
cuì ruò xìng
  • vulnerability;fragility
脆弱性[cuì ruò xìng]
  1. 研究该鸟类的科学家们认为,现应严肃认识到这一特定物种的脆弱性,他们也希望能看到人们采取措施,以缓解帝企鹅所面临的其它压力,比如影响它们食物供应的捕鱼活动。

    Scientists who study the birds believe it 's time their particular vulnerability was formally recognised , and they want to see measures taken to ease other pressures faced by Emperors , such as the fishing activities that impinge on their food supply .

  2. 煤层底板突水脆弱性评价的GIS与ANN耦合技术

    Vulnerability forecasting model based on coupling technique of GIS and ANN in floor groundwater bursting

  3. 全球经济复苏脆弱性的恐惧被夸大了

    Fears about the fragility of the global recovery are exaggerated .

  4. 基于RS与GIS的喀斯特地区生态环境脆弱性评价研究

    Study on Assessment of Eco-environment Fragility in Karst Areas Based on RS & GIS

  5. 还请记住,使用反射调用private方法会对生成的结果带来一定程度的脆弱性。

    Keep in mind also that using reflection to invoke private methods does introduce a level of brittleness to the resulting tests .

  6. 针对现有选播安全组管理方案的安全脆弱性,采用基于CA机制提出一种新的选播安全组管理解决方案。

    To solve the secure weakness in the anycast group management , a solution based on CA mechanism is presented .

  7. 因为存在这种责任(通过大量public方法导出),所以它们具有高度的输入耦合,也会导致反向的脆弱性。

    Because of this responsibility ( exposed through a large number of public methods ), they 're said to have high afferent coupling , which also results in a reversed brittleness .

  8. PKI的使用脆弱性及对策

    PKI 's Usage Vulnerabilities and the Countermeasures

  9. 基于AHP对生态脆弱性的灰色综合评价方法&以湖南省临湘市为例江淮分水岭生态脆弱性特征及对策研究

    Studies on Gray Assessment Method and AHP for Ecological Frangibility & A Case Study in Linxiang City , Hunan Province

  10. 生态脆弱性指数(EFI)0.18,为中度脆弱。

    Environment frangibility index is 0.18 , which in middle degree .

  11. 本文根据一个实际的CA系统,介绍了CA系统存在的总体脆弱性和可能存在的内外部攻击方式及防范措施。

    This paper based on a concrete CA , introduces the security vulnerability , intrusion from inside and outside , and the measures to protect the system .

  12. 为了有效抵抗模糊/去模糊攻击,利用脆弱性水印技术,提出了一种基于块交叉交插RS编码的水印方案。

    For resisting blur / deblur attack effectively , this paper uses fragile digital image watermarking , and presents the algorithm based the crossed-interleaved-RS block .

  13. 然后,基于本BRL条件,提出了一个新的非脆弱性鲁棒H∞滤波器设计方案。

    Second , based on the above BRL condition , a new non-fragile robust Hoo filter scheme is proposed .

  14. 随着中国加入WTO,金融开放和改革步伐的加快,金融冲击的传导效应增强,金融脆弱性问题已成为中国经济中的突出问题。

    With its accelerating financial opening and reform after China 's access to WTO , financial shock has strengthening transmission effect , and thus the problem of financial fragility is shining on .

  15. 将研究区剖分成195个评价单元格,借助GIS强大的数据管理功能,建立与空间数据和属性数据相互关联的生态环境脆弱性数据库;

    The study area was partitioned to 195 cell griddings for assessment . The ecosystem vulnerability database associated with space-data and attribute-data was established using the great data management function of GIS .

  16. 最后得出了基于检测技术的IP网脆弱性控制机制、策略、模型以及解决方案,对于检测部分引入自治代理系统进行了详细的设计和实现。

    Must publish IP network vulnerability controlling mechanism , tactics , model and solution based on detection technique finally , have introduced the autonomy agent 's system and carried on the detailed design and realized partly in measuring .

