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  • Leg hair;hair on legs
  1. 她刚在当地一家美容院除了腿毛。

    She has just had her legs waxed at the local beauty parlour

  2. 她可以去逛商店,顺便除一下腿毛。

    She could go shopping , and wax her legs .

  3. 很多女性都刮腿毛。

    Many women shave their legs

  4. 对于越来越多的女性来说,美白牙齿已经变成她们美容护理项目中不可分割的一部分,跟染发或者除腿毛一样稀松平常。

    For an increasing number of women , whitening their teeth has become an integral part of their beauty routine - as normal as colouring their hair or waxing their legs .

  5. Chris,我要去修剪腿毛

    Chris , I 'm going to get my mustache waxed .

  6. 你居然为那个男人把腿毛都剃光了。

    My girl even shaved her furry legs for this guy .

  7. 你也许以为我在褪腿毛或干什么的。

    You 'd think I was having my IEGs waxed or something .

  8. 而你不必常常刮腿毛。

    And you needn 't shave your legs as much .

  9. 腿毛刮了没?刮了。

    Rachel : So , did you shave your legs ?

  10. 女士们,可以穿裤子或自豪地露出腿毛。

    ladies , wear pants or proudly sport hairy legs .

  11. 剃掉你的腿毛会让它长得更快

    Shaving your leg hair will make it grow back quicker

  12. 或许我没有刮我的腿毛。

    Maybe if I didn 't shave my iegs .

  13. 我要去给我的鬃毛,腿毛,眉毛上蜡了。

    I gotta go get a mani , PEDI and my eyebrows waxed .

  14. 莫妮卡和菲比试用“无痛”去腿毛膏。

    Monica and Phoebe try out a " painless " leg waxing kit .

  15. 另一方面,女性不得不刮除腿毛。

    Women , on the other hand , have to shave their legs .

  16. 她的腿毛真多看来好像穿了长裤一样

    Her legs are so hairy it looks like she 's wearing pants .

  17. 我发现我妈妈用我爸爸的剃须刀刮腿毛。

    I found out my mother shaved her IEGs with my father 's razor .

  18. 她连腿毛都为你剃了,你竟然没继续下去?

    She shaved her legs for you , and you didn 't follow through ?

  19. 你喜欢古龙水,还用它来剃腿毛?

    So you 're fond of men 's Cologne and use that to shave your legs ?

  20. 对呀,我可是用椰子粉做了他的腿毛。

    Sheldon : Yeah , I used coconut shavings to do the hair on his feet .

  21. 它的腿毛茸茸的,皮毛夹杂着紫色、绿色和粉红色。

    Its legs were furry and the fur was a flow of purples , greens and pinks .

  22. 无论她有怎样心血来潮的怪念头,总会有手下们为她服务,包括刮腿毛和脚趾。

    She has minions catering to her every whim , even shaving her legs -- and toes .

  23. 尼克想要个孩子,我连刮腿毛的时间都没有。

    Nick is totally pushing me for kids . I don 't have time to shave my legs .

  24. 这名男警察拒绝透露自己的姓名,他同意穿上借来的迷你裙女校服,但却不同意刮掉自己的腿毛。

    He agreed to wear a mini-skirt-but refused to shave his legs for the operation , known as Operation Cross-dresser .

  25. 这位爸爸秀出了自己的腿毛,被扎成了整齐的小辫子,大概也是被女儿整的吧。

    One dad showed off his leg hair that had been tied up in neat buns , presumably by his daughter

  26. 布什说,和公路自行车相比,他更喜欢山地自行车。公路自行车选手经常要刮腿毛,而且还要穿莱卡紧身短裤。

    Bush said he prefers mountain biking to road biking , where riders often shave their legs and wear Lycra shorts .

  27. 它使你能够跟一个人建立亲密的关系但不必经常刮腿毛。

    It gives you a deep and profound connection to another human being and you needn 't shave your legs as much .

  28. 刮腿毛并不仅仅只是力气和平衡感的问题——这是对你毅力的真正考验。

    Shaving your legs is not only a feat of strength and balance -- it 's a true test of perseverance . 18 .

  29. 美国妇女剃腿毛和腋毛,她们认为腿上多毛的妇女都是要破坏美国生活方式的女同性恋。

    American women shave their legs and armpits and assume that any hairy-legged woman is a lesbian out to destroy the American Way of Life .

  30. 维冈花了数月时间,用金箔作为原材料、果蝇腿毛作为刷子,完成了这部作品。

    Wigan spent months carving the model out of gold flakes , using the hair from the leg of a fruit fly as a brush .