
  • 网络energy contamination
  1. 大束流离子注入机能量污染的研究

    A Study of the Energy Contamination of Large Beam Ion Implanter

  2. 据说首领和一些等级较高的都不接近女人,因为待在被经期的女性能量污染的地方会使他们失去洞察力。

    Chiefs and other men of rank were said to avoid women , as contact with places polluted by menstrual power could rob them of clairvoyant power .

  3. 煤气中焦油的存在一方面堵塞管道、腐蚀设备,另一方面损失能量、污染环境。

    The existence of coal tar in the gas may erode and jam the pipelines ; on the other hand , it may waste energy and pollute environment .

  4. 建立了钢铁企业物质流、能量流和污染物流的分析方法。

    An analysis method of material , energy and pollutant flows at iron and steel manufacturing enterprise is proposed .

  5. 从比能量、环境污染和价格方面看,锰酸锂化合物最具前景。

    From the point-of-view of specific energy , environmental pollution ( toxicity ) and cost , lithium manganese oxide will be the most promising compound .

  6. 清水、污水平衡分析方法简单可靠,易于实施,同时可以为能量平衡、污染因子平衡的建立和分析提供借鉴和参考。

    The water equilibrium analysis method is simple and easy to be operated . It can provide the reference for establishing energy equilibrium and pollution factor equilibrium .

  7. 作为电站三大主机之一的锅炉是煤炭燃烧、能量转换和污染排放的主要设备系统,而建立锅炉系统热力性能模型是研究锅炉系统性能以实现火电机组节能、减排目标的重要基础。

    As one of the three most important power equipment systems , the boiler system is the equipment system of coal combustion , energy conversion and pollution emissions .

  8. 相比起传统的空间推进系统,水基火箭推进系统具有高比冲、高比功率和比能量、无污染以及与空间生保系统结合性好等优点。

    Comparing to custom propulsion system , water based propulsion system has the advantages of high specific impulse , high power ratio , no pollution and good compatibility with space life sustain system .

  9. 超铁电池自上世纪九十年代末问世以来,即以其高电压、高能量、无污染等优点成为了电池领域的研究热点,被认为是电池技术的革命性成果。

    Super-iron battery has become a new focus and been regarded as a revolutionary achievement in the research field of battery because of its high energy and no pollution since the end of the 1990s last century .

  10. 能量短缺、环境污染及连锁故障在大电网中屡次发生,成为电力生产和系统运行不可回避的问题。

    Power shortage , environment pollution and chain failures occur frequently , which become unavoidable problems in electric production and system operation .

  11. 不光会节约数百亿的电费,而且会显著减少能量需求,环境污染以及温室效应气体排放。

    That would not only save billions of dollars in electricity bills , but also significantly reduce energy demand , environmental pollution and greenhouse-gas emissions .

  12. 研究石油生产的生命周期评估能够进一步深入了解石油生产过程的能量消耗和环境污染的情况,对未来石油能源的可持续利用及改善环境污染都具有重要作用。

    The life cycle assessment of oil production can identify key areas that bring issues related to energy consumption and environmental pollution of oil production , which have an important effect for oil sustainable use and environment improvement .

  13. 锂离子电池因具有工作电压高、比能量高、无污染等突出优点在移动电子设备中得到广泛的应用,并有望应用于电动汽车以及国家电网中大型的存储装置。

    Due to the advantages of high voltage , high energy density and environmental friendliness , lithium-ion batteries ( LIBs ) have attracted increasing interests in the application of portable devices , electronic vehicles and the large energy storage system of smart grid .

  14. 直接甲醇燃料电池(DMFC)是直接以甲醇为燃料的电化学能量转化装置,具有系统简单、比能量高、污染小、燃料便于储运等优点,DMFC是未来理想的移动电源系统之一。

    Direct methanol fuel cell ( DMFC ) is an electrochemical energy-conversion device which directly uses methanol as fuel . DMFC has the advantages of simple in system , high energy density , and convenient fuel storage and transportation . It is an ideal portable power source in the future .