
  • Abdominal black;scheming;evil-minded;FH;xxx
  1. 在洛杉矶网飞公司有关《荒野求生》的宣布会上,该剧集的监制CindyHolland在被问及观众会不会把格里尔斯推入危险的境地时,她笑道,《荒野求生》不会像《潘达斯奈基》那么腹黑。

    At Netflix 's You vs. Wild announcement event in Los Angeles , the streamer 's VP of original series Cindy Holland laughed when asked if the series would involve viewers putting Grylls in mortal peril , and said that You vs. Wild won 't be as " dark " as Bandersnatch .

  2. 白腹黑啄木鸟是中国国家二级保护

    White-bellied Black Woodpecker is the second class state protection in China

  3. 白腹黑啄木鸟理查亚种中国画的黑白与木版画的黑白交叉关系研究

    Chinese Painting and Woodblock Prints of Black and White Black and White Study of Cross-Relations

  4. 腹黑的计划和邪恶的心灵被制作果冻、果酱的日常生活所代替。

    His devious plans and wicked mind have given way to jelly and jam making .

  5. 自私之人最腹黑的伎俩就是,他会竭力扰乱你的思维、给你造成困惑。

    The most dangerous trick in the selfish persons bag is the confusion he tries to create in your mind .