
shè yǐnɡ zuò pǐn
  • photographic works;photography products
  1. 人像摄影作品是我国著作权法保护的作品种类之一。但摄影作品上同时存在肖像人的肖像权。

    Portrait photographic works are under the copyright law protections in our country .

  2. 美术、摄影作品;

    Works of fine art and photographic works ;

  3. 维基的摄影作品运用了丰富的艺术手段和技巧。

    Weegee 's photographs are full of artfulness , and artifice .

  4. 这家报纸违反了不出售某些摄影作品的书面协议。

    The newspaper broke a written agreement not to sell certain photographs

  5. 欣赏优秀的高桅横帆船摄影作品是种乐趣。

    A well-executed shot of a tall ship is a joy to behold .

  6. 最大的画廊在中心位置展出了一组名为《我的心愿》的摄影作品。

    The largest gallery contains at its centre a constellation of photographs called My Wishes .

  7. 张先生的摄影作品非常精美。

    Mr Zhang 's photography is exquisite .

  8. 如果弗兰克·赫利的照片是上周拍的,那就相当出色了——毫无疑问是一流的新闻摄影作品。

    Frank Hurley 's pictures would be outstanding ---- undoubtedly first-rate photo-journalism --- if they had been made last week .

  9. 莱茵河六幅系列摄影作品的尺寸各不相同,而这幅莱茵河II是其中最大的一幅。

    Rhein II is the largest of the six photographs , which are produced in various sizes .

  10. 在影片《山雨欲来》(BeforetheRain)中,经历了波黑战难的摄影家呓语着,扔了他的获奖摄影作品。

    In the movie Before the Rain , the photographer who has gone through the difficulties of war in Bosnia-Herzogovina utters nonsense as he throws away the film which won him an award .

  11. 馆内的永久藏品有索尔·勒维特(SolLeWitt)的雕塑,让—米切尔·巴斯奎特(Jean-MichelBasquiat)的油画,南·戈尔丁(NanGoldin)的摄影作品,以及许许多多的其他作品。

    The permanent collection includes sculpture by Sol LeWitt , paintings by Jean-Michel Basquiat , photos by Nan Goldin and much besides .

  12. Gon?alves摄影作品里的很多建筑细节都隐隐显露出当地的历史和文化。

    The architectural details in many of Gon ? alves ' photos provide a glimpse into the history and culture of cities .

  13. 院子里还有一家“司坦妮小姐”(MademoiselleSteinitz),它的库房里琳琅满目,包括珍稀的家具、梦幻的雕塑、当代摄影作品与正装礼服。

    Also in the courtyard , Mademoiselle Steinitz 's industrial warehouse mixes rare furniture , fantastical sculptures , contemporary photography and formal gowns .

  14. 她将自拍悬浮摄影作品上传到个人博客&“YowaYowa摄影女孩日记”后,便迅速走红。

    She became popular after she posted photos of herself levitating on her blog called " Yowa Yowa Camera Woman Diary " .

  15. 信标能检测出参观者是站在沃霍尔(Warhol)的画作前,还是卡蒂尔-布雷松(Cartier-Bresson)的摄影作品前,然后像数码讲解员一样,输出一系列与作品相关的信息,包括音频、视频讲解和评论等。

    The beacons can detect whether they 're standing at a Warhol print or a Cartier-Bresson photograph and , like a digital docent , can beam them a rich feed of information about those works , including audio talks , videos and reviews .

  16. 第六章对典型汽车摄影作品的人性化表现题材进行实际的调查和分析;

    The typical works of car photograph that humanization is nessasary ;

  17. 蔡振峰的新闻摄影作品,获得国际社会认可。

    His photos have gained the nod of the international community .

  18. 该艺术展展示了他拍摄的一部分飞鸟的摄影作品。

    The art exhibition displayed some of his stills of birds flying .

  19. 展出他个人超过300张的旅行摄影作品。

    On display are over 300 photos of his travels .

  20. 主题的好坏决定着摄影作品价值的高低。主题的表达还需要有一定的表现手法。

    The quality of the theme decides the value of the photograph .

  21. 汤姆:你想去看看卡莉的婴儿摄影作品展吗?

    Tom : Would you like to see Carrie 's baby pictures ?

  22. 小张的新闻摄影作品在国际上获了奖。

    Xiao Zhang 's news photos won a prize in an international exhibition .

  23. 问:跟我们讲讲这些摄影作品所属的私人收藏吧。

    Q.Tell us about the private collection from which these photographs are taken .

  24. 体育摄影作品的赏析过程与审美心理初探

    An Analysis on the Appreciation Process and Aesthetic Mentality of Sports Photography Works

  25. 他的摄影作品使女性看起来像是她们自己的完美版本。

    His pictures of women make them look like ideal versions of themselves .

  26. 他后期的一些摄影作品中光暗对比的运用非常妙。

    His use of contrast in some of his later photographs is marvellous .

  27. 大连九人摄影作品联展选登

    The works of photography exhibition of Dalian nine men

  28. 年,她的黑白摄影作品首次在沙特阿拉伯公开展示。

    In Jeddah in1994 she held Saudi Arabia 's first exhibition of black-and-white photography .

  29. 荣荣的摄影作品传达了这些地下行为活动的戏剧性和神秘性。

    Rong Rong 's photographs convey the drama and mystery of these surreptitious performances .

  30. 摄影作品的评审以匿名方式进行。

    All photographs will be reviewed anonymously .