  • leg;limb;ham;underpinning;a leglike support
  • 下肢,在脚的上面,在膝上胯下的称“大腿”,在膝下脚上的称“小腿”。~脚。

  • 器物上像腿的部分:桌子~儿。

  • 特指经盐腌、洗晒、晾挂等工序加工成的猪后腿:火~。云~。


(下肢) leg:

  • 小腿


  • 大腿


  • 后腿


  • 前腿



(像腿的支撑部分) a leglike support:

  • 床腿

    legs of a bed


(指火腿) ham:

  • 云腿

    Yunnan ham

  1. 他腿骨折了,从球场上抬了下去。

    He was stretchered off the pitch with a broken leg .

  2. 将受伤的腿抬高是很重要的。

    It is important that the injured leg should be elevated .

  3. 那只猫在抓挠椅子腿。

    The cat was clawing at the leg of the chair .

  4. 她弄湿毛巾,把它裹在他的腿上。

    She damped a towel and wrapped it round his leg .

  5. 他身宽腿细。

    He has a large body , but thin legs .

  6. 我把腿抓出了血。

    I 'd scratched my leg and it was bleeding .

  7. 她那麻木了的腿一软,她便重重地摔了一跤。

    Her numb leg gave way beneath her and she stumbled clumsily .

  8. 我的腿必须打六星期绷带。

    I have to keep my leg strapped up for six weeks .

  9. 我撞到椅子上,碰伤了腿。

    I banged into a chair and hurt my leg .

  10. 他的腿生了坏疽,必须截除。

    Gangrene set in and he had to have his leg amputated .

  11. 哎唷!我的腿抽筋了。

    Ow ! I just got a charley horse in my leg .

  12. 他一骗腿轻而易举地骑上摩托车。

    He swung his leg over the motorcycle , straddling it easily .

  13. 有只蜘蛛正顺着你的腿往上爬。

    There 's a spider crawling up your leg .

  14. 狗狠咬了我的腿。

    The dog sank its teeth into my leg .

  15. 她双手合拢,放在腿上。

    She kept her hands folded in her lap .

  16. 她上星期把腿摔断了,而且还是在她生日那一天!

    She broke her leg last week ─ and on her birthday too !

  17. 他怎么把腿弄断的?

    How did he come to break his leg ?

  18. 你单腿能站多久?

    How long can you balance on one leg ?

  19. 她的腿弯曲的角度反常。

    Her leg was bent at an unnatural angle .

  20. 我的腿确实在好转。

    My leg is definitely on the mend now .

  21. 狗死死咬着他的腿。

    The dog fastened its teeth in his leg .

  22. 她胳膊和腿瘦得跟柴火棍儿似的。

    Her arms and legs were like sticks .

  23. 他把刀绑到腿上。

    He strapped the knife to his leg .

  24. 来坐在爸爸腿上。

    Come and sit on Daddy 's knee .

  25. 猫在我腿上蹭来蹭去。

    The cat rubbed itself against my legs .

  26. 他绷紧腿和肩膀站着,准备举起杠铃。

    He stood with his legs and shoulders braced , ready to lift the weights .

  27. 只有一个座位,你只好坐在我腿上了。

    There 's only one seat so you 'll have to sit on my lap .

  28. 她双目低垂,看着自己的腿。

    Her eyes dropped to her lap .

  29. 我的腿踢足球时骨折了。

    I broke my leg playing football .

  30. 腿断了应立即打夹板固定。

    Always immobilize a broken leg immediately .