
  1. 中国的计划生育政策与都市独生女的赋权

    China 's One-Child Policy and the Empowerment of Urban Daughters

  2. 中国的计划生育政策也受到美国反对堕胎的宗教右翼势力的强烈谴责。

    China 's family planning practices are anathema to the abortion-obsessed religious right in the United States .

  3. 中国的计划生育法规已经允许了太多的例外,因此许多人口统计学家认为独生子女政策已名不副实。

    Birth-planning laws already allow so many exceptions that many demographers consider it a misnomer to call it a one-child policy .

  4. 中国的计划生育政策就是一种对公民权利的违背,是人口学上的灾难,打破了几代人间的性别平衡。

    China 's one-child policy is a violation of rights and a demographic disaster , upsetting the balance between the sexes and between generations .

  5. 中国的计划生育政策的方案,体现了公民权利和义务的统一、个人利益和社会利益的统一。

    China 's family planning policies and programmes combine citizens ' rights and duties , joining the interests of the individual with those of society .

  6. 未来中国的计划生育应该发生如下转变:(1)计划生育政策的理论依据将从适度人口论向可持续发展理论转变;

    China 's family planning needs the following adjustments : its theoretical basis need to be shifted from optimum population theory to sustainable developing theory ;

  7. 中国的计划生育,始终包含着控制人口数量和提高人口素质两个方面。

    China 's family planning has always included the two aspects of controlling the population size and improving the population quality in terms of education and health .

  8. 对此类网站需求起推动作用的是以下原因:农村的贫困情况、中国的计划生育政策、限制大多数夫妻只能有一个孩子以及那些绝望的无子女夫妻。

    Demand for such websites has been fuelled by rural poverty , China 's one-child policy , limiting most couples of only one child , and desperate , childless couples .

  9. 中国的计划生育政策在国际上一直备受争议,但是如果没有这一政策,世界人口又会发展成怎样呢。

    I will stay with that , China 's family planning policy has long been controversial around the world , but what would the globe 's biggest populous country be like without it .

  10. 中国的计划生育政策制定于20世纪70年代。该政策鼓励晚婚晚育,限制城市夫妇只要一个孩子,农村夫妇可以要两个孩子。

    China ` s family planning policy was formulated in the early 1970s . It encourages late marriages and late childbearing , and it limits most urban couples to one child and most rural couples to two children .

  11. 5.高储蓄率主要是中国的计划生育政策下的人口结构、经济快速增长背景下家庭消费习惯改变缓慢等长期因素作用的结果。

    The high rate of savings can be chiefly attributedto the long-term factors that the population structure is formed under China 's one-child policy and household consumption habits change very slowly under the circumstances of the rapid economic growth .

  12. 然而在一个以独生子女为主的社会里(缘于中国的计划生育政策),在光棍节成功脱光可远远没有听上去这么简单。

    However , in a society dominated by children who grow up without siblings ( due to China 's one-child policy ), finding love on Singles Day is unlikely to be as easy as a walk in the park .

  13. 然而在一个以独生子女为主的社会里(缘于中国的计划生育政策),在光棍节成功“脱光”可远远没有听上去这么简单。

    However , in a society dominated by children who grow up without siblings ( due to China 's one-child policy ) , finding love on Singles Day is unlikely to be as easy as a walk in the park .

  14. 结论:如何根据未婚青年的性与生殖健康需求,向他们提供适当的、特殊的、友好的和可获得的服务,对中国的计划生育/生殖健康优质服务提出了挑战。

    Conclusion : How to provide appropriate , specific , user-friendly and obtainable services to unmarried youths based on their demands and needs for reproductive health , and it brings a challenge to family planning and reproductive health program in China .

  15. 本文指出中国的计划生育政策代表了中国先进社会生产力的发展要求,代表了中国先进文化的前进方向,还代表了最广大人民的根本利益,在此基础上阐述了新时期中国计划生育的重要意义。

    This paper points out that family policies the requirement of the advanced productive force , the direction of the advanced culture , and the basic interests of the people . It also emphasizes the significance of family planning in social and economic development in China .

  16. 中国现行的计划生育政策的主要内容是:提倡晚婚晚育,少生优生;

    The main contents of the current family planning policy in China are : Advocating delayed marriage and delayed child bearing , fewer and healthier births ;

  17. 如果没有中国严格的计划生育政策,自1979年以来,中国人口可能已增长1.38亿人,额外带来3.3亿吨的排放量。

    Without China 's strict family planning policies , the country 's population would have increased by 138m people since 1979 , resulting in an extra 330m tonnes in emissions .

  18. 中国许多地区的计划生育部门为育龄夫妇开展了婚育系列保健服务活动。

    The family planning departments in many places have initiated health-care-at-childbirth services for couples of child-bearing age .

  19. 从1980年至今,中国实行的是计划生育政策,并控制了约4亿人口。

    China 's one-child policy , which has been in effect since 1980 , has prevented approximately 400 million births .

  20. 实践证明,中国实施的人口和计划生育方案取得了成功。

    Practice has shown that china 's population and family planning programme has been crowned with success .

  21. 自从中国实施严格有效的计划生育政策以来已经过了20多年。

    It has been more than 20 years since China implemented its harsh yet effective family-planning policy .

  22. 今年1月1日,国家开始允许所有夫妻生二胎,以应对老龄化的挑战。前哈佛大学助理教授、人口学专家黄文政表示,在中国宽松度提高的计划生育政策面前,应不再实行奖励政策。

    The country began allowing all couples to have a second child on January 1 of this year to tackle the challenges of an aging population.Huang Wenzheng , a former Harvard University assistant professor and expert on demographics , said that the reward policy is no longer conducive to China 's promotion of a relaxed family planning policy .

  23. 数名