
  1. 其中以安徽宣州太子参改善小鼠脾虚症状效果最好。

    Radix Pseudostellariae from Xuanzhou was most effective on spleen-deficiency mice .

  2. 宣州市已婚育龄妇女避孕知识状况及其影响因素分析

    The Analysis of Contraceptive Knowledge Level among Married Reproductive Women

  3. 安徽宣州所产的著名的宣纸,最先出现于唐朝。

    The famous Xuan paper , produced in Xuanzhou , Anhui Province , first appeared in the Tang Dynasty .

  4. 安徽省宣州生产的宣纸,就是闻名中外的上等纸张,是用于中国书法、绘画的珍品。

    For example , the Xuan paper made in Xuanzhou of Anhui Province is a high quality paper adapted for use in Chinese calligraphy and painting .

  5. 唐末杨行密趁乱占据庐州,并以庐州为基地向外拓展,最终夺取宣州、扬州,统一江淮。

    In the last years in the Tang Dynasty , Yang Xingmi took control of Luzhou , expanded to other areas , seized Xuanzhou and Yangzhou , and finally unified Jianghuai area .