
shè yǐnɡ xué
  • photography
摄影学 [shè yǐng xué]
  • [photography] 由于光线或其他辐射能的作用,在感光表面上直接或间接地产生负像或正像的技术或过程

  1. (摄影学)黑白之间有鲜明的区别。

    ( photography ) having sharp differences between black and white .

  2. (摄影学)色调之间缺少对比度或者阴影。

    ( photography ) lacking contrast or shading between tones .

  3. 她组织关于摄影学历史的学术会议。

    She organises academic conferences about history of photography .

  4. 独白:听下面一段学生和摄影学教授的对话

    Narrator : Listen to a conversation between a student and her Photography Professor .

  5. 她撰写过无数学术文章,并引发公众对希腊的摄影学历史的关注。

    She has written numerous academic essays , and she has made publications concerning history of Greek photography .

  6. 此书单的书籍与论文仅能提供你窥探偌大的摄影学文献中以及地方景观一瞥而已。

    This list of books and essays provides a mere glimpse into an enormous literature on photography and the landscape of place .

  7. 有的时候,我希望摄影学只是那些艺术家追求艺术的领域,而不是常常用来复制(别人)艺术作品的工具。

    I sometimes wish that photography were solely the domain of artists who photograph rather than a tool so commonly used for the reproduction of artworks .

  8. 纽约大学摄影学教授近日正打算给自己的后脑勺安装一个摄像头,那么学生们在传纸条、打哈欠时可得小心又小心了。

    While New York University professor of photography plans for the camera to be attached to the back of his head , maybe it 's time for students to beware when passing notes or yawning in class .

  9. 由于椭圆偏振测量术测量精度高,具有非破坏性和非扰动性,该方法被广泛应用于物理学、化学、材料学、摄影学,生物学以及生物工程等领域。

    The method is widely used in many fields such as Physics , chemistry , materials and photographic science , biology , as well as biomedical engineering because of its essentially nondestructive character and remarkable sensitivity to minute interfacial effects .

  10. 《摄影测量学》课程CAI课件设计的探索与实践

    Research and practice of courseware design for the curriculum of photogrammetry

  11. 近年随着数字摄影测量学及相关技术发展,作为4D产品的重要组成部分,DEM和DOM日益成为人们关注的重点。

    Both the DEM and DOM have become the important parts of mapping products along with the digital photogrammetry development .

  12. PnP问题是计算机视觉、摄影测量学乃至数学领域的一个经典问题。

    The P n P problem is a classical problem in computer vision , photogrammetry , and even in mathematics .

  13. 从定位技术、空三、DOM制作、影像匹配、自动变换检测等方面,简要论述了当代数字摄影测量学的发展及其应用。

    This paper introduces briefly the development and application of the current digital photogrammetry from the aspect of positioning tech , aerial triangulation , DOM making ; image matching , auto converter detection and so on .

  14. 整个校正过程有两个难点:1如何充分利用各个POS/DG参数准确计算像元地面实际坐标,这涉及到航空摄影测量学的知识;

    There are tow problems in the procession of geometric correction : 1 how to compute out each pixel 's coordinates by POS / DG parameters precisely ; This is in the field of airborne photogrammetry .

  15. 自动建立大型、高分辨率的图像Mosaics技术一直是摄影测量学、计算机视觉、图像处理和计算机图形学的活跃研究领域。

    The automatic construction of large , high-resolution image mosaics is an active area of research in the fields of photogrammetry , computer vision , image processing , and computer graphics .

  16. 本文提出一个新学科航天摄影测量学。

    This paper proposes a new branch of learning-area-space photogrammetry .

  17. 最后给出了摄影测量学课件设计和制作的具体实例。

    Finally it offers some instances of courseware of photogrammetry .

  18. 在非控制环境中应用天气图象的陆地摄影测量学。

    Terrestrial Photogrammetry of weather images acquired in uncontrolled circumstances .

  19. 利用局部摄影测量学和约束参数的方法解决了这个问题,实现了用随意图像对模型进行纹理映射。

    Local Photogrammetry and constrained parameters solve this problem that texture mapping of causal image .

  20. 数字航空摄影测量学方法在活动构造中的应用

    Application of Digital Aerophotogrammetry in Active Tectonics

  21. 摄影测量学主要是用来解释航空照片上的可见要素。

    The use of photogrammetry lies principally in interpretation of features visible on the air photograph .

  22. 这种定标技术既具有摄影测量学定标算法的精确性、简单性又具有自定标算法的灵活性。

    It has both the accuracy , simplicity of photogrammetric calibration and the flexibility of self-calibration .

  23. 新时期测绘工程专业《摄影测量学》课程教学改革实践

    Reform and practice of photogrammetry course system for surveying and mapping engineering major in new period

  24. 三镜头航空摄影测量学授直径航空象片量测法

    Crown diameter measurement in aerial photo

  25. 航天摄影测量学的崛起

    Arising of the space Photogrammetry

  26. 课程设计为提供建筑型地景摄影之学理认识与实务应用。

    This course is designed for students to understand the principle and technique of architectural landscape photography .

  27. 三镜头航空摄影测量学

    Trimetrogon photogrammetry precision aerial camera

  28. 空间后方交会是摄影测量学的基本内容,其解算的理论基础是共线条件方程及其线性化。

    Space resection is a fundamental element in photogrammetry which is based on the collinearity equations and linearization .

  29. 摄影测量学中传统的绝对定向一般是迭代算法,需要比较准确的迭代初值。

    The algorithm for traditional absolute orientation is an iterative algorithm which needs relatively accurate iterative initial value .

  30. 介绍了运用摄影测量学对导弹末段弹道上的飞行姿态进行测量试验的方法。

    This paper introduces the methods of flying attitude is measured for test with photogrammetry on the trajectory of missile terminal .