
  • recycling water;water reuse;recycle the water
  1. 缫丝厂循环用水的探讨

    Discussion about the Water Reuse in Reeling Mills

  2. 这座名为市府2号楼(CouncilHouseTwo)的新建筑是市政府的办公楼,它几乎使用了所有可以想象得到的设计特色和技术,以节约能源,循环用水,改善工作环境。

    Called CH2 ( for Council House Two ), this new office building for the city government was built using almost every imaginable design feature and technology that could save energy , recycle water and improve the working environment .

  3. 结合GIS(GeographicInformationsystem)统筹规划给排水网络,实现水资源优化利用&分质供水,低质低用和高质高用;在废水资源化新概念基础上构建循环用水体系。

    Water supply and drainage networks was overall planned and water resources which means low-quality low-use and high-quality high-use ; it was achieved by combining with ( GIS Geographic Information System ) . Water recycling system was builded on the concept of wastewater resources .

  4. 通过对生产性试验装置XSB型造纸机封闭循环用水及造纸纤维回收装置的运行总结及数据分析,提出该装置的简要设计计算方法和设计参数,并就设计中应注意的问题加以阐明。

    Having summarized and analyzed data collected from operating a closed circulation water system with save-all of a productive test paper machina in this paper , the author advances a brief method of designing the system and its design parameters , and clarifies important design considerations .

  5. 封闭循环用水已成为造纸工业的大势所趋。

    System closure has become the trend of the paper industry .

  6. 纸机封闭循环用水工艺方法的选择

    On the Selection of Closed Water System in the Paper Machine Room

  7. 封闭循环用水对纸板机湿部化学和生产能力的影响

    Effects of Closed-loop on the Wet-end Chemistry and Productivity of Paperboard Machines

  8. 造纸循环用水及纤维回收装置工艺研究

    On the Water-circulation System and Fiber-recycling Device for Paper Machine

  9. 新闻纸厂循环用水净化效率的分析

    Clarifying Efficiency of Recycled Process Water in Newsprint Mill

  10. 晋祠灌区循环用水系统的形成和特点

    Formation of Water & Circulating Use System and its Characteristics in Jinci Irrigation District

  11. 其次,养成用后关闭水龙头的习惯,并循环用水。

    Secondly , form the habit of turning off the tap after washing and reuse water .

  12. 锰铁高炉湿法除尘在水渣过滤循环用水工艺中的运行

    Operation of wet dedusting for ferromanganese blast furnace in process of cyclic water for granulated slag filtering

  13. 笔者对气浮法和沉淀法处理煤泥水作循环用水的效果进行了比较。

    An effect comparison between air flotation and sediment method for slime water closed circle use was conducted .

  14. 新兴工业集团在初期投入大量资金兴建净水设施,为循环用水和实现水资源的综合利用提供条件。

    Xinxiong Group invest plenty of money on water treatment facilities , which benefits water resources and circle use .

  15. 因此,减少水的浪费、循环用水和良好的水消耗管理是最好的解决方法。

    So , to avoid waste of water , recycling and a good consumption management are the best solution .

  16. 更别说我们个人要提高节水意识,对循环用水的想法感到更自在。

    Not to mention that we 'd all better get comfortable with the idea of reusing water over and over again .

  17. 此外,创造了回浆法和冷却水系统的半封闭式循环用水等新工艺,大大节约了用水量。

    Morever , new technolo-gies such as slurry-recycling method and semi-closed circuit water circulation for cooling sys-tem were adopted reducing water consumption greatly .

  18. 造纸系统封闭循环用水及纤维回收工艺设计清洁生产与纸机湿部化学系统的适应性&造纸生产水系统封闭与零排放探讨之二


  19. 大气污染物的控制包括除尘、脱硫和脱氮;废水排放控制主要是排放达标和循环用水以达到节约用水的目的。

    The control on the atmospheric pollution covers dust removal , FGD and DeNOx , while the control on waste water is to discharge water according to the standards and re - use of circulating water for the purpose of water saving .

  20. 水在这个体系中的循环是用水循环来描述的。

    The circulation of water through this system is described by the hydrologic cycle .

  21. 随着淡水资源日趋匮乏,开辟海水做工业循环冷却用水已成为海水利用中的一个重要环保课题。

    With the freshwater resource run short of day by day , it becomes an important issue that people use seawater as circulation cooling water in industry for environment protection .

  22. 工厂化流水养鱼的关键技术是循环回用水在处理过程中,不投加任何药剂而能达到鱼类最佳生活环境的水质要求。

    The key technique in project of factory running water to raise fish is to achieve best water condition for fishes without increasing any medicament in the course of recycling water .

  23. 对福建南纸通过净化、冷却等措施,循环使用生产用水以降低水耗的实践经验进行了总结。

    The paper described the experience of reducing water consumption by filtrating and cooling process in an integrated paper mill in Nanping .

  24. 工业水的循环利用可以节约用水,并且提高经济效益。

    Circulating utilization of industrial water will save water and improve economic efficiency .

  25. 第三,应用水夹点技术对焦化用水和循环水场的用水进行了详尽分析,同时确定了水回用流程,并进行了实施改造。

    Thirdly , the paper analyzes the coked water in details by applying the water pinch technology , meanwhile , it concludes the process of water recycling .