
pù qì chí
  • aeration tank
  1. 以ANFIS模型实时预测曝气池溶解氧浓度

    Real-time Forecast of DO Concentration in Aeration Tank Using ANFIS Model

  2. PF曝气池活性污泥及底物浓度的分布规律

    The Concentration Distribution of Activated Sludge and Organic Substance in Plug-flow Aeration Tank

  3. 提高曝气池的pH值在8.5左右的情况下,不经过预曝气,也可以控制已经发生的污泥膨胀。

    In condition of increasing pH of aeration basin at 8.5 or so , sludge bulking can also be controlled without pre-aeration .

  4. 该工艺组合中微生物经常受到的冲击有进水COD、BOD、碱度和曝气池低溶解氧。

    Microbial common strike of the combination process includes inlet COD , BOD , alkalinity , low dissolve oxygen of aeration pond .

  5. 利用错流式水平生物滴滤塔对H2S进行脱臭实验,采用城市生活污水处理厂曝气池污泥进行接种挂膜。

    A horizontal biotrickling filter is applied in the treatment of H2S.Using waste water treatment plant 's sludge to seed .

  6. 选择了4种不同的提取剂,对曝气池活性污泥的腺苷三磷酸(ATP)进行提取,并用荧光素酶法进行了测定。

    ATP in activated sludge of aeration ponds was determinated with luciferin-luciferase mixtures after extraction with four kinds of extractants . METHODS : Using the luciferin-luciferase technique .

  7. 调查分析得知该厂印染废水存在氮、磷缺乏现象,SBR曝气池存在缺氧现象,废水中硫化物含量较高。

    From the investigations , lack of nitrogen and phosphorus , oxygen deficiency in aeration basin of SBR , high concentration of sulfide in the wastewater is found .

  8. 曝气池中污泥的MLSS,SVI及一个运行周期(6h)内的COD,TN,TP。

    The MLSS . SVI in the aeration tank and the COD , TN , TP within a cycle ( 6 h ) .

  9. 为了选择污水微生物气溶胶的现场调查指示菌,本文对曝气池、滴滤池及氧化塘三种类型污水处理厂附近空气中的细菌总数、真菌总数及肠道G(&)杆菌作了定量调查。

    The purpose of this paper is to select an indicator of wastewater microbial aerosol for field investigation , Samples were collected from air near three wastewater treatment plants ( aeration tank , trickling filter , and oxidation pond ) .

  10. 用活性污泥法处理焦化污水,将一年内监测的曝气池山水和入水中酚、氰、氨氮、COD等指标建立数据库,并进行时间序列、正态分布性、自相关和线性回归分析。

    A database was set up to hold the routine monitoring results of phenol , CN , COD , NH3-N concentrations in effluents and influents of the aeration tank of an activated sludge process for coke-chemical wastewater treatment .

  11. 改造原单级合建式曝气池为两级生化流程后,活性污泥的性能不发生变化,对COD、酚、XH3一N的去除率都有明显提高。

    With significantly improved removing rates of COD , phenol and NH_3-N and the activated slurry from two-stage biochemical process revamped from single-stage combined aeration tank , the property of active sludge will not be changed .

  12. 为了探讨剩余污泥减量问题,采用臭氧氧化法处理曝气池回流污泥,考察臭氧氧化污泥减量技术对出水COD、NH3-N和TP的影响。

    To discuss the problem of excess sludge reduction , ozonation was used to treat sludge from aerotank , and influences to COD 、 NH_3-N and TP by excess sludge reduction were studied .

  13. 从含油废水处理曝气池活性污泥中分离到具有絮凝特性的絮凝菌株F2、F6,絮凝率在80%以上。

    The strain F2 、 F6 with high flocculating activity was isolated from activated sludge of oil wastewater treatment system . The flocculation efficiency is more than 80 % .

