
  • 网络energy recovery;ERV
  1. 并联式HEV制动能量回收控制策略的仿真研究

    Simulation and Study on Control Strategy for Brake Energy Recovery of Parallel Type HEV

  2. 分析了在FCCU烟气能量回收机组的控制系统的设计中,采用不同算法来实现互不相同的使用要求。

    Abstract The paper elucidates how , in the course of designing control systems of FCCU flue gas energy recovery sets , different calculation methods may be used for meeting various application requirements .

  3. 基于PWM开关控制的能量回收式压电陶瓷驱动电源的研究

    The Research of Switching PZT Amplifier with Energy-recovery Based on PWM

  4. 系统采用主从式结构设计方法,运用DSP作为主控制器,单片机作为分控制器,实现了对锂离子电池化成检测过程的单点独立控制、能量回收、实时管理监控等功能。

    It is used for monitoring and controlling the timely process of Li-Ion battery formation and testing .

  5. FCC烟气能量回收系统的现状与设想

    Status quo and ideas of FCC flue gas energy recovering system

  6. 针对具体车型,利用Matlab对CPS能量回收系统中变量泵/马达,蓄能器,飞轮影响汽车性能指标的参数进行仿真计算。

    Simulation on parameters of pump / motor , accumulation and flywheel with Matlab .

  7. 液压混合动力汽车(HydraulicHybridVehicle)具有能量回收、实现节能减排与环境保护等技术优势,是近年来科技界讨论的热点话题和关注焦点。

    It is a hot topic and focus in scientific community that hydraulic hybrid vehicle has advantages of energy-recovery and emission-reduction as well as environment-protection and so on recently .

  8. 车辆在中等车速、较小制动强度和中等SOC时能量回收率最高。

    When the vehicle brakes with medium speed , smaller braking strength and medium SOC , the recovery efficiency is highest . 4 .

  9. 文中讨论了石油化工企业中的FCC能量回收机组的建模与仿真问题。

    We deal with the modelling and simulating of FCC power recovery system in petrochemical plant , especially with the main attention to the algorithm of simulation and its applications .

  10. 为了充分利用再生制动的功能,分析了纯电动汽车再生制动的工作原理,研究了能量回收的控制策略,利用Matlab仿真验证了理论研究的正确性。

    Moreover , in order to make the regenerative braking more effective , the principle of regenerative braking for PEV is analyzed , the control strategy for energy recycling is studied and simulated in Matlab . 3 .

  11. 提出通过对液压马达转速进行PID控制,使马达输出转速能够恒定在发电机高效区内,从而提高整个系统能量回收的效率。

    A method of using PID controller to control the displacement of hydraulic motor is proposed . By PID controlling , the output speed of the motor is consistent in high efficiency domain of the generator , so the entire efficiency of system energy recycle is improved .

  12. 使用车载排放测量系统(OBS)对一台重型混合动力公交车的排放水平进行评估,以检验被测车辆上装载的能量回收装置能否改善排放。

    On - board emission test system ( OBS ) is used to evaluate the emission level of a heavy duty hybrid bus to see whether the on - board energy recycle device could improve emission level .

  13. 提出了能量回收阈值逻辑电路(ERTL)。

    Energy recovery threshold logic ( ERTL ) is proposed , which combines threshold logic with adiabatic approach .

  14. 根据已知输入的所要求的偏转转矩和道路摩擦系数,用该通常算法计算出最佳能量回收制动转矩和最佳的EHB转矩。

    The genetic algorithm calculates the optimal regenerative braking torque and the optimal EHB torque for the given inputs of the desired yaw moment and road friction coefficient .

  15. 采用空气-空气能量回收装置(AAERE)预处理新风,可以解决风机盘管干工况运行中的困难。

    Using air-to-air energy recovery equipment ( AAERE ) to pretreat fresh air can solve the problem of the application of dry coil condition .

  16. 为了大规模集成电路的低能耗应用,提出了一种不完全绝热电路&自举能量回收逻辑电路(bootstrapenergyrecoverylogic,BERL)。

    A partially-adiabatic circuit , the bootstrap energy recovery logic ( BERL ), was developed to reduce energy losses in low power applications in large-scale integrated circuit .

  17. 其中,充电电源设计采用以半桥电路作为拓扑结构的高频开关电源,同时,在输出滤波环节中加入双向半桥DC-DC变换器,以实现对电池的负脉冲放电及能量回收,提高了充电机的充电效率。

    The charging power supply takes high frequency switching mode power supply with half-bridge topology circuit , at the same time , for the fast charging strategies such as negative and positive pulse charge , a bidirectional DC-DC converter is designed for the battery discharge and energy recovery .

  18. 在第五章中,通过利用dSPACE控制板对四种能量回收系统进行了实验,测试了各系统在不同负载下的能量回收功率,测试结果很好的符合了仿真的结果。

    In chapter 5 , the test on the 4 different energy harvesting system was performed using dspace control board . The output of these systems versus different resistive loads were measured , the measured parameters were in good agreement with that of simulations .

  19. 本文工作中设计和研究的阀控余压能量回收装置(VC-ERD)即采用正位移式原理,利用阀和水压缸来实现能量交换。

    The valve-controlled energy recovery device ( VC-ERD ) designed in our research project is of the positive displacement type . It uses valves and cylinders to accomplish the energy exchange process .

  20. 锦州医学院在建设SFP级动物实验室过程中为降低造价,并最大限度节约能耗、降低运行费用,设计时采用能量回收装置和水源热泵供暖技术。

    In the course of the construction of SPF animal laboratory in Jinzhou medical college , the installation of energy recovery and the heating technique of water derived hot pump was used in order to lower the cost and running expense and save energy consuming .

  21. BIPV将光伏发电系统与建筑物有机集成为一体,能有效降低光伏发电系统成本,缩短能量回收期,提高建筑物能效,是解决世界能源与环境问题,实现可持续发展的关键策略之一。

    The BIPV , as an important policy to mitigate energy and environmental issues and implement sustainable development , integrates organically photovoltaic power system into buildings , and can reduce the investment costs , shorten energy pay-back time , and improve the energy efficiency of buildings .

  22. 旋流式分离器放大到1000mm仍能满足催化裂化能量回收三级高效分离的要求,具有单体处理能力大,并联数量少,性能稳定,结构简单和维修方便等优点。

    Even scale up to 1000 mm , the windspout separator still can be used as the third stage separator to fulfil the energy recovery requirement . The advantages are high capacity , stable performance , simple structure and easy for maintenance .

  23. 热泵能量回收系统在游泳馆空调系统设计中的应用研究

    Application of Heat Pump Recovery System in Natatorium Air Conditioning Design

  24. 催化裂化再生烟气能量回收系统的风险决策

    Risk decision on energy recovery system from catalytic cracking flue gas

  25. 烟气能量回收机组自保系统的静态试验

    Static testing of self-insurance system for flue gas energy recovery set

  26. 一种新型制动能量回收系统的仿真研究

    Research on the simulation of a novel breaking energy recovery system

  27. 轨道交通超级电容能量回收控制系统设计

    Design of Control System for Supercapacitor-based Rail Transit Energy Recovery System

  28. 绝热燃烧技术在烟气能量回收装置上的应用

    Application of adiabatic combustion technology in flue gas energy recovery unit

  29. 同轴式烟气能量回收汽轮机组的经济效益

    Economic benefit of coaxial type flue gas power recovery turbine train

  30. HST40/13能量回收机运行情况总结

    Sum-Up of Operation of Model HST40 / 13 Energy Recovery Unit