
  • 网络effect;propaganda effect
  1. 滚动画布是一种新型的广告发布形式,为了达到良好的宣传效果,用单台PLC控制8台广告机上的16幅滚动画布。

    Rolling canvas is a new type of advertisement . In order to reach a good propaganda effect , 16 rolling canvases on 8 advertisement machines are controlled by one Programmable Logic Controller ( PLC ) .

  2. 基于模糊评判的交通安全宣传效果评价模型

    Appraisal Model of Propaganda Effect of Traffic Safety Based on Fuzzy Evaluation

  3. 正如德国所发现的,Uber不但愿意在拼车领域打法律的擦边球,而且随之而来的宣传效果对它很有利。

    As Germany has found , Uber is not only willing to become a ride-sharing outlaw , but the resulting publicity serves it well .

  4. 相比我在代码补丁方面的工作,花同样的时间,织袜子给Drupal项目带来的宣传效果要大很多。

    Knitting the socks has given the Drupal project far more exposure than if I 'd contributed the same amount of time in code patches .

  5. SocialFlow是一家媒体平台,利用数据分析手段帮助各大品牌了解发布Twitter消息的最佳方式和时段,以达到最好的宣传效果。

    SocialFlow , a media platform that uses data analytics to show brands the best ways and times to Tweet to achieve maximum exposure , raised $ 7 million during its Series A round of funding .

  6. 通过地震知识征询调查检验地震宣传效果

    Examining results of seismological popularization through consulting investigations on seismological knowledge

  7. 版面是期刊一个很重要的组成部分,版面美不美对期刊的宣传效果影响极大。

    The layout is an important component part of the periodical .

  8. 结论世界卫生日现场咨询活动收到了较好的宣传效果。

    Conclusion The on-the-spot counseling of the World Health Day is effective .

  9. 合作双方将达到双赢的宣传效果。

    A win-win situation will be achieved for both parties .

  10. 这对中国时装的宣传效果要强于一切时装表演。

    This does more to advertise Chinese couture than any fashion show .

  11. 如何最好地达到良好的宣传效果?

    Of how best to achieve good promotional effect ?

  12. 青年学生中艾滋病知识宣传效果评估

    Assessment of Effectiveness of AIDS Education for Young Students

  13. 影响党报新闻宣传效果的因素分析

    An observation of the factors affecting the publicity effect of the Party 's newspapers

  14. 怎么有效地投放才能取得最佳的传播宣传效果呢?

    How to get the best publicizing purpose by putting in the advertisement availably ?

  15. 这件事的宣传效果肯定没有帮助。

    Having publicity like this certainly does not help , says one aviation analyst .

  16. 正在发生的事实的报道和正在报道发生的事实&浅谈电视媒体的最佳宣传效果

    The Report of the Event Being Happening and the Live Report of the Imminent Event

  17. 我们专业和富有特色的装饰产品可以为你带来理想和卓越的宣传效果。

    Our professional and characteristic decoration productions could bring you ideal and fabulous propaganda effect .

  18. 浦东新区医务人员公健操宣传效果评估

    Effect Evaluation on the Publicizing of Health Exercise among Medical Staff in Pudong New Area

  19. 所以这两项途径没有起到很好的宣传效果。

    Therefore , the two did not play very good way to publicize the results .

  20. 这些现实的存在,充分说明了我们的宣传效果并不理想。

    The existence of these realities , the full description of our publicity is not satisfactory .

  21. 论文化模式对广告宣传效果的影响

    Influence of Cultural Model on Advertisement

  22. 译文质量的高低直接影响着学校的自身形象和宣传效果。

    The quality of the translation has a direct impact on the universities ' international image .

  23. 在同一时间内,它确保程序员可以提供的广告宣传效果和追踪视频使用。

    At the same time , it ensures programmers can deliver advertising and track video usage .

  24. 它接受有影响的杂志、电视台和广播电台的采访,以便在会前得到最大的宣传效果。

    It gave interviews to influential magazines , television and radio to maximize publicity before the meetings .

  25. 尽管如此,我们的展板还是吸引了大量同学驻足,取得了不错的宣传效果。

    Nevertheless , our panel still attracts a large number of students stood and made good publicity .

  26. 软新闻是一种特殊的信息载体,具有良好的传播功能和宣传效果。

    As a special information carrier , soft news has the function of effective communication and good publicity .

  27. 所以,如果他们寻求宣传效果,就不应指望把新闻稿改头换面就能变成重磅新闻。

    So if they seek publicity , they should not expect heavyweight publications simply to re-hash press releases .

  28. 湖北省三县市暗娼艾滋病知识宣传效果评价

    Evaluation of the effect of spreading HIV / AIDS knowledge among commercial sex workers in three cities in Hubei

  29. 否则,受众看不懂或者不愿意看,就必然影响宣传效果。

    Otherwise it may influence the propaganda effect if audience could not understand or are unwilling to read the news .

  30. 中国武器开始在世界各地的冲突中亮相,这本身就能起到很好的宣传效果。

    The very fact Chinese kit is starting to appear in conflicts around the world is good publicity for them .