
  • 网络cell origin;origin of cells;B-CLL
  1. MFH的细胞起源目前仍有争议。

    The cell origin of MFH remains controversial .

  2. 结果:老年人胃的粘膜相关淋巴组织淋巴瘤均为单克隆B细胞起源,68.42%与幽门螺杆菌感染有关,与同期淋巴结内的非霍奇金淋巴瘤比较预后较好,差异有显著性(P<0.01)。

    Results Gastric MALT lymphoma in old patients was monoclonal B cell origin and 68 42 % of them related to the infection of Hp . The biological behaviour in gastric MALT lymphoma was significantly better than that in lymph nodes at same stage .

  3. MRI评分在星形细胞起源肿瘤诊断中的应用

    Application of MRI score in diagnosis of astrocytic tumors

  4. 单纯表达CD(38)抗原难分类急性白血病细胞起源的研究

    Study on Cellular Origin of Unclassified Leukemia Only ExpressedCD_ ( 38 ) Antigen

  5. 但是关于Wnt信号途径在中胚层间充质细胞起源的骨肉瘤发生中的作用尚不清楚。

    However , its role in the mesenchymal cells derived tumor osteosarcoma remains unclear .

  6. 胰腺癌细胞起源和演进的新实验证据

    Novel evidences of cell origin and progression in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma

  7. 草莓花药培养再生植株的细胞起源

    Source Cells of Regenerating Plants in Strawberry Anther Culture

  8. 免疫组化双标记在经典型霍奇金淋巴瘤细胞起源研究中的应用

    The application of double-staining technique in the origination study of classical Hodgkin lymphoma

  9. 结论卵圆细胞起源于汇管区的胆管上皮;

    Conclusions The oval cells originate from bile duct of the periportal regions .

  10. 胚胎干细胞起源与本质的探讨

    The Origin and Nature of Embryonic Stem Cells

  11. 但是肿瘤细胞起源于我们本身的细胞。

    But cancer comes from our own cells .

  12. 观察细胞起源与分化。

    C. to observe cellular origin and differenciation ;

  13. 肥大细胞起源的研究

    A Study On the Origin of Mast Cells

  14. 肿瘤干细胞起源于成体干细胞。

    TSC are derived from adult stem cells .

  15. 简要介绍了细胞起源及细胞生物学的发展过程。

    This paper briefly introduces the origin of cell and the developing course of cytobiology .

  16. 众所周知在恶性肿瘤中,肿瘤细胞起源于同一克隆。

    As we know , in malignant tumor , all tumor cells originate from the monoclone .

  17. 脑原发肿瘤一般都被认为是胶质细胞起源的。

    The most common primary tumors of the human brain are thought to be of glial cell origin .

  18. 胰腺癌早期诊断非常困难,治疗效果及预后极差,根本原因在于目前对其细胞起源、发生和发展等机制尚不清楚。

    Early diagnosis of pancreatic cancer is very difficult , simply because the mechanisms of its occurrence and development are not clear .

  19. 在中枢神经系统各种组织学类型的肿瘤中,星形胶质细胞起源的恶性胶质瘤具有迅速增殖、高度血管生成和高度侵袭性的特点。

    Among various histological types of CNS cancer , malignant glioma from astrocytic origin is characterized by their rapid proliferation , high neovascularization and great invasiveness .

  20. 这需要我们应用组织工程学技术,从细胞起源水平上进行试验研究。

    In order to unveil the relation between age and fracture healing at the level of cell origin we perform this study using tissue engineering technique .

  21. 目的:软组织恶性肿瘤(肉瘤)系一组间叶细胞起源、具有不同临床病理特征和生物学行为,罕见的异质性实体瘤。

    Objective : Surgical tissue tumor ( sarcoma ) is a mesenchymal cell origin , with different clinicopathological features and biological behavior of the rare solid tumor heterogeneity .

  22. 模式动物中的深入研究正在逐步揭示生殖细胞起源和发育的分子机制。同时,功能保守基因的发现也为大量非模式动物的生殖细胞研究提供了契机。

    The outstanding studies in model animals are revealing the molecular mechanisms of germ cell origin and development , in which some functionally conserved genes through evolution have been discovered .

  23. 肌源干细胞起源于胚胎血管祖细胞,在适当的微环境中,可分化为血细胞、成骨细胞、神经细胞等不同胚层的组织细胞。

    More recent evidence supports the existence of muscle-derived stem cells able to differentiate into other mesodermal cells types such as hematopoietic , osteogenic and neurone in response to environmental stimuli .

  24. 对其再生植株的过程进行细胞学观察后认为铁皮石斛的类原球茎是单细胞起源的真正的体细胞胚。

    With histological observation on these processes suggests protocorm like bodies ( PLBs ) of Dendrobium officinale Kimura et Migo can be considered a ture somatic embryos that origin from a single-cell .

  25. 目的研究拓扑异构酶-Ⅱα(topoisomerase-Ⅱα,Topo-Ⅱα)在星形细胞起源肿瘤中的表达与病理分级的关系,并探讨Topo-Ⅱα对判断此类肿瘤患者预后的价值。

    Objective To study the relationship between topoisomerase - ⅱ alpha ( Topo - ⅱ α) expression and pathological grades of astrocytic tumors , and approach the value of Topo - ⅱ α in evaluation the prognosis of astrocytic tumors .

  26. 破骨细胞起源于骨髓的多潜能干细胞,破骨细胞的数量和功能决定了关节破坏与骨丢失的严重程度,而炎症本身并不介导关节破坏和骨丢失。

    Osteoclasts are derived from pluripotent stem cells in bone marrow and spleen . They play a critical role in inflammation-induced bone loss and joint destruction because in the absence of them , bone de - struction does not occur even when inflammation exists .

  27. 本文观察结果支持食管小细胞癌起源于全能干细胞(totipotentprimitivecell)的观点。

    The results support the hypothesis that small cell carcinoma of the esophagus may derive from the totipotent primitive cell .

  28. 方法:利用检测X染色体灭活相关的雄性激素受体基因的卫星标记多态性的方法对40例宫颈湿疣或宫颈非典型增生的标本进行细胞克隆起源分析。

    Methods : Forty cases of cervical exophytic condyloma , flat condyloma or dysplasia were studied by analysis of X chromosome inactivation related microsatellite polymorphism of androgen receptor gene .

  29. 结论:报道新发现的一组伴t(8;21)(q22;q22)易位的BAL,提示此类患者的白血病细胞克隆起源可能较早。

    It suggests that the leukemia colony with t ( 8 ; 21 )( q22 ; q22 ) might originate from early phase of hematopoiesis .

  30. 关于造血细胞的起源是胚胎造血发育研究的难点。

    The origin of hematopoietic cells is undefined in embryonic development .