
yāo ténɡ
  • lumbago
  1. 一阵厉害的腰疼使他不宜于做园子里的工作。

    A bad attack of lumbago unfitted him for work in the garden .

  2. 输卵管损伤症状出现于术后0~13d,包括:引流量增多、腹痛或腹胀、腰疼、恶心呕吐、发热、尿量减少、阴道流水、腹部皮下水肿、腹膜炎等。

    Uterine enlargement was found in 7 . Patients presented increased vaginal drainage , flank pain , increased volumes of vaginal discharge , nausea and vomiting , fever , edema , or peritonitis from 0 to 13 days postoperatively .

  3. 我不要您得到创伤或有腰疼

    I do not want you to get hurt or have backache

  4. 你不能老拿腰疼当托词呀。

    You can 't keep using your bad back as an excuse .

  5. 经过针刺治疗,他的腰疼减轻了。

    After the acupuncture treatment , the pain in his sides eased off .

  6. 可以,不过弯腰时很疼。医生治好了我的腰疼。

    The doctor cured the pain in my back .

  7. 我有严重的头痛和腰疼。

    I have a terrible headache and a backache .

  8. 症状典型,多具有腰疼合并一侧下肢放射疼;

    They had typical clinical signs and symptoms .

  9. 喜欢评头品足的媒体和咨询顾问的冷眼旁观其实是站着说话不腰疼。

    Overcritical media and consultants looking on with cold eyes actually do not know the difficulty in it .

  10. 你当然是站着说话不腰疼咯,毕竟你有一份收入颇丰的工作。

    It is easy for you to say , after all , you 've got a lucrative job !

  11. 站在车库的你并不会变成一辆奔驰是吧?所以站在教堂的你也不会变成基督徒。(站著说话不腰疼)

    Going to church doesn 't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car .

  12. 那些叫你不要因为小事而烦心的人,其实他们自己根本就是站着说话不腰疼。

    People who tell you never to let little things bother you have never tried sleeping in a room with a mosquito .

  13. 如果你的各自越高,你越有可能出现腰疼的症状。这是因为越是高大的人约有弯腰驼背的倾向。

    The taller you are , the more likely you are to suffer with back pain . This is because taller people have a greater tendency to slouch .

  14. 我自高处拿东西时,突然觉着腰疼。(当我抬起一个重箱子时,我觉着一阵腰痛。)

    When I tried to get something off a high shelf , I suddenly felt a pain in my back . ( When I lifted a heavy box , I felt a pain in my back . )