
lǎo wō yǔ
  • Laotian language;Laotian
  1. 我还利用这个机会与WMPA和政府的朋友练了老挝语,这对我来说是个额外的收获。

    I also got to practice my Lao with my WMPA and government friends , which was a nice little extra benefit for me !

  2. 做不到这点的话,专业的老挝语软件开发可能将十分困难。

    Without this , professional Lao software development can be difficult .

  3. 关于老挝语字体、编码系统和区域设置的各种文档。

    Various documents on Lao : fonts , encoding schemes , and locales .

  4. 老挝语和汉语发展历史不同,老挝语的近义词很少。

    The development of the Chinese and Laotian languages differ ; Laotian has far fewer synonyms .

  5. 10%的人口是膻族,他们说膻的地方方言,与老挝语和泰国语有关。

    10 % of the populations are Shan , who speak Shan dialects , related to Lao and Thai .

  6. 然后就汉语与老挝语同义名词的异同进行详细分析与描写。

    Then Chinese and Lao the similarities and differences between synonymous nouns makes a detailed analysis and description . 3 .

  7. 系统的电脑运行软件也正处于用老挝语“本地化”的最后阶段,从事这一项工作的是一群移居美国的老挝人。村民们用这个新网络可做的一件事情就是决定要不要走向市场。

    One thing that the new network will allow villagers to do is decide whether it is worth going to market .

  8. 一个住在老挝湄公河流域和泰国并且说老挝语的佛教民族成员;和泰国人有联系。

    A member of a Buddhist people inhabiting the area of the Mekong River in Laos and Thailand and speaking the Lao language ; related to the thais .