
néng shì
  • capable;able;what one is particularly good at
能事 [néng shì]
  • (1) [what one is particularly good at ]∶原指能做到的事,后指擅长的本事

  • 极尽挑拨离间之能事

  • 不至白露为霜而能事不已。--明. 李渔《闲情偶寄.种植部》

  • (2) [able;capable] [近]∶能干

  • 此人果真能事

能事[néng shì]
  1. 那只不过是以令人作呕的溜须拍马为能事的新闻报道。

    Nauseatingly fawning journalism that 's all it is .

  2. 他们全力投入到这部闹剧中去,极尽搞怪之能事。

    Thrusting themselves into the spirit of the farce , they ham it up like mad .

  3. 他对他前妻竭尽诽谤之能事。

    He defamed his ex-wife by every possible means .

  4. 不久,这家公司将成立香港分店,分店将拥有全球最大的coach门面,内部装修也极尽奢华之能事,地面采用意大利白色大理石。

    The company will soon inaugurate a Hong Kong store with the biggest coach fa ? Ade worldwide and a lavish interior adorned with white Italian marble floors .

  5. 苏格兰皇家银行(RBS)名誉扫地的前首席执行官弗雷德•古德温(FredGoodwin)因被戏称为“早晨打击”的会议而声名远扬——他在会上对下属极尽批评和嘲讽之能事。

    Fred Goodwin , disgraced former chief executive of Royal Bank of Scotland , was notorious for what were nicknamed " morning beatings , " where he focused rage and ridicule on his lieutenants .

  6. 我还要说,接下来,就好像过万圣节一般,日本央行行长白川方明会戴上本•伯南克的面具,并竭尽模仿之能事,推行量化宽松(QE)政策。

    I was going to say that what comes next is that Japanese Central Bank chief Masaaki Shirakawa will put on his Ben Bernanke mask , as if it were Halloween , and do his best " QE " ( quantitative easing ) imitation .

  7. 指责他们欺诈、贪婪以及竭尽歪曲之能事。

    Accusing them of fraud , avarice , and downright misrepresentation .

  8. 流行杂志总是对他的外表极尽夸奖之能事。

    Popular magazines are always gushing about his books .

  9. 他这栋房子极尽奢华之能事。

    His house was equipped with every luxury imaginable .

  10. 虽然对时代华纳中心的房产极尽保密之能事,阿加瓦尔对自己的富有倒毫不隐瞒。

    For all the secrecy at Time Warner , Mr. Agarwal is hardly private about his wealth .

  11. 当一个人极尽勤奋之能事的时候,他会达到一个怎样的高度?

    What a high lever can a man reach when he try his best to be diligent ?

  12. 极尽反讽之能事,就爱尔兰人口过剩问题,向英国女王建议“温和的”解决方法。

    It is proposed to solve the overpopulation problem of Ireland , which is full of irony .

  13. 他对她极尽百依百顺之能事;诚惶诚恐地站起来为她开门,关门。

    He treated her with exceeding deference , rose reverently to open and shut doors for her .

  14. 设计这样一个用铁和木制成的家伙显然极尽羞辱之能事。

    The very ideal of ignominy was embodied and made manifest in this contrivance of wood and iron .

  15. 记者们素有夸张之能事,但这一次也对记录政治的生猛感到力不从心了。

    Journalists , often guilty of hyperbole , have struggled for once to capture the rawness of the politics .

  16. 和男人们在一起他可以相当真诚和理智,但当他要讨小姐们欢心时他会极尽谄媚之能事

    With men he can Be rational and unaffected , But when he has ladies to please , every feature works

  17. 据我看来,英国现代化上流社会被自命为有文化,但毫无廉耻的人们尽其能事弄到了最腐朽的地步。

    Modern English polite society seems to me as corrupt as oonsciousness of culture and absence of honesty can make it .

  18. 敌人极尽残暴之能事,其目的则在于“毁灭抗战生存力”。

    The enemy has perpetuated all kinds of atrocities to " destroy the life blood of the war of resistance " .

  19. 校园里,课堂上,不少教师批评学生尽其使用侮辱言词之能事,严重伤害学生自尊,将正常的师生关系破坏至极。

    In classes , quite a lot of teachers criticize students by using insulting words which seriously hurt students and ruin normal teacher-student relationship .

  20. 太平天国历法(天历)的颁布,为中外所关注,清王朝对此竭尽咒骂、诋毁之能事。

    The calendar by the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom issued the calendar was cursed by the Qing Dynasty and was paid attention to by people globally .

  21. 画中的姿势和布置十分清楚,人们对一幅阐明事理的图画所可期待的能事已尽。

    It is as clear in its gestures and arrangement as one might expect from a picture which also aims at driving home a lesson .

  22. 人生的第一项任务是耍尽玩弄技巧之能事;至于第二项任务是什么,则迄未有人发现。

    The first duty in life is to be as artificial as possible ; What the second duty is , no one has yet discovered .

  23. 罗贯中尽艺术表现之能事,在《三国演义》中全力塑造了众多不同类型的典型形象,并由此生动地展示了中华民族的悲剧历程。

    Luo Guanzhong shows his outstanding artistic talent in creating various typical characters in The Romance of the Three Kingdoms ' and vividly exhibits Chinese tragic development .

  24. 若你感到即使今生毫无报酬也能事奉上帝,你将在未来的无限奖赏中欢乐。

    When you feel that as regards the present you do serve God for nought , you will then rejoice in the infinite reward of the future .

  25. 如果庄园里的晚会最后以打牌结束,那么他就会竭尽作弊之能事,宁肯牺牲自己和其他人也要给她凑一手好牌。

    If their evenings at the park were concluded with cards , he cheated himself and all the rest of the party to get her a good hand .

  26. 这些人目光短浅,毫无远见,以劫财、奢侈、暴虐为能事,导致整个社会心态、价值观的扭曲与道德的沦丧。

    They were short-sighted but good at robbery , luxury and cruelty , leading to the deviation of the people 's mind and values and loss of the morality .

  27. 从科学发现里面得出确凿的结论的热情促使人们弃绝猜疑之能事或者使得猜疑之能更加具有权威感。

    The zeal to draw firm conclusions from the results of scientific research frequently prompts speculative matters to be left out or presented with greater authority than they deserve .

  28. 尤其是近代博山陶瓷更是以讲究实用、注重装饰为宗旨,极尽陶瓷装饰之能事。

    Especially in modern Boshan ceramics is to " pay attention to practical , pay attention to the decoration " for the purpose , as the ceramic decoration feature .

  29. 在众多的女性形象中,却有作者极尽丑化之能事数落其罪行并予以惩戒的一类,那便是妒妇。

    But in the numerous female images , there are some that the author hated , vilified-that is the jealous women-They always disclose their crimes and want to punish them .

  30. 而许多餐厅老板的失策令上述经济问题更加复杂化他们在布置餐厅内部时极尽铺张之能事,以期迎合顾客,并影响美食评论家。

    These economic problems were compounded by the mistake made by many owners in fitting out their interiors as lavishly as possible in an effort to win customers and influence critics .