
  • 网络xuanhan county
  1. 四川省宣汉县常规免疫接种率监测与评价

    Surveillance and evaluation on routine immunization rates in Xuanhan County

  2. 宣汉县气象站主要气象要素特征值统计表。

    Statistical data of characteristic valvues of main climatic parameters collected by Xuanhan county meteorological station .

  3. 基于RS与GIS技术宣汉县天台乡滑坡灾害危险性评价

    The Estimation of Landslide Hazard Based on RS and GIS Technology

  4. 四川省宣汉县人口寿命表动态分析

    Dynamic analysis of life table in Xuan Han county , sichuan

  5. 宣汉县罗家坝遗址是四川东北部新发现的一处先秦文化遗址。

    Luojiaba Relics in Xuanhan county is pre-Qin cultural one newly found in the northeast of Sichuan .

  6. 贫困、发展与环境&对四川省宣汉县人口与生态环境问题的调查与思考

    Poverty , development and environment

  7. 盘龙洞生物礁古油气藏位于四川省宣汉县鸡唱乡盘龙洞,是一个海绵礁古油气藏;

    The present paper propose a newly discovered sponge-reef fossil oil-gas pool in the ChangxingFormationin the Panlongdong , Xuanhan , Sichuan .

  8. 四川省宣汉县天台乡滑坡桩前不稳定斜坡稳定性评价及治理工程措施研究

    Evaluation of stability and engineering effect for the unstable slope in front of the pile of Tiantai landslide in Xuanhan county , sichuan

  9. 宣汉县水稻也有大面积的种植,总产较高,但是布局有待优化。

    There are also large areas for rice cultivation with a high total yield . However , the layout of rice plantation remains to be improved .

  10. 县域自然资源可持续利用探讨以四川省洪雅县为例贫困、发展与环境对四川省宣汉县人口与生态环境问题的调查与思考

    An Exploration on the Sustainable Utilization of Natural Resources at County Level & A Case Study in Hongya County , Sichuan Province POVERTY , DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENT