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  • 网络Chinese Fengshui
  1. 风水学早期在美国的成功,得归功于一些中国风水师锲而不舍的努力。

    It owed its early success to the dogged efforts of a handful of Chinese feng shui experts .

  2. 中国风水术形成历史十分久远,影响至深,是中国古代有关建筑环境的基地选址与规划设计的理论。

    Age-old Fengshui is a series of theories about the selection of site and the planning of a building .

  3. 中国风水所有的基本原则都指出确定黄土高原窑洞理想地点的因素。

    All the basic principles of Chinese geomancy point to the factors determining an ideal site for loess cave dwellings .

  4. 遵从“过去有益于将来的发展”的信念,采取理性态度去对待和研究中国风水文化。

    Discarding the dross and selecting the essence is the rational attitude towards the approach and study of Chinese geomantic culture .

  5. 中国风水是为寻找建筑物的吉祥地点的一种景观评价系统。

    Chinese geomancy ( feng-shui ) is a system of evaluating landscapes in order to find auspicious sites on which to place suitable structures .

  6. 中国风水是中国建筑环境选址、规划、设计、营造中的基本依据、规范和指导思想。

    Chinese geomancy Fengshui was the fundamental basis , norm and guiding ideology for site selection of environment , planning , design and building of a residence .

  7. 宋代风水是中国风水史上发展的鼎盛时期,后世风水的理论、范畴乃至流派差不多都在宋得以确立。

    Sung Dynasty is the most prosperous period of geomantic omen in history , which is the base of the theories , categories and schools of the later ages .

  8. 梵宫处于灵山脚下、临近太湖和88米高的灵山大佛。梵宫是中国风水的缩影,它山环水绕,预示着好运和健康。

    Beneath the foot of Little Lingshan Mountain , and near Taihu Lake and the 88-meter-tall Lingshan Giant Budda , the palace epitomizes Chinese feng shui -- it 's surrounded by mountains and water , portending both good fortune and health .

  9. 谈中国风水宝地理想居住模式的生态学意义风水宝地出英雄,这是蒙古族地名传说的主要母题之一。

    On the ecology means of ideal residential model of Chinese " geomantic and treasured site " " Heroes come from the Good Landscape Geomancy ", this is one of the most important motif of the legends of Mongolian place name .

  10. 解决的方法是,不论种族和信仰,所有的新加坡人都要随身携带一个“八卦”(bagua)。中国的风水学表明,这个八角形的镜子可以驱散煞气。

    The solution was to make all Singaporeans , regardless of their ethnic origin or beliefs , carry a bagua , an octagonal mirror said to deflect negative energy in Chinese geomancy .

  11. 中国传统风水理论与园林景观

    The Chinese Traditional Theory of Fengshui and Landscaping or Gardens Design

  12. 中国传统风水文化在现代家居室内设计中的应用

    Inspiration for Modern Home Interior Design from Chinese Traditional Feng Shui Culture

  13. 中国传统风水元素在室内设计中的合理引用

    Reasonable Introduction of Chinese Fengshui Elements into Indoors Decoration Designing

  14. 论中国传统风水理论中的美学特征

    Discussion on aesthetic feature of Chinese traditional geomantic omen theory

  15. 建筑环境设计与中国古代风水理论

    The Architecture Environment and the Chinese Ancient Geomantic Theories

  16. 中国古代风水模式的文化地理视野

    Cultural geographical perspective of Fengshui system in ancient China

  17. 中国传统风水理念,长期来纳入宗教巫术的范畴。

    Chinese traditional fengshui concept has long been fallen into the category of sorcery and religion .

  18. 中国传统风水理论,长期处于大众科学和建筑学关注的热点领域之外,但它却是中国本土的生态建筑思想沃土之一。

    The traditional Chinese Feng-Shui theories , which are out of the hot areas concerning public science and architecture , are actually a rich land of native Chinese ecological construction ideology .

  19. 在十天的旅行中,“风水大师”带着善男信女们参观一系列中国古代风水的发源地。

    The10-day tour , organized by Feng Shui Masters , takes the faithful ( 14 ) to a series of ancient sites in China that represent feng shui 's early beginnings .

  20. 分析中国传统风水理论对佛教建筑的影响,探讨了佛教建筑与普通建筑在风水方面的异同之处以及两种不同文化在建筑上的交流与碰撞。

    The paper analyses the impact of China 's traditional geomantic omen theory on Buddhism buildings and probes into the similarities and differences between Buddhism buildings and secular buildings in geomantic omen .

  21. 在分析风水原则和进行实地调查的基础上,我认为山峦起伏,附近又有水的黄土高原很有可能是中国古老风水的发源地。

    Based on the analysis of geomantic principles and field observations , I suggest that loess plateau areas where rolling hills and nearby water as the probable place where ancient Chinese geomancy had started .

  22. 大姚至今还保存了一些这样的遗迹,它既有佛教意义上的白塔,也有中国传统风水意义上的文笔塔与锁水塔。

    Da yao still preserved some remains , it has the Buddhist nature of The White Tower , there are also traditional Chinese feng shui nature of The Style tower and The Water tower .

  23. 第四章则将重心放在了传统地域文化对水元素运用的影响问题上,结合中国传统风水理论来探讨博览建筑中水元素的运用问题。

    The fourth chapter is focused on how the traditional and regional culture will have effect on the use of element of water , by exploring the experiment of water in expo buildings with Chinese traditional geomantic phenomenon .

  24. 徽派建筑是民族文化的载体,它将中国传统风水文化、儒道思想和徽商精神完美地融入建筑设计,并体现在村落规划、合院结构和装饰艺术中。

    Hui styled architecture is an ethnic culture carrier which perfectly embraces Chinese traditional feng shui culture , Confucian thought and the spirit of hui merchants , and reflects on the village planning , courtyard structure and decoration art .

  25. 第二章,主要参考中国传统风水理论、可持续发展理论、景观生态学及生态建筑学来对现代室内景观生态设计进行理论指导。

    Chapter 2 , the author not only refers the theory of Chinese traditional geomancy and sustainable development , but also the landscape ecology and the architecture ecology , in order to abstractly guide ecological design in modern interior landscapes .

  26. 刘新虎说,最初他们是想设计一种古代的中式村落,但是这个地方的风水不适合。”中国传统风水对于空间位置都非常讲究,一般都要依水而建。

    The original concept aimed to imitate ancient Chinese village designs , but thefeng shui didn 't quite fit . " [ It ] required too much space and needed to be built along a river , " Liu says .

  27. 近年来,国内外建筑理论界学术氛围发生变化,加上对景观建筑学、生态建筑学的深刻研究,越来越多的专家学者认同中国古代风水理论中的科学性及预见性。

    In recent years , because of some change of academia in domestic and foreign architecture theory , accompanying the deep research to scene architecture theory and zoology architecture theory , more and more experts agree that there are scientific and prescient truths in China ancient Geomantic Omen .

  28. 本文从地理学角度对中国传统的风水说作了透视。

    From the aspect of geography this thesis gives a perspective of the traditional Chinese Feng shui .

  29. 洪灏说,中国股市总是风水轮流转。

    ' There is always a rotation going on in the China market , ' Mr. Hong said .

  30. 中国的八字风水也是从易经出来的以点为时空切入而进行轨迹评点的方式方法,也是阴阳之理的一种表述。

    The Ba-Zi and Feng-Shui are the means of random point from Yi-Jing , as well as a description of Yin-Yang Theory .