
nónɡ tán
  • Purulent sputum;sputum containing puss
  1. 反复感染、咳大量脓痰是其特征。

    Copius purulent sputum production with cough is typical .

  2. 他一直很健康,到1960年10月,才慢慢地开始有咳嗽和脓痰。

    He had enjoyed good health until oct.1960 , when he gradually developed cough and purulent sputum .

  3. 当时躺在病床上的老兵早已泣不成声,一口脓痰差点把他给憋死过去。

    The lying veteran was choked with sobs and a mouthful of purulent sputum almost choked him to death .

  4. 脓痰白细胞总数显著高于白粘痰(P<0.001)。

    Total amount of white cells in purulent sputum group was significantly higher than that in mucoid sputum group ( P < 0.001 ) .

  5. 脓痰87份,细菌阳性率为82.7%;白粘痰72份,细菌阳性率27.8%,两组相比有显著差异(P<0.001)。

    Bacterial positivity was 82.7 % in purulent sputum group and 27.8 % in mucoid sputum group ( 87 samples vs 72 samples , P < 0.001 ) .

  6. 结果:临床表现:气急加重3例,晕厥2例,咳嗽咳痰加重并有黄脓痰1例。

    The clinical manifestations , lab tests , radiographic characteristics , diagnosis and prognosis of these cases were analyzed . Results : clinical manifestations : 3 cases presented with progressive dyspnea , 2 cases with syncope , only 1 case with progressive cough with purulent sputum .

  7. 吸入性氨曲南赖氨酸组较安慰剂组在肺功能、绿脓杆菌痰密度等临床症状上的改善也显著相关。

    Aztreonam lysine inhalation was also associated with significantly greater improvements in clinical symptoms , lung function , and sputum density of P.aeruginosa , compared with placebo .

  8. 主要用于痈肿吐脓、痰热咳嗽、热痢热淋、痈疮肿毒。

    It was mainly used to carbuncle and vomiting of pus , phlegm-heat and coughing , dysentery of heat type and strangury due to heat , carbuncle toxin .