
pù guāng
  • exposure
曝光 [bào guāng]
  • [exposure] 使感光纸或摄影胶片感光

  • [exposure] 摄影感光材料的感光

曝光[pù guāng]
  1. 我这张照片用的曝光时间长。

    I used a long exposure for this one .

  2. 葆拉伸手拿过照相机,估算了一下距离和曝光时间,然后拍了两张照片。

    Paula reached for her camera , guessed distance and exposure , and shot two frames

  3. 审讯在全面曝光的情况下进行。

    The trial took place amid a blaze of publicity .

  4. 这桩丑闻是在五月份曝光的。

    The scandal broke in May .

  5. 俱乐部不想让年轻队员过度曝光,因而很少允许他们接受采访。

    The club is careful not to let the younger players be overexposed , and rarely allows them to be interviewed .

  6. 三脚架也可以让你在晚上长时间曝光。

    A tripod also lets you shoot long exposures at night .

  7. 政府还将曝光业绩最差的航空公司。

    The government will also name and shame the worst performing airlines .

  8. 有5名一流的战斗机飞行员被俘,并被在媒体上曝光。

    Five leading fighter pilots have been captured and paraded before the media .

  9. 她的问题在于她每天都想要在媒体上曝一曝光。

    The trouble with her is she needs her daily fix of publicity .

  10. 袖珍相机所拍的照片往往比较暗,因为存在轻微的曝光不足。

    Photos taken by compact cameras are often dark because they 're slightly underexposed .

  11. 她暗中给爱尔兰共和军提供了大笔资助的事情即将曝光。

    It will come out that she has covertly donated considerable sums to the IRA .

  12. 拍摄背景为湛蓝的天空或者乌黑的暴风云时,可能需要减少曝光量。

    Against a deep blue sky or dark storm-clouds , you may need to reduce the exposure .

  13. 王小丫早期播音形象曝光模样青涩天真!

    Wang Xiao Ya phase broadcasts image exposure appearance is green unsmooth naive !

  14. 这场暗线交易被曝光了。

    The secret dealing is now laid bare .

  15. 为了使大量繁殖的浮游生物的形象得到增强,必须使这一波段的正片记录曝光过量。

    It was necessary to overexpose this positive record in order to enhance the presence of the plankton bloom .

  16. 它们的曝光频率是原来的四倍。

    These were exposed four times as often .

  17. 名气随着岁月流逝而流传,从单纯曝光效应中获得动力。

    The fame passed down the years , gaining momentum from mere exposure as it did so .

  18. 克廷认为:"在单纯曝光效应之下,学者们与公众没有什么不同。

    " Scholars " , Cutting argues , " are no different from the public in the effects of mere exposure .

  19. 《英国美学杂志》上的一项研究表明,曝光效应对所有事物的作用并不相同,并且对名作目录的形成方式得出了不同的结论。

    A study in the British Journal of Aesthetics suggests that the exposure effect doesn 't work the same way on everything , and points to a different conclusion about how canons are formed .

  20. 康奈尔大学教授克廷想知道,在决定哪些绘画作品跻身文化排行榜前列的过程中,一种被称为"单纯曝光效应"的心理机制是否起到了作用。

    Cutting , a professor at Cornell University , wondered if a psychological mechanism known as the " mere-exposure effect " played a role in deciding which paintings rise to the top of the cultural league .

  21. 社会心理学又把曝光效应叫做熟悉定律(familiarityprinciple)。

    In social psychology , this effect is sometimes called the familiarity principle .

  22. 在2019年电影《蜘蛛侠:英雄远征》结尾,蜘蛛侠的秘密身份被曝光,现在看起来彼得·帕克(汤姆·赫兰德饰演)、MJ(赞达亚饰演)和他们所有的亲友都要应对随之而来的后果。

    At the end of 2019 's " Spider-Man : Far From Home , " Spider-Man 's secret identity was revealed to the world , and now it seems Peter Parker ( Tom Holland ) , MJ ( Zendaya ) and all of their closest family and friends are dealing with the consequences of that .

  23. Velcroid指随时与重要领导保持近距离,拍照的时候尤其如此,这样可以增加自己的媒体曝光度。

    Velcroid is a person who remains to an important leader , particularly during photo sessions , to achieve increased media exposure .

  24. 曝光效应这种心理现象指的是人们容易对熟悉的人或事物产生好感。

    The mere-exposure effect is a psychological phenomenon by which people tend to develop a preference for things merely because they are familiar with them .

  25. 儿童肺部CT曝光参数及其辐射剂量的比较分析

    Comparative study of pediatric lung CT scanning parameters and radiation doses

  26. 基于dsp图形发生器曝光算法的研究

    Research on Exposure Algorism of Pattern Generator Based on DSP

  27. 工业X射线机螺旋型曝光曲线表制作与应用

    The charting and application of spiral curve figure of exposure for industrial X-ray radiogram

  28. 介绍了CCD曝光量和电子快门的控制原理;

    The control principles of CCD exposure quantity and electronic shutter are introduced .

  29. 电子束曝光高斯分布束斑的MonteCarlo模拟

    Monte Carlo Simulation of Gauss ? distribution beam spot in Electron Beam Lithography

  30. 多次曝光X射线粉末摄影机

    Multi-exposure X-ray powder camera