
  • 网络spinal reflex;spinal cord reflex
  1. 发现猫手术前和双侧半规管阻塞后耳石-眼动反应的功率谱和相对增益无显著性差异,脊髓反射H波幅变化在不同加速度刺激下有相似的反应模式。

    After bilateral canal plugged , no significant changes of power spectra and relative gain of otoliths-ocular reflex were found , and similar responsive patterns of H wave of spinal reflex under different linear acceleration were appeared .

  2. 强啡肽对脊髓反射抑制作用的受体机制研究

    Study of the receptor mechanism of dynorphin-induced loss of spinal reflex

  3. 于运动前、运动后即刻和恢复4h采用肌电图仪分别记录受试者股内侧肌和腓肠肌的肌肉反应时,包括脊髓反射、中间反射和自主肌肉活动肌肉反应时。

    The electromyograph was used to record and test the response time of the examinees on spinal reflex , intermediate reflex and voluntary muscle activities of muscle vastus medialis and gastrocnemius before , right after the exercise and 4 hours after recovery .

  4. 方法用ST-939型前庭脊髓反射功能检测系统测定40例正常人及78例眩晕患者的姿势描记图及有关参数。

    Methods Posturography and related parameters of 40 normal subjects and 78 patients suffering from vertigo were measured with the ST-939 type computerized posturography system .

  5. 双重刺激脊髓反射及其对颈神经根损害的评定

    Double Stimulation Spinal Reflex and Its Assessment to Cervical Root Disorder

  6. 针刺颅骨矢状缝区对健康人脊髓反射的影响

    Effects of Acupuncture in Margo Sagittalis on Spinal Reflex of Healthy Subjects

  7. 这一技术提供了直接在人体上进行脊髓反射研究的方法。

    This technique provides a distinct approach in human spinal reflex study .

  8. 脊椎旁电针刺激对脊髓反射放电的影响

    Effect of para vertebral electro acupuncture on reflex discharges of the spinal cord

  9. 前庭脊髓反射功能测量系统在眩晕病诊断中的应用

    Application of vestibule-spinal reflex measurment in vertigo

  10. 目的定量分析正常人与眩晕患者前庭脊髓反射功能。

    Objective To quantitatively evaluate the vestibular spinal reflex function of normal subjects and vertigo patients .

  11. 目的测定与分析眩晕患者的前庭眼反射与前庭脊髓反射功能。

    AIM To examine and analyse the vestibular eye reflex and vestibular spinal reflex function of vertigo patients .

  12. 本文研究线性加速度作用下,猫半规管阻塞前后前庭-眼动反射、前庭-脊髓反射和姿态平衡的反应特性。

    Responsive characteristics of vestibulo-ocular reflex , vestibulo-spinal reflex and postural equilibrium of cats under linear acceleration , before and after plugged semicircular canal operation were studied .

  13. 结论重力拮抗肌肌电图可敏感反映前庭功能异常时前庭脊髓反射的姿势反射状况,为航海者提供一个检测前庭功能的指标。

    Conclusions As a valuable index , EMG could be used to examine vestibulospinal reflexes and posture response in vestibular dysfunction state , and it is useful for the examination of vestibular function in seamen .

  14. 结论倾角姿态图可以评价平衡功能。特别是闭眼球台检查,能有效反映前庭脊髓反射。

    Conclusion Posturography with inclinometer and platform with global bottom is effective on evaluation of balance function , In particular , the test of standing on the platform with the eyes closed effectively reflects the vestibulospinal reflex .

  15. 上述结果表明;视叶能以突触前抑制的形式参与躯体感觉传入的离心控制,影响脊髓反射活动,并可能涉及镇痛机制。

    Thus , the results indicate that the optic tectum takes part in the centrifugal control of somatosensory afferent activity , affects the spinal reflex , and involves in the mechanism of analgesia by way of presynaptic inhibition .

