
néng yuán gòu chéng
  • Energy composition;energy source composition
  1. 中国炼油企业能源构成和能量转换技术的发展趋势

    Energy configuration and developing trend of energy conversion technology in domestic refineries

  2. 如今,油气占美国能源构成的65%。

    Today , oil and gas supply 65 per cent of US energy .

  3. 浅论风电在我国新能源构成中的重要性

    Importance of Wind Power Generation in China Renewable Energy

  4. 从世界能源构成谈我国天然气资源远景

    On the Prospects of Natural Gas Resource in China from World Energy Structure

  5. 1实现社会的可持续发展,迫切要求调整国家能源构成体系;

    The societal sustainable development urgently requires that the national energy structure be adjusted ;

  6. 中国能源构成与洁净煤技术

    Energy Composition and Clean Coal Technology of China

  7. 能源构成将逐渐发生变化。

    The energy mix will progressively change .

  8. 我国能源构成以煤为主,煤炭燃烧产生的大气污染是我国大气污染的主要特征;

    Since coal as the main energy in form , is a long term energy policy in China .

  9. 钢铁企业一般具有能耗总量大、能源构成复杂和可利用余能多等特点。

    Steel complex is energy consuming , complicated in the variety of energy and with a lot of waste energy to be utilized .

  10. 本文从分析四川一次能源构成入手,阐明水能资源在四川能源资源构成中的优势;

    The article clarifies the advantages of hydropower in energy resources structure of Sichuan Province by means of analyzing primary energy structure of Sichuan Province .

  11. 目前天然气在中国一次能源构成中的比重很低,不到3%,而世界平均水平已达23%。

    At present , natural gas takes up only 3 percent of China 's primary energy composition , while the world average rate is 23 percent .

  12. 沼气是我国农村新能源构成中生物链条最长、综合利用价值最高的生物质能利用形式。

    The methane is the best application of bio-energy which is of high integrative utility value and has the longest bio-chain within domestic rural energy construction .

  13. 尽管天然气提供了一种相对清洁且廉价的选择,并将在我们的能源构成中占据更大比例,但它仍是一种有限的资源。

    While natural gas provides a relatively clean , inexpensive option and will play a larger role in our energy mixture it is still a finite resource .

  14. 尽管已进入21世纪,在我国的一次能源构成中,煤炭仍占据着主导地位,并且短时间内很难改变。

    Although we have entered the 21st century , coal is still the primary energy in our country and the condition will not be changed in short term .

  15. 近年来中国的水电建设得到了迅速发展,水力资源在我国的能源构成中将占有越来越重要的地位。

    In recent years , the hydropower construction has obtained rapid development , and the waterpower resource will hold more and more important status in energy constitution in China .

  16. 火电是我国能源构成的重要组成部分,火电厂的安全生产对实现我国的能源安全具有十分重要的意义。

    The electric-power has been a very important role in the energy structure , and the safety production of electricity in power plant is very important to our national energy safety .

  17. 对我国华北地区小城镇进行实地调研,考察了当地主要能源构成、住宅结构以及采暖方式。

    Research is processed in the field to learn about the main structures of energy and the types of residential constructions and heating systems in local small towns of North China .

  18. 我国是消费大国,在我国一次能源构成中,煤炭消费占据了绝对的主导地位,煤炭燃烧也带来了巨大的污染。

    In our country , coal consumption occupies a position having the absolute leading in our country energy source structure , the coal consumption has also brought about gigantic air contaminating .

  19. 回顾了中国炼油企业能源构成从以渣油为主到综合利用炼厂气、催化裂化焦炭和渣油演变的历史;

    The development history of energy configuration in domestic refineries from by taking residue as the main energy to making a comprehensive use of refinery gas , FCC coke and residue is reviewed .

  20. 他称:初期发生政策变动的几率不大,因为没有国家会把未来能源构成战略建立在天然气现货价格的短期波动上。

    The chances of early policy changes are slim , since no country would base its strategy for the future power mix on short-term movements in the spot price of gas , he said .

  21. 在能源构成上,沈阳市同辽宁省甚至全国基本相同,一直摆脱不了大量采用煤炭作为主要能源的命运。

    In the energy mix , Shenyang City , Liaoning Province , even with basically the same as the country has been unable to escape the extensive use of coal as major energy destiny .

  22. 中美两国在一次能源构成、终端利用模式和能效方面的对比分析有助于认识我国的节能潜力。

    The comparison between the primary energy mixes , the modes of end use and energy efficiencies of China and the United States can help us understand China ′ s potential for raising energy efficiency .

  23. 而我国是产煤大国,在总的能源构成中,煤炭约占75%左右,这一状况在今后相当长的时间内不会有根本性的改变。

    China is a big country of coal , where the coal is about 75 percent in the total energy . In this situation for quite a long period of time there will be no fundamental change .

  24. 信息同物质和能源构成了当代社会生存与发展的要素,有效应用信息技术,加强信息的管理和利用,对加快信息化进程是必不可少的。

    Information , together with materials and energy sources , form the essential factors for the survival and development the present age . The effective application of information technology , to strengthen information management and employment , is essential in accelerating the process of informationization .

  25. 能源企业构成了俄罗斯经济的中流砥柱。

    Energy companies form the backbone of the Russian economy .

  26. 云南能源消费构成中煤炭比例过高。

    The proportion of coal consumption is high in Yunnan energy consumption constitute .

  27. 对中国在中亚的能源战略构成了挑战。

    And ( 4 ) challenging China 's energy strategy in Central Asia .

  28. 无形资源包括信息、知识、技术进步等,信息资源属于准公共物品,和材料、能源共同构成人类赖以生存的三大资源。

    Immateriality resource includes information and knowledge , and information resource is commonality goods .

  29. 天然气在一次能源消费构成中将达到8%~10%。

    And natural gas in basic energy consumption structure will reach 8 % ~ 10 % .

  30. 就我国现阶段能源的构成来看,煤炭能源仍然占据主要地位。

    On the composition of our present view of energy , coal energy is still a major player .