
lǎo huà
  • age;burn-in;preburning;out of date
老化 [lǎo huà]
  • (1) [ageing]

  • (2) 随着时间的推移而基本性质或力量衰退

  • 经过一个严冬之后汽车的电瓶老化了

  • (3) 指在一定地区、范围内老年人的比重增长

  • 欧洲人口老化

  • (4) [out of date]∶知识的相对过时

老化[lǎo huà]
  1. 观察细胞的甲基化模式(注:甲基化是指,在甲基转移酶的作用下,甲基基团从供体转移到DNA的碱基上)表明这些细胞年龄有多大,并且所有的细胞在以不同的速度老化。

    Looking at the methylation patterns of cells gives an indication of how old they are , and all of our cells age at different rates .

  2. 法国贝桑松UniversityCollegeHospital的一个研究小组日前进行了首例关于不同程度脸部老化和日晒关系的研究。

    A team at University College Hospital , Besancon , in France , conducted the first study on how sections of the face age at different rates related to sun exposure .

  3. 很明显灰泥已脆裂老化,全剥落下来了。

    Obviously the plaster 's just perished and all fallen off

  4. 老化的飞机需要更加频繁地进行安全检查。

    Ageing aircraft need more frequent safety inspections .

  5. 他的头发开始脱落,皮肤也老化了。

    His hair is thinning and his skin has lost all hint of youth .

  6. 他们的车胎在慢慢老化。

    Their tyres are slowly perishing .

  7. 能显著提高产品的光泽度、附着力、丰满度、耐老化性。

    Considerably increase the glossiness , adhesive force , fullness and aging resistance of theproducts .

  8. 后者则指一个人连续几天或几周不合眼。长期处于睡眠负债的状况中,不但会影响情绪、工作表现、还会减低记忆力、警觉性、注意力和判断力、并且加速老化,甚至引发其它疾病。

    Total sleep deprivation means being kept awake for days or weeks . A long-term sleep debt may cause emotional upset , compromise work performance , weaken memory , alertness , attention as well as judgment . It may also speed up one ’ s ageing process and lead to other types of diseases .

  9. 其次,阐述沥青老化和再生机理,在此基础上提出旧沥青的再生方法,并合成了A、B两种再生剂,分别适用于十年和五年旧沥青;

    And compose two type recycling agent correspond to five-year and ten-year old asphalt .

  10. 热空气老化和热水老化对PC冲击性能的影响

    Effect of hot air aging and hot water aging on impact properties of polycarbonate

  11. 但SOD、CAT活性在老化处理未与老化处理种子幼苗之间变化不大。SOD同功酶谱带数目不受人工老化处理影响。

    But SOD and CAT activity did not change much between normal and ageing seedling .

  12. 其次,针对一种需要进行老化测试的LED恒流驱动电源,给出了一个能馈型电子负载的工程实例。

    Secondly , an inverter-based energy-regenerative electronic load prototype is built to facilitate the burn-in test for a constant-current LED driver .

  13. 加速老化还引起种子子叶与胚轴内ABA含量明显增加。

    ABA contents of cotyledon and axis were increased dramatically .

  14. 因此ABS塑料属于湿度促进老化类型。

    ABS plastics are belong to the one of which humidity can accelerate the aging .

  15. 几种太阳电池封装用液体粘接剂的耐老化性能由好至差的顺序是:硅胶、改性环氧、环氧树脂,而EVA胶膜则介于改性环氧和环氧树脂之间。

    The sequence of EVA films is between modified epoxy resin and epoxy resin .

  16. LNG老化及其对发动机性能影响研究

    Study on LNG " Weathering " and the Engine Performance Influenced by It

  17. LCD模块老化试验台的研制

    Aging Test Machine for LCD Module

  18. 单向玻纤增强BMI复合材料的酸雨和温热老化行为

    Acid Rain and Hygrothermal Aging Behavior of Unidirectional Glass Fiber Reinforced BMI Composites

  19. VLSI老化模型参数热阻的研究

    Study of thermal resistance of burn-in model of VLSI

  20. 最佳工艺条件为老化时间24h;

    The optimum processing conditions were ageing time 24 h ;

  21. 纳米层包覆TiO2粒子复合乳胶涂料的光催化和耐老化性能研究

    Study on photocatalytic and aging behavior of coated nano-TiO_2 composite latex coatings

  22. PTC热敏陶瓷电极的老化研究

    On Heat Ageing of Electrodes of PTC Thermosensitive Ceramics

  23. 仪器除了可以自动测量氟离子浓度外,还具有pH值测定、自动温度补偿、自动定标、电极老化补偿、连续显示、随时打印等功能。

    It has also the functions of pH measurement , automatic temperature compensation , automatic calibration , electrode aging compensation and data display and printing .

  24. 硬脂酸镧对LLDPE热老化行为的影响

    Effect of Lanthanum Stearate on Thermal Aging Behavior of LLDPE

  25. 结果在老化小鼠的各脏器中,NFκB的表达量及活性均有不同程度的增加,尤以肺脏的改变最为显著。

    Results The expression and DNA binding activity of NF κ B increased remarkably in organs of aged mice , especially in the lung .

  26. HTPB推进剂凝胶分解特性与老化性能的相关性

    Relationship between gel decomposition characteristics and aging properties of HTPB propellants

  27. 高压XLPE绝缘电力电缆的电老化与寿命估计

    Electical Aging and Lifetime Estimation of High Voltage XLPE Insulated Power Cables

  28. Rejuvenation是为了防止软件老化而提出的一种主动性、预防性的软件容错策略。

    Rejuvenation is a proactive and preventive software fault-tolerance strategy to prevent software-aging phenomenon .

  29. 结果表明,抗氧剂1076和紫外线吸收剂UV&327能有效改善ABS的耐老化性能。

    The results showed that Antioxidant 1076 and Ultraviolet absorber UV-327 could effectively improve the properties of anti-ageing of ABS .

  30. 纳米SiO2涂膜的紫外屏蔽增强,耐老化性能提高。

    The ultraviolet shielding ability and the resistance to aging of the SiO_2 film has been improved .