
xún huán lùn
  • Cycle theory;theory of cycle
  1. 老子的循环论是正确理论

    Laozi 's Theory of Cycle is Rational

  2. 关于W.M.Davis地理循环论的数学分析和论证

    A Mathematical Demonstration on the Cycle of Erosion of W.M.Davis

  3. 司马迁研究历史的方法是循环论。

    Sima followed a circulatory methodology in his historical studies .

  4. 自组织超循环论及其对循环经济系统建设的启示

    Self-Organization Hypercycle Theory and Its Inspiration on Construction of Circular Economy System

  5. 超循环论对生命复杂性与有序性的揭密

    Revealing the Secrets of the Complexity and Order of Life by Hypercycle Theory

  6. 这也是造成其历史循环论的根本原因。

    This is also the fundamental reason for his cyclical theory of history .

  7. 于是,这又是一个超循环论模型。

    So it is the model of the hypercycle .

  8. 变电所抗扰度措施军费运行循环论

    Discussion on the measures of anti-interference in substation

  9. 混合车流合流运行模式研究军费运行循环论

    On Confluence Movement Modes of Mixed Traffic Flow

  10. 因此,海德格尔提出了以艺术作品、艺术家、艺术而构成的艺术循环论。

    Therefore , Heidegger makes works of art , artists , art as an art circle .

  11. 由于受历史循环论的影响较深,他把历史循环论套到文学的发展过程上,形成一种文化循环论,其间不免有机械化的弊病。

    Heavily influenced by historicism , he applies it mechanically to the development course of literature .

  12. 循环论时间观、进化论时间观和后现代主义时间观影响了小说的深层结构和文化精神。

    The time view of circle , evolutionism and post-modernism affects its deep structure and cultural spirit .

  13. 理念·原欲·存在&女性叙事的循环论

    Cycle Theory of Female Narrative

  14. 反馈循环论&自组织研究的新思路

    Theory of Feedback Cycle

  15. 接着采用戴明循环论对软件开发人员质量缺陷持续改进过程进行了研究。

    Third , I studied the continuous quality defect improvement process of the software developer by applying Deming cycle theory .

  16. 而历史氛围的轮回性,审美取向的循环论,结构形态的进化论又是其重要的艺术手段。

    The important art means have been the samsara of historical atmosphere , the circulation of tasting tropism , the evolution of configuration forms .

  17. 时间在人的意识里的存在方式同之前的线性时间观或者循环论的观念有了根本的不同,而作家们征用了这些解构时间的策略,占领了时间的意义空白处,作足了文章。

    The existence of time in people 's thinking has been totally different , and the writers make use of them and make sense of the stories .

  18. 最后从系统循环论、技术方法、体系化三个角度对如何完善我国信息咨询法规建设提出相应的设想和建议。

    Finally , from three views of systematic and cyclic theory , technologic methods and systematism , the paper gives some proposals on the perfecting of Chinese information consultation law .

  19. 第二部分说明,作为达尔文进化论的核心原理的自然选择,其奥秘在于超循环论中的选择价值概念与选择进化方程;

    In Patr two , it shows that the selection-evolution equation and the selective worth function in hyper-cycles theory can account for the intrinsic mechanism of natural selection in theoty of Darwin .

  20. 历史循环论和相对主义对历史决定论和机械进步论的解构,最终走向了虚无主义的深渊;

    The deconstruction of the theory of historical circulation and relativism for the theory of decision of history and the theory of progress of machine have gone to the nihilistic abysm at last ;

  21. 每当票房收入遇到挫折,好莱坞就会把循环论这一套拿出来说——明年会是我们最好的一年。

    Whenever ticket sales take a tumble , Hollywood pulls the assertion of cyclicality out of its hip pocket : Just wait until next year - next year will be our best ever .

  22. 进化论对中国的正面影响体现在进化论振奋了中华民族的精神,摧毁了天不变,道亦不变的教条以及打破了历史循环论的怪圈这三个方面;

    Its positive influences are : it roused the spirit of the Chinese nation , it destroyed the doctrine of " Nature dose not change , nor dose Tao ", and it broke the cycle of the cyclical theory .

  23. 正因如此,他的历史观还保有了浓厚的循环论色彩,这种循环论将他的发展和进化论观念窒息住了,以至于他的发展和进化论并没有给后人留下鲜明的印象。

    Because of this , his historical view still contains rich cycle theory , and which suffocates his development and his evolution concept , which is also the reason why his development and evolution theory does not leave clear impression for later generations .

  24. 儒家是一种历史退化观,墨家是功利主义驱动下的法先王,道家是一种复古、历史虚无主义,而阴阳家则是一种历史循环论。

    Confucian view of history is a kind of degradation , mohism is utilitarianism under the drive of " king ", Taoism is a kind of " retro " and " historical nihilism ", while the yin-yang school is a kind of " historicism " .

  25. 时间观念的发展史上,大致可分为三种时间观念形态,即循环论时间观念、线性时间观念和现代以来出现的以时间空间化为主导的多样化时间观念。

    In the history of development of concepts about time , there are approximately three kinds of concepts about time : the concept of circulating time 、 linear time and diversified time which appeared since the modern time regarding the spatial time as the dominant factor .

  26. 循环经济论循环经济理念下水资源定价研究

    The study on water resource value definition base on circular economy theory

  27. 技术引进、创新和扩散的双向循环&论我国的技术与市场联动策略

    The Bi - directional Circulation of the Import , Innovation and Spread of Technology

  28. 资源循环利用论

    Theory of Recycling Utilization for Resources

  29. 在分析当前室内装饰行业发展和管理中存在问题的基础上,根据循环经济论、可持续发展理论、系统工程学的原理,创建了住宅装饰装修工程优化控制系统技术体系。

    It analyses the existing problems of development and management in the field of indoor decoration and formulates the technical system about the optimum control system for construction of indoor decoration of housings on the basis of recycle economical theory and sustainable theory and the principle of systematical engineer .

  30. 第三节讲述循环的怀疑论。

    The third section tells his skepticism of the historical circulation .