
  • 网络The Travels of Lao Can;The Travels of Lao Ts'an;On Lao Disabled Traveler;The Wanderings of Lau Ts'an
老残游记 [lǎo cán yóu jì]
  • [travel notes by Laocan] 一书名,写一个江湖医生老残在各地的见闻和活动。它对晚清的黑暗社会现实有所暴露,对事物描写细腻、语言生动。但这部作品对资产阶级民主革命和义和团运动采取了否定和攻击的态度,反映了作者思想的局限。作者刘鹗(1857-1909),字铁云,笔名洪都百炼生,清末丹徒(现在江苏省丹徒县)人。明湖居,书馆名

  1. 总之,刘鹗以及《老残游记》在文化方面的研究依然是有待开掘的。

    In a word , research about Liu E and the Travels of Lao Can in culture is still not ended .

  2. 《老残游记》晚清白话小说语体翻译研究

    A Study on the Late Qing Vernacular Fiction Style of the Travels of Lao Can in Its Translation

  3. 论《老残游记》中的自然风景描写

    On Scenery Description in Lao Can 's Travel Notes

  4. 《老残游记》作为这一时期谴责小说的代表作,极具代表性地反映了这一点。

    As the representative novel of this time , The travel of Lao can reflects this .

  5. 《老残游记》的三个女性叙事结构比较

    The Comparison of the Narrative Structures of the Three Women Characters in A Travel Made by Laocan

  6. 《老残游记》被鲁迅称为晚清四大谴责小说的代表作,该作品极高的艺术成就和其中承载的丰富的文化信息,为后殖民翻译理论运用于实践提供了一个研究的平台。

    Its high artistic achievements and rich cultural information provide a research platform for the postcolonial translation theory into practice .

  7. 《老残游记》是晚清四大谴责小说中艺术成就最高的一部。

    Lao Can 's Travel Notes is unrivalled in art achievement among Four Great Condemnation Novels of Late Qing Dynasty .

  8. 本文从五个角度对《老残游记》的思想和艺术成就进行深入研究,尝试做推陈出新的具体分析。

    This article thoroughly studies the ideological and artistic achievement of Lao-can Travel Notes from five angles , and tries to do specific analyses in a new way .

  9. 晚清四大谴责小说之一的《老残游记》,是一部带有强烈自传性质的写实性小说。

    The Travel Journey of Lao Can one of the " Four Condemned Novel " in Late Qing Dynasty , is a realistic novel with a strong autobiographical nature .

  10. 最后是结语,在对《老残游记》一书的介词系统进行研究的基础上,概括出《老残游记》介词及介词框架的特点。

    Finally , the conclusion , on the basis of The Travels of Lao Can describing the system on prepositions , summarizes the characteristics of prepositions and prepositional framework .

  11. 《老残游记》采用象征的手法,将老残短暂的游历过程隐喻为他医治国家“疮伤”的历程。

    A symbolic technique is used in Lao Can 's Travel Notes , i.e.an analogy between his short travel experience and the process of his curing the wounded country .

  12. 因此论文拟从《老残游记》对古代小说艺术整合与革新的角度来探讨它的艺术价值,并探讨这种整合与革新的原因及其意义。

    Accordingly , the paper aims to explore the artistic values of the book from the angle of its contributions to the Classical fictions with an detailed analysis of its causes and significance .

  13. 要充分研究《老残游记》的思想内容,探讨其艺术特色,必须研究玙姑与逸云这两位女性在作品中的地位及其作用。

    To fully study the ideological content of The Travels of an Old Man and explore its artistic features , we must go deep into these two females ' status and role in the novel .

  14. 贪污受贿是那些受教育阶级无所事事的结果,关于这方面,在清朝晚期小说家刘鄂的《老残游记》中作了极为详细的描写。

    Corruption and bribery was the consequence of a lack of tasks for the educated class ; a very intense description of this situation is Liu E9s late Qing novel u Travels of Lao Can M.

  15. 刘鹗《老残游记》是晚清谴责小说的代表作,也是后人借以认识清末社会的一部审美化的历史档案。

    The Travels of Lao Ts ' an written by Liu E is the representative of rebuking novels in the Late Qing Dynasty , and it is considered as the historical archives of arts for later generations to know the society in Late Qing Dynasty .

  16. 进入近代以后,纷至沓来的民族危机,使得疾病由个体延伸至整个民族国家,医国与医人的隐喻方式逐渐生成,《老残游记》便是其中的典范。

    For more and more national crisis after the modern times , it has been extended by the individual to the nation-state , the metaphor way about " medical country " and " medical person " has produced gradually , " the Travels of Laochan " is a model .

  17. 他理想人格的代表老残在《老残游记》中表明了自己的立场:统治者(驾驶者)能够带领中国走向美好的未来,导致国家危机的那些中下层的官吏(水手)。

    He ideal representative of personality ( Lao Can ) indicate his own position in the Travels of Lao Can : Ruler ( driver ) can lead China move towards bright future , those who caused national crisis were government official in the lower floor ( sailor ) .