  17. 然后对IP网本身存在的脆弱性、软件协议存在的安全漏洞和脆弱性以及典型的针对IP网脆弱性的攻击进行剖析和研究,得出了IP网脆弱性的分析方法;

    Then the vulnerability existing to network itself of IP , security loophole and vulnerability and typical attack to IP network vulnerability that the software agreement exists are analyzed and studied , have drawn IP network vulnerability analytical method ;

  18. 本文分析了几种基本网络构型的安全脆弱性及其安全策略,并将此分析引入到INTERNET,对INTERNET的安全问题提出了一些建设性策略。

    At first , network security vulnerability was analyzed from the angle of topography and key measures were proposed to enhance the network 's robustness in this paper . Then it enlarged such analysis to INTERNET and proposed some contributive policies to enhance INTERNET security .

  19. 本研究结果能够从网络动力学方面解释无标度网络(scale-freeNetworks)对随机攻击具有鲁棒性和对恶意攻击具有脆弱性的原因。

    The dynamics reported in this paper can be applied to the reasons why the scale-free networks possess the robust-yet-fragile property , that is , they are robust against random failures of nodes but fragile to intentional attacks .

  20. 利用GIS的空间叠加功能生成综合评价单元,再利用GIS的属性数据库对大庆市主城区地下水脆弱性进行评价。

    Then it assesses the groundwater vulnerability of Daqing main city by using the attribute database of GIS , dividing the main city into five areas according to analyzing the groundwater vulnerability . This paper builds the comprehensive assessment by the space congruence function ;

  21. 请注意,这一点也是引起极大争议的原因,因为有许多可用的技巧使得从各种语法和所生成的RDF抽象模型的转换具有一定的脆弱性。

    Note that this is also a source of great controversy as the many tricks available lead to a certain brittleness about the translation from the various syntaxes and the resulting RDF abstract model .

  22. 其后,运用KLA信号分析法,构建了银行脆弱性预警体系并进行了实证研究。

    Then we adopt KLA signal analysis to shape our warning system and make an empirical study on Bank of China .

  23. 气候门户网与全球减灾与恢复基金(GFDRR)http://www.gfdrr.org合作,与国家层面的气候和脆弱性公开数据建立了链接。

    The portal also links to country-level climate and vulnerability open data .

  24. 实验结果表明此系统可完整的根据外部策略收集并存储各项网络关键数据,为用户提供了方便快捷的增删查改接口,服务整个IMS脆弱性评测系统。

    Experiments show that this system can collect and store critical network data according to the external policy , provide users with convenient and efficient interfaces for a variety of operation , serve the entire IMS vulnerability evaluation system .

  25. 首先介绍了LKM机制及其缺陷,然后分析了LKM脆弱性利用途径,最后给出了修复LKM脆弱性的几种方法。

    This paper introduces LKM and it 's faults , and analyses how to make use of LKM vulnerability , then accounts for some method to renovate LKM vulnerability .

  26. 传统的DRASTIC指标法适合地下水环境本质脆弱性评价,但不能较好地反映出特殊脆弱性,并且采用加权评分法掩盖了各评价因素指标值的连续变化对地下水环境脆弱性的影响。

    The conventional DRASTIC index method is only suitable for the essential vulnerability evaluation but can not reflect the special vulnerability . Owing to applying the adding-weight evaluation method , the influence of the continuous changes in index values of evaluation factors on the groundwater environmental vulnerability is concealed .

  27. 采用PRECIS模型输出的B2气候情景,结合CERES-Rice作物模型数据,依据产量的变化率和GIS技术对我国未来(21世纪70年代)水稻的气候变化敏感性和脆弱性进行了研究。

    By using B2 climate scenario produced by model PRECIS ( providing regional climates for impacts studies ) and the rice yield data from model CERES-Rice , the sensitivity and vulnerability of rice to future climate change in China were studied based on the yield variation and GIS techniques .

  28. 冰岛危机、货币脆弱性与东亚货币合作

    Iceland Crisis , Currency Vulnerability , and East Asian Monetary Cooperation

  29. 鄱阳湖典型湿地生态环境脆弱性评价

    Assessing on the Ecological Environment Vulnerability of Poyang Lake Typical Wetland

  30. 基于小世界拓扑模型的大型电网脆弱性评估算法

    Small-world Topological Model Based Vulnerability Assessment Algorithm for Large-scale Power Grid