  16. 结论本检测系统可对前庭脊髓反射功能作定量分析,可靠性、客观性强,对前庭脊髓平衡功能的评估及眩晕症的鉴别诊断有实用价值。

    Conclusion Quantitative analysis of the vestibular spinal reflex function can be reliably and objectively realized with the ST-939 type computerized posturography system . It is a valuable method for the evaluation of vestibular spinal balance function and differential diagnosis of vertigo .

  17. 大鼠脊髓排尿反射通路的形态学研究

    Morphologic research of micturition reflex in spinal cord in the rat

  18. 目的:建立犬膝腱脊髓膀胱反射弧重建膀胱功能的动物模型,作为实验研究人工膀胱反射弧的基础。

    Objective : To establish an animal model of bladder functional reconstruction with the " tendon spinal cord bladder " artificial bladder reflex arc .

  19. 结果:5只家犬膝腱脊髓膀胱反射弧均成功建立,刺激反射弧时膀胱压和尿道压都有升高。

    Result : Artificial bladder reflex arc was established successfully in all 5 dogs and the bladder pressure and urethra pressure were increased while the reflex arc was stimulated .

  20. 目的:观察组成膝腱脊髓膀胱反射弧的神经细胞,从形态学上寻找反射弧重建膀胱功能的证据。

    Objective : To observe the nerve cell composed of " knee tendon spinal cord bladder " reflex arc and it ′ s morphological character , so as to search the morphological evidence of the bladder reconstruction with the reflex arc .

  21. 膝腱-脊髓-膀胱反射弧的形态学观察

    Morphological study on " knee tendon-spinal cord-bladder " reflex arc

  22. 在成功建立犬膝腱-脊髓-膀胱人工反射弧的基础上,对3例圆锥上SCI痉挛性膀胱的病人,进行肌腱-脊髓-膀胱人工反射弧建立术。

    Based on successful experimental study in 6 dogs , an artificial tendon-cord-bladder reflex was established in 3 patients .

  23. 托特罗定治疗脊髓损伤所致逼尿肌反射亢进的临床报道

    Clinical Report of Tolterodine on the Treatment of Detrusor Hyperreflexia in Patients having Spinal Cord Injury

  24. 经尿道膀胱壁A型肉毒毒素注射治疗脊髓损伤患者逼尿肌反射亢进及神经原性尿失禁

    Botulinum-A toxin injection into detrusor to treat detrusor hyperreflexia and neurogenic incontinence in patients with spinal cord injury

  25. 结论托特罗定是治疗脊髓损伤后逼尿肌反射亢进的安全有效药物。

    ConclusionTolterodine is an effective and well tolerable antimuscarinic agent for treating detrusor hyperreflexia after spinal cord injury .

  26. 目的:观察骶神经根磁刺激治疗对脊髓损伤所致逼尿肌反射亢进的治疗作用。

    Objective : To observe the effect of magnetic stimulation of sacral nerve roots on detrusor urinate overactivity after spinal cord injury .

  27. 目的评估逼尿肌A型肉毒毒素注射治疗脊髓损伤患者逼尿肌反射亢进和神经原性尿失禁的临床效果。

    Objective To evaluate the effects of Botulinum-A toxin ( BTX-A ) injection into detrusor to treat detrusor hyperreflexia and neurogenic incontinence in the patients with spinal cord injury ( SCI ) .

  28. 结论:L1与L3脊神经前根吻合可成功建立L2脊髓半切损伤大鼠的股四头肌脊髓旁神经反射通路。

    Conclusion : New paraspinal pathway of quadriceps femoris can be established by L1-L3 spinal ventral roots anastomosis after spinal cord injury at L2 level hemitransection in rats .

  29. 结论本体觉传入纤维在脊髓内的定位模式形成于小鼠胚胎后期和生后早期,本研究结果为深入理解脊髓反射运动环路的发育特点提供了依据。

    These results provide evidence for understanding the development of the reflex movements .