
lǎo yé chē
  • Vintage car;rattletrap;veteran car;heap;bone-shaker;bubbling car
  1. 你真能让那老爷车再跑起来吗?

    Can you really get that old car going again ?

  2. 这个博物馆将长期展出60辆老爷车。

    The museum will have a permanent exhibition of 60 vintage cars .

  3. 她老开她那辆老爷车。

    She always drives her jalopy .

  4. 过去的电话预约出租车是破旧不堪、味道难闻的老爷车;如今许多都换成了宝马(BMW)。

    Minicabs used to be battered and smelly bangers ; many are now BMWs .

  5. 尽管克莱斯勒(Chrysler)、林肯(Lincoln)和德索托(Desoto)的几款老爷车都有巨大的尾翼,但其中没有任何一款车型达到了凯迪拉克的高度。

    Other cars Chryslers , Lincolns , and DeSotos had massive tail fins , but none took them to the heights that Cadillac did .

  6. 伦敦出租车公司(LondonTaxiCompany)面对许多竞争者,比亚迪是最新出现的一个。伦敦出租车公司生产的TX4气派、宽敞、造型仿佛“老爷车”,一直以来都是来自世界各地的游客心目中“伦敦”的代名词。

    It is the latest of a slew of potential competitors to the London Taxi Company , builder of the TX4 , the classy , roomy traditional-style cab that says " London " to potential visitors from all over the world .

  7. 收藏家们尤其喜欢Packards、Studebakers、Hudsons、Nashes、Kaisers和HenryJ’s等型号的老爷车。

    Collectors are especially eager to find Packards , Studebakers , Hudsons , Nashes , Kaisers , and Henry J 's.

  8. 8月18日至19日:RM充分利用每一分钟的时间,完成225了辆老爷车的拍卖。

    August 18 and 19 : RM will need every available minute to get through the 225 lots in this sale , tipped to be the biggest - grossing two-day classic car auction ever .

  9. “核炸冰箱”在榜单中位列第三。克林特•伊斯特伍德主演的电影《老爷车》催生的新词Hmong紧随其后,它指的是生活在老挝山区的一个民族。

    The phrase came in third on the list , followed by " Hmong " a mountain dwelling people in Laos from the Clint Eastwood movie " Gran Torino " .

  10. 赛车及老爷车解说员兼播音员阿拉因德卡德内(alaindecadenet)认为,老爷车价格在美国飙升的另一个因素是,9/11之后,美国人自己的遗产有了重新认识。

    Racing driver and classic car commentator and broadcaster Alain de Cadenet believes that another factor responsible for the soaring prices of classics in the US is that , following 9 / 11 , Americans have re-evaluated their heritage .

  11. 对每个17岁的少年而言,有些公认的必经之事,像是努力通过A-level课程、去未成年人不得入内的酒吧、周六打份无聊的工以及为了让父母给买一辆旧老爷车而去学驾照。

    For the average 17-year-old , there are some well-established rites of passage : slaving away for A-levels , illicit visits to the pub , a mundane Saturday job and driving lessons in the hope your parents might buy you an old banger .

  12. 这种老爷车,得特别订购新的。

    These old buses , you-you have to order the part .

  13. 他的兴趣在于不断地向人吹嘘他新买的老爷车。

    His interest lies in boasting his newly bought old-style car .

  14. 你这辆老爷车给你带来许多麻烦。

    Your bucket of bolts brings you a lot of trouble .

  15. 我那辆雪佛兰老爷车需要不少零零星星的修理。

    I had to make some nickel-and-dime repairs on my old Chevy .

  16. 我喜欢老爷车,那辆就很不错。

    I love old cars , and that one 's a beauty .

  17. 安琪拉:是的━就是你买老爷车的那家。

    Angela : Yes - where you bought your Volkswagen .

  18. 而现在,现存的几辆在老爷车手中也很流行。

    Today , the few that remain are popular with banger racers .

  19. 莎朗:里查德你的老爷车今天能开吗?

    Sarah : Richard , is your jalopy working today ?

  20. 伊丽莎白:他们有一个老爷车博物馆。

    Elizabeth : They have a kind of museum of vintage cars .

  21. 要我们搭你的老爷车往机场?

    Will we make it to the airport in yourjalopy ?

  22. 他驾驶他的老爷车跟跑车比赛。

    He raced his old car against a sports car .

  23. 当你怎么也发动不了你那辆老爷车时,该是什么时候了?

    What time is it when you start your old car in vain ?

  24. 也许当时的以色列子孙,应该使用我这老爷车的变速器。

    Perhaps the children of Israel could have used my T-Bird 's transmission .

  25. 最后面的一辆是破旧的福特老爷车。

    The last car was a clapped-out old ford .

  26. 他的老爷车还在嘎拉嘎拉地前行吗?

    Is his old car still rattling along ?

  27. 这部老爷车又出毛病了。

    This old car 's acting up again .

  28. 你不是老爷车,我也绝对不会开老爷车。

    You 're not . I wouldn 't be caught dead driving one either .

  29. 你知道目前的道路规则是:不等老爷车。

    You know the rule of the road nowadays : no waiting for lame ducks .

  30. 我想那辆老爷车即使马达掉了也还能嘎拉嘎拉地前行。

    I believe that old car would rattle on even if the engine fell out .