She loaded the camera with film .

  7. 摄影师们已经拍光了一打胶卷。

    The photographers had already shot a dozen rolls of film .

  8. 那家报纸的一名摄影师正往相机里装胶卷。

    A photographer from the newspaper was loading his camera with film

  9. 她买了一只能装得下那些胶卷筒的旅行包。

    She bought a travel-bag large enough to contain the film canisters .

  10. 他被撞见拼命想要解开几盘缠在一起的胶卷。

    He was found desperately trying to untangle several reels of film .

  11. 装胶卷时要小心,别使胶片扭结。

    Care is needed when loading the roll to prevent twisting or kinking the film

  12. 这种信息很容易转存到缩微胶卷上。

    Such information is easily transferred onto microfilm .

  13. 请向我推荐最合适的彩色胶卷,并告诉我一些注意事项。

    Please advise me on the most suitable colour print film and some dos and don'ts.

  14. 宝丽来胶卷感光性非常强。

    Polaroid film is very sensitive .

  15. 这个胶卷已过了有效期。

    This film has passed its expiry date .

  16. 这卷胶卷,还剩下多少张底片了?

    How many exposures have you got left on this film ?

  17. 昨天我哥哥买了一卷黑白胶卷。

    My brother bought a roll of black and white film yesterday .

  18. 你能代我们冲洗这个胶卷吗?

    Can you develop this film for us ?

  19. 胶卷或感光片应在日食前装入暗盒。

    The films and plates are put in their holders the night before the eclipse .

  20. 胶卷装在胶卷盒里,只需简单地快速装入照相机后面。

    The film comes in a cartridge which simply snaps into the back of the camera .

  21. 胶卷己装好待用

    The film is spooled for use .

  22. BP神经网络模型在彩色胶卷乳剂数据分析中的应用

    Research About Color Film Emulsion Data Analysis Based on BP ANNs Model

  23. 当胶卷完全倒完后,曝光计数器将显示E。

    When the film is completely rewound , the exposure counter displays " E " .

  24. 在大量的Hα边缘耀斑电影胶卷中,为了精炼起见我们选取了15套。

    From a large number of H_a photographs of limb flares , fifteen have been selected for reduction .

  25. 当胶卷拍完时,胶片会自动倒片,这时曝光计数器显示E。

    When the film reaches the end , the film rewinds to completion automatically and the exposure counter displays E.

  26. 总之,数码胶卷(digitalfilm)&闪存(flashmemory),是低利润产品,即使这需要你拥有庞大的工厂来进行生产。

    After all , digital film flash memory was a low margin proposition even if you had the huge fabs needed to produce it .

  27. 胶卷速度和ISO指示灯都将在液晶屏上显示。

    The film speed and the ISO indicator are briefly displayed on the LCD panel .

  28. 您的相机适用DX胶卷的速度范围是从ISO25~5000。

    Your camera accepts DX films with speeds ranging from ISO 25-5000 .

  29. 文中详细介绍了作为图像传感器的彩色胶卷和CCD(CMOS)的特性及其最新进展。

    The characteristics and the recent progresses of color film and CCD ( CMOS ), as image sensor , are detailed in this paper .

  30. 在柯达内部,这一方式被称为“卤化银”(silverhalide)战略,这是以在其胶卷中所使用的化学制剂混合物而命名。

    Inside Kodak , this was known as the " silver halide " strategy & named after the chemical compounds in its film .