
néng yuán duǎn quē
  • energy shortage;deficient in energy
  1. 液化石油气LPG(Liquefiedpetroleumgas)作为发动机代用燃料在缓解能源短缺和环境保护方面有着良好的应用前景。

    As an alternative fuel for internal combustion engine , LPG ( Liquefied Petroleum Gas ) has excellent application prospect in solving the problem of energy shortage and serious environment pollution .

  2. 惯性约束核聚变(ICF)是解决未来能源短缺问题的潜在手段,人们已经对用于ICF的大型高功率固体激光装置进行了大量的研究。

    Inertial confinement fusion ( ICF ) is a potential mean to solve problem of energy shortage in the future , People have already carried on substantial research on the large-scale high-power solid laser for ICF .

  3. 混合动力汽车(hybridelectricvehicle,HEV)技术是当前解决能源短缺和环境污染问题切实可行的技术之一。

    Hybrid Electric Vehicle ( HEV ) technology is an available way to solve the problems of lack of energy source and pollution of environment .

  4. 人类面临能源短缺危机的当今,惯性约束核聚变(ICF)成为解决能源危机的有效途径之一,受到各国的广泛关注。

    Nowadays , human beings face the crisis of lacking energy sources . However , the energy generating from Inertial Confinement Fusion ( ICF ) can solve this problem effectively .

  5. 普京很快就提议由俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司(Gazprom)为日本供应更多液化天然气,以缓解能源短缺的局面。

    Mr Putin was quick to suggest that Gazprom , the Russian gas giant , should send more supplies of liquefied natural gas to Japan to ease energy shortages .

  6. 自加入WTO以来,为了解决国内能源短缺而需求越来越大的被动局面,我国积极加大对海外能源直接投资的广度和深度,开拓更广泛的能源供应渠道。

    Since having joined the WTO , in order to solve the passive situations of the shortage of domestic energy and growing demand for energy , China has positively expanded the direct investment of overseas energy in greater scope and depth and opened up wider energy supply channels .

  7. 鉴于我国拥有丰富的煤炭资源,甲醇、二甲醚(DME)这类可由煤转化制取的燃料的研究与使用,对我国解决能源短缺问题具有重大战略意义。

    As China has abundant coal resources , the research and use of methanol and dimethyl ether ( DME ) which can take by the coal conversion to fuel , has great strategic significance to solve the energy shortage in China .

  8. 根据计划在Vlore地区附近建立热能发电站,改善传送和分配装置,将帮助缓解了能源短缺问题。

    The planned construction of a new thermal power plant near Vlore and improved transmission and distribution facilities will help relieve the energy shortages .

  9. 为推进上述协议,帮助快速发展的印度解决能源短缺问题,希拉里表示,已与印度总理曼莫汉辛格(MAnmohanSingh)讨论了美国电力公司建造核电站的选址问题。

    In a move that will advance this deal , Mrs Clinton said she had discussed with Manmohan Singh , India 's prime minister , sites where US power companies would build nuclear power plants to help the fast growing nation overcome an energy deficit .

  10. 在20世纪九十年代早中期亚美尼亚遭受到慢性能源短缺的影响,通过在Metsamor在进行原子能开发计划得到了缓解。

    The chronic energy shortages Armenia suffered in the early and mid-1990s have been offset by the energy supplied by one of its nuclear power plants at Metsamor .

  11. 2005年,能源短缺和安全问题困扰全球。

    In 2005 , energy shortage problem disturbs the whole world .

  12. 我知道你在处理一些能源短缺问题。

    I understand you 're dealing with a little power shortage .

  13. 能源短缺阻滞着许多工业部门的发展。

    Energy shortages are choking growth in many branches of industry .

  14. 能源短缺是世界发展面临的问题。

    The problem of energy shortage is the world development confronted .

  15. 当今世界能源短缺、环境恶化。

    The world is puzzled by energy shortage and environment deterioration .

  16. 新的年代,能源短缺现象日益严重。

    The new era of energy shortages becoming increasingly serious .

  17. 全球能源短缺一直是人类面临的重要的问题。

    The global energy shortage has been an important issue we faced .

  18. 水资源战争?缺水,能源短缺,中国引起恐慌。

    Water wars ? Thirsty , energy-short China stirs fear .

  19. 能源短缺与水体富营养化现象加剧是我国目前面临的两大难题。

    Energy shortages and increasing eutrophication phenomenon are two problems in china .

  20. 能源短缺是当今全世界共同面对的难题,走可持续发展之路是全人类的必然选择。

    Energy sustainable development is the dilemma faced by the world today .

  21. 能源短缺:城市化的不和谐音

    Shortage of Energy Resources : Inharmonious Sound During Urbanization

  22. 能源短缺和环境污染限制着人类的可持续发展。

    Energy shortage and environmental pollution limits the sustainable development of human beings .

  23. 两位:现在我们不必再担心能源短缺问题。

    Both : now we don 't need to worry about energy shortage .

  24. 举个例子,中国的发展导致了能源短缺。

    The growth in china , for example , results in energy shortages .

  25. 能源短缺和大气污染已成为当今世界共同面临的两大难题。

    Today air pollution and energy shortages have become common in the world .

  26. 随着工业技术的发展,能源短缺的问题将日趋严重。

    With the development of industry , energy shortage problem will be raised .

  27. 绿色石油,止痛能源短缺

    Green Oil , An Aspirin for Energy Shortage

  28. 养老金制度或能源短缺都可通过削减权利或剧增开支来加以完善。

    Pension systems or energy shortages can be fixed by cutting entitlements or spending more .

  29. 她将面对阿根廷国内包括通货膨胀和能源短缺等一系列问题。

    She will face difficult issues including Argentina 's high inflation rates and energy shortages .

  30. 然而,目前世界各国止面临着能源短缺的巨大挑战。

    However , the countries of the world are facing great challenges of energy shortage .