  • brittle;crisp;fragile;clear
  • 容易断,容易碎的:~性。~枣。~骨。青~爽口。~生生。~弱。

  • 声音清爽(高音):~亮。~美。清~悦耳。

  • 说话做事爽利痛快:干~。办事很~。


(容易折断破碎) fragile; brittle:

  • 这纸太脆。

    This kind of paper is too fragile.


(较硬的食物容易弄碎弄裂) crisp:

  • 脆香可口

    crisp, fragrant and pleasant to taste;

  • 这种梨又甜又脆。

    These pears are sweet and crisp.


(声音清脆) (of voice) clear; crisp:

  • 听她的嗓音多脆!

    What a crisp voice she has!


[方] (说话、做事爽快; 干脆) neat:

  • 这件事办得很脆。

    That was a neat job.

  1. 这纸太脆。

    This kind of paper is too fragile .

  2. 脆X综合征的分子基础及其认知研究进展

    Molecular Mechanism and Cognitive Function of Fragile X Syndrome

  3. 两个候选人谁也没干脆利落地获胜。

    Neither candidate won outright .

  4. 很明显灰泥已脆裂老化,全剥落下来了。

    Obviously the plaster 's just perished and all fallen off

  5. 晚饭就着鲜脆的色拉尝尝这道佳肴。

    Try this tasty dish for supper with a crispy salad

  6. 我已经把几片芝麻脆饼放进烤箱里烤了。

    I 've put some sesame crackers in the oven to bake .

  7. 把面包屑撒在干燥的烤盘上,然后放在烤箱里烤脆。

    Spread breadcrumbs on a dry baking sheet and crisp them in the oven .

  8. 将混合物烘烤30分钟,直到顶部变脆呈金黄色。

    Bake the mixture for 30 minutes until the top is golden and crunchy .

  9. 松树很脆,容易折断。

    Pine is brittle and breaks .

  10. 埃玛掰了一块脆饼干给正在出牙的贾辛塔。

    Emma broke off a bit of rusk and gave it to Jacinta , who was teething

  11. 将蔬菜煸炒至变脆。

    Stir-fry the vegetables until crisp .

  12. 烤至边缘浅黄松脆,中间略软。

    Bake until light golden and crisp around the edges and slightly soft in the centre .

  13. 我吃了些脆玉米片,呼吸着充满青草气息的新鲜空气,这让我一天都充满活力。

    I have my cornflakes and smell the fresh air and the grass and it sets me up for the day

  14. 这种梨又甜又脆。

    These pears are sweet and crisp .

  15. 听她的嗓音多脆!

    What a crisp voice she has !

  16. 这件事办得很脆。

    That was a neat job .

  17. 脆的东西容易破碎。

    Brittle things break easily .

  18. 那个贪吃的男孩正嘎吱嘎吱地嚼一片烤过的脆面包。

    The greedy boy was crunching on a hard and dry piece of toast .

  19. 这种饼干是脆的。

    This kind of biscuits is crisp .

  20. 除非与其他金属混合,大多数钢在低于-25摄氏度的温度下会突然变脆。

    Most forms of steel abruptly become brittle at temperatures below about - 25 ℃ unless they are mixed with other metals .

  21. 它是一种油炸类食物,味道可口,香脆。

    It is a kind of fried food that tastes delicious and crispy .

  22. 花店送来的手花会是一个满天星花环和一张价值5美元的肯德基代金券,这样你就可以自己选择用哪种口味的炸鸡腿来搭配你的手花,有原味吮指鸡、劲脆鸡腿以及肯塔基烤鸡腿三种选择。

    The florist sends a corsage with baby 's breath and a $ 5 KFC gift check so you can choose a piece of Original Recipe , Extra Crispy or Kentucky Grilled Chicken for the corsage centerpiece . ( Source : latimes )

  23. 钛合金的固态Cu致脆行为研究

    Investigation on Behavior of Solid Copper - Induced Embrittlement of Titanium Alloy

  24. 金属玻璃Fe(80)B(14)Si6的退火脆化

    Annealing embrittlement in metallic glass fe_ ( 80 ) b_ ( 14 ) si_6

  25. 新型抑制剂RC分离脆硫锑铅矿和磁黄铁矿的研究

    Study on Separation of Jamesonite from Pyrrhotite by Using RC as a New Inhibitor

  26. Ce对非晶态Fe(76)B(15)Si9合金脆化及晶化的影响

    Effects of Ce on Embrittlement and crystallization of amorphous fe_ ( 76 ) b_ ( 15 ) si_9 alloy

  27. 结果表明,这三种金刚石的脆-塑性转变温度的顺序为:Ⅰb<Ⅰa<Ⅱa。

    The results show that the order of brittle ductile transition temperature for the three kinds of diamond is : ⅰ b < ⅰ a < ⅱ a.

  28. Si3N4-Al2O3复相陶瓷的抗热震性与晶界脆化

    Intergranular Embrittlement and Thermal Shock Resistance of Si_3N_4-A1_2O_3 Multiphase Ceramics

  29. 直流电镀所得Fe-P非晶态合金镀层很脆,用交直流迭加电流电镀可以使镀层韧性得到很大改善。

    Electrodeposited amorphous Fe-P alloy film by direct current are extremely brittle . The amorphous Fe-P alloy films with significantly enhanced ductility can be obtained by asymmetrical alternating current .

  30. 纯CS薄膜质硬而脆,当加入PVP后,薄膜的力学性能较纯CS明显提高,变得更柔软、贴合。

    CS membrane is qualitatively hard and brittle , while adding PVP improves the mechanical properties , becoming softer .