  14. 针对这种情况,把SBR曝气池活性污泥的培养分为2个阶段,第1阶段使污泥适应此制革废水,并使其对COD有较高的去除率;

    According to this situation , the cultivation of activated sludge in SBR aeration tank is classified into two stages : the first stage , making sludge adapt to leather making wastewater and making it have high removal rate to COD ;

  15. NP的迁出与去除途径包括:初沉池生污泥和二沉池活性污泥的吸附作用,曝气池内的生物降解作用以及随处理出水的排放。

    The NP transference ways and removal routes from wastewater treatment system include the adsorption by the primary sedimentation sludge and the activated sludge of secondary sedimentation tank , the biodegradation in aerated tank , and the discharge with the effluent .

  16. 方法采用氨氧化细菌与亚硝酸氧化细菌富集、分离技术从武汉某啤酒厂曝气池活性污泥中分离得到2株纯培养菌株N1和N2。

    Methods Two pure cultures , N 1 and N 2 , were enriched and isolated based on the procedures for ammonia oxidizer and nitrite oxidizer from activated sludge of a aeration tank in a brewery plant in Wuhan .

  17. 从城市生活污水厂曝气池表面泡沫中分离到1株罕见的泡沫产生菌CU2,该菌为球杆状,通常成对排列,经鉴定为乙酸钙不动杆菌(Acinetobactercalcoaceticus)。

    A rare foaming bacterium CU2 was isolated from the foam surface of aeration basin in sewage treatment plant . It was a G ~ - coccobacillus bacterium , commonly existing in pairs , and it had been identified as Acinetobacter calcoaceticus .

  18. 通过小试模拟完全混合推流式活性污泥曝气池(串联CMAS工艺)处理哈尔滨某制药生产废水,优化实际工程的工艺运行参数,研究各污染物在系统中的去除特性。

    A lab-scale study on completely-mixed activated sludge aeration tank in-series ( CMAS in-series ) treating pharmaceutical wastewater from a Harbin pharmacy plant was conducted to optimize the practical full-scale plant operation parameters and to explore the removal of various pollutants .

  19. 详细介绍了污水处理厂的设计规模、SDAO污水处理工艺、各个单体构筑物的主要设计参数,SDAO工艺采用圆形曝气池,在工艺和结构设计上有所创新。

    It is introduced in detail that the design capacity , SDAO process and the main parameter of each monomer structure . A circular aeration tank is used for SDAO process and there is a creation in the structural design .

  20. 好氧生物选择器工艺中曝气池运行参数的研究

    Study on Operating Parameters of Aeration Tank in Aerobic Selector Process

  21. 优化曝气池工艺参数的生产性研究

    Productive research on the technical parameters of the optimized aeration pool

  22. 悬浮填料对曝气池充氧能力影响的试验研究

    Experimental Studies on the Effects of Suspended Carriers on Oxygenation Rate

  23. 传统推流式曝气池渐减曝气设计

    Designing the Tapered Aeration Process of the Coventional Plug-flow Aeration Tank

  24. 曝气池中曝气器布置方式改进的研究

    A Test for Improvement of Layout of Aerators in Aeration Tank

  25. 活性污泥法曝气池池容的理论推导

    Theoretical Derivation of Aeration Tank Volume in Activated - Sludge Process

  26. 粒子图像测速系统开发及在曝气池流场中应用

    Particle Image Velocimetry System Development and Application in the Aeration Tank

  27. 引起曝气池产生泡沫的球杆菌生理特性研究

    Physiological Characterization of Coccobacillus Bacterium Causing Foam in Aeration Basin

  28. 曝气池混合液污泥浓度确定的理论分析

    The theoretical analysis on sludge concentration identification of mixtures in aeration tank

  29. 推流式与完全混合式曝气池的比较

    The comparing of pusher aeration basin and completely mingled basin

  30. 前处理残余铝对曝气池活性污泥的影响规律研究

    Effects of aluminum from pretreatment on activated sludge system performance