
  • 网络Electron beam energy;MeV
  1. 能量方程包含:(a)激起哨声波的电子束能量转移,(b)用波作用密度守恒原理描述的哨声波能量转移。

    The energy equation consists of ( a ) energy transfer of an electron beam which excites the whistler waves , and ( b ) energy transfer of whistler waves , which are described by conservation principle of wave action density .

  2. 螺线管磁场旋转束流法测量Mini-LIA电子束能量

    Measurement of electron beam energy from Mini-LIA by solenoid-induced beam rotation

  3. 由于可以采用模拟能量比预测实测能量比,只需要将MCNP模拟与一定的校准实验结合,就能够实现对电子束能量的在线测量。

    As simulation energy ratio can be used to predict the experimental energy ratio , the electron beam energy online measurement can be realized by MCNP simulation and certain calibration experiments .

  4. 基于电子束能量分布控制的异种金属的焊接

    Welding of Dissimilar Metals Based on Electron Beam Energy Distribution Control

  5. 半价层法测量电子束能量的模拟计算和分析

    Simulation Calculation of Electron Beam 's Energy Measurement by Using Half Value Layer Method

  6. 多能谱电子束能量分布的蒙特卡罗模拟和空间电荷效应

    Monte Carlo simulation of energy spectrum and space charge effect of multi-energy electron beams

  7. 电子束能量、剂量对固化厚度影响的研究

    Study of Effect of Electron Beam Energy and Dose on Curing Depth of Liquid Resists

  8. 衰减法测量静电加速器电子束能量

    Determination of energy of electron beam generated by electrostatic accelerator by using measurements of attenuation

  9. 结果的空间分辨率有赖于入射电子束能量和束斑直径。

    The spatial resolution of the resultsdepends upon the incident electron beam energy and the beam diameter .

  10. 磁场误差对电子束能量调制的影响

    The effects of the undulator magnetic field error on modulation of the electron beam energy in optical klystron

  11. 给出了与电子束能量沉积和Ar+2离子准分子形成有关的反应过程。

    The reactions on energy deposition of electron beam and formation of Ar + 2 ionic excimer are found .

  12. 不同入射角度下强流脉冲电子束能量沉积剖面和束流传输系数模拟计算

    Simulation calculation for the energy deposition profile and the transmission fraction of intense pulsed electron beam at various incident angles

  13. 结果表明,随钨靶厚度及入射电子束能量的增加,As增加。

    The results show that the saturation activity increases with increases of the electron beam energy and the tungsten target thickness .

  14. 采集的数据经数据处理后,获得电子束能量密度分布的立体图和等位面曲线。

    After data-processing , the direct and easily analyzed power distribution figures of profile and " isohypse " can be obtained .

  15. 结果表明磁场峰值误差对电子束能量调制的影响不大。

    The results show that the effects of the magnetic field error on the energy modulation of the electron beam can be negligible .

  16. 如果样品大部分是聚合物,需要降低电子束能量和探针电流,需要漂移补偿获得有意义的结果。

    If a majority of the sample is polymer , low beam energy and beam current , and drift compensation are required to obtain meaningful results .

  17. 同时还指出,预群聚有在不增加电子束能量情况下缩短激光波长和降低对电子束质量要求等作用。

    It is also indicated that prebunching can short the laser wavelength without increasing the electron beam energy and relieve the requirement on the electron beam quality .

  18. 简单叙述了采用康普顿背散射技术精确测量电子束能量的技术,并指出建立辐射标准实验站对精确电子束能量测量的需求。

    The technique to measure the electron beam energy accurately with Compton backscattering technique is introduced and requirements for the experimental stations of radiometry are also described in the paper .

  19. 根据实测的磁场分布误差,对合肥同步辐射环上光学速调管中电子束能量调制的影响进了分析和讨论。

    The analysis and discussion of the effect of the undulator magnetic field error on the modulation of the electron beam energy in an optical klystron are presented in this paper .

  20. 计算结果表明,在相同混合气体成份,气压以及电流密度情况下,质子束能量沉积是电子束能量沉积的50倍左右。

    The results show that deposited energy is about 50 times as much as by e-beam-pumping for the same pressure , the same mixture of the gases and the same current density .

  21. 数值模拟结果证实了实验中观测到的激光功率和电子束能量的周期性调制振荡,调制频率和调制深度与实验值符合较好。

    The results of 1D numerical simulations confirm the modulations of the electron energy and FEL power , and the calculated modulation frequency and depth are in good agreement with the experiments .

  22. 实验结果表明:为了避免畴反差被破坏,必须使用较低的入射电子束能量,较大的入射角和快速帧扫描速度。

    The results show that a low primary energy , a large incident angle of the primaries and a fast scanning rate are essential requirments in order to avoid destruction of domain contrast .

  23. 因而,高入射电子束能量有利于邻近效应的降低。(2)抗蚀剂厚度对吸收能量密度分布的影响不是很明显,主要影响前散射电子的能量密度分布。

    So higher electron beam voltage can reduce the proximity effect . ( 2 ) The effect of resist thickness on absorbed energy density distribution is not serious . It mainly affects forward electron scattering .

  24. 对不同入射电子束能量、抗蚀剂厚度的反差的计算显示:随着入射电子束能量的增加,反差不断减小;随着抗蚀剂厚度的增加,反差不断增大。

    The contrast calculations for different incident energy and resist thickness show : the contrast continuously reduces with the increasing of incident energy ; and it increases with the reducing of resist thickness . 4 .

  25. 对不同曝光条件的参数拟合显示,增加入射电子束能量,α减小,β增大,而η几乎不变;

    The parameters fitting for different exposure shows the change trend of α,β and η . The increment of electron beam energy leads to the decrease of α and increase of β, while η is almost constant .

  26. 本文提出了利用平衡厚度与电子束能量之间的关系来在线测量电子束能量的新方法,并围绕这一方法展开了模拟和实验研究。

    The paper presents a new method for online measuring the electron beam energy , using the relationship between balance-thickness and electron beam energy . Focusing on this new method , simulation and experimental study were carried on .

  27. 但是回旋辐射并不具有双重多普勒频率上漂移的特性,由于受轴向磁场强度的限制,在电子束能量较高时,其辐射频率要比自由电子激光辐射频率低得多。

    But the cyclotron radiation does not have double Doppler frequency up-shift effect , is frequency is limited by axial magnetic field , when the energy of electron beam is high , the cyclotron radiation frequency , will be much lower than FEL radiation frequency .

  28. 利用MonteCarlo方法计算了电子束的能量沉积,用流体动力学方程计算了热击波的传播,所用物态方程为GRAY三相物态方程。

    The energy deposition of electron beam and the wave propagation in aluminum are calculated by using Monte Carlo methods and the hydrodynamic equations , respectively .

  29. 本文研究了多层介质中电子束的能量沉积及深度剂量分布。

    Energy deposition in multilayer medium and the depth dose distri-bution in the layers are .

  30. 电子束钎焊的能量密度控制方法

    Study on energy density control method of electron beam welding