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  1. 以ATS为主的中枢兴奋剂及相关非法精神活性物质精神依赖性强。国产丁丙诺啡的药物依赖性特性

    ATS and related club drugs had strong psychic dependence-producing potential . THE DEPENDENCE - PRODUCING PROPERTIES OF BUPRENORPHINE

  2. 假日经济中的文化内涵民俗文化符号的继承、开发、利用和发展,对于我们理解假日经济中的文化交流、文化理解以及假日经济所包含的人民物质精神消费习惯研究,都至关重要。

    Based on the analysis of the internal relations between holiday economy and folk culture , we attempt to tap the cultural implication of sustainable development for the sake of creative input , exchange and application .

  3. 在编辑的编作方式或著作方式中,编辑思维方法与出版物内容形式相关联,反映物质精神世界和文化生产趋于对称性、和谐性的关系。

    In the compilation of the editor , his ideas about edition corresponds with the content and form of the publication , reflecting the relationship of symmetry and harmony between the material and spiritual world and the cultural production .

  4. 设计文化的多样性可以理解为经济文化、工业生产技术的标志性文化、当代科技发展的前瞻文化、物质精神结合的创造文化、社会分工与协调的群体文化。

    The diversity of design culture may be understood as economic culture , symbolic culture of industrial technology , forward culture of modern technological development , creative culture combining matter with spirit and culture of the social division and harmony of labour .

  5. 物质与精神相对。

    Matter is the opposite of mind .

  6. GDP有广义与狭义之分,广义GDP指福利GDP,包括物质及精神领域。

    GDP is divided into two parts : GDP of broad sense and GDP of narrow sense . GDP of broad sense means welfare GDP which include physical field and spirit field .

  7. “法”,是一切物质和精神现象的概括。

    Fa is the general name of all materials and spirits .

  8. 香巴拉在物质和精神领域之间形成一个入口。

    Shambhala forms a gateway between the physical and spiritual realms .

  9. 文明从结构学角度考察是一种独特的物质和精神结构;

    Civilization is a special physical and spiritual structure from Structure Science ;

  10. 社区物质、精神环境规划建设;

    Community material and spiritual environment planning and construction ;

  11. 人化的自然产生后,物质和精神共同孕育新的精神。

    Substance and spirit gestate new spirit together .

  12. 物质与精神的双重追求。

    The dual pursue in material and spiritual .

  13. 作为孩子,他们应该在物质和精神上照顾老人的。

    As children , they should take care of the elderly in material and spirit .

  14. 必须具有使道德行为主体获得物质或精神补偿的机制;

    Must have and make morals behavior theme obtain material or mechanism that spirit compensate ;

  15. 首先从物质和精神两方面考察城市娱乐文化的环境。

    First it researched the environment of city entertainment from the aspects of substance and spirit .

  16. 学校文化不是独立的物质、精神或制度等特质或要素,抑或它们之间的简单相加;

    School culture is not simply putting together some interdependent elements such as material , mental and institution .

  17. 代课教师的身份问题给他们带来了物质和精神层面的不平等待遇和相对剥夺感。

    The status of substitute teachers do bring them the material and spiritual dimensions of inequality and relative deprivation .

  18. 办公休憩交往空间是人性化的空间,是物质与精神的高度统一。

    Space for resting and exchanging bases on human nature , and realizes the unity of material and spirits .

  19. 鄂西南土家族绚烂而又独特的服饰文化是中华文化艺术巨大的物质和精神财富。

    Its gorgeous and unique costume culture is a large material and spiritual wealth in Chinese culture and arts .

  20. 现代化所带来的物质和精神变革,使资本主义日益成为强势文明。

    The material and spiritual revolution brought by modernization is making the capitalism into a vigorous civiliza-tion day by day .

  21. 现今中国的经济变革正在引起包括物质、精神、社会等层面上的民俗的复杂变化。

    The Chinese economic reforms are causing the corresponding complex changes of folklore at material , spiritual and social levels .

  22. 岩画是一种特殊的文化现象,它的内涵十分丰富,涉及古代人们的物质和精神生活。

    Da Mei Di Rock Arts , a special culture phenomenon , are about people 's material and cultural life .

  23. 作为一种巨大的物质和精神力量,计算机信息网络将推动人类更快进入大同世界。

    Being a tremendous material and spiritual force , computer information network will accelerate mankind enter the realm of Great Harmony .

  24. 工业品外观设计作为知识产权的一类重要客体,体现了人们在生产生活中对物质与精神的双重追求。

    As an important kind of object in intellectual property , industrial design exhibits our pursuit both in material and spiritual area .

  25. 传统城镇作为人类社会宝贵的物质和精神资源,受到了社会广泛的关注。

    As the precious resource of material and spirit in our cities , traditional cities and towns has aroused wide social concern .

  26. 对专业人员的评价结果进行因子分析发现,本文提出的单项风格能够比较真实地反映出颜色风格的物质与精神两个方面。

    According to the results of investigation and factor analysis , the color style could be divided into substance and spirit parts .

  27. 因此,对女孩的教育是中国社会,乃至人类社会物质和精神方面进步的关键。

    So the education of girls is key to the progress both materially and spiritually of human society , of Chinese society .

  28. 强调设计时必须充分体现人在物质和精神上的平衡,考虑人的因素是空间处理的重点。

    It emphasizes fully embodying the balance between matter and spirit of person and considering personal factor is stress of space arrangement .

  29. 面对未来,中国要进行相应的战略调整,强化人的意志自由,实现物质、精神两大战略有效互动,为赢得21世纪奠定基础。

    So , in order to lay a solid foundation for the 21st century , China is forced to make strategic adjustment accordingly .

  30. 根据调查对象对物质、精神、环境和自我实现等需要回答进行计数,然后进行比较。

    According to the answer of material , mental , environment and self-actualization of the subjects , the answers were counted and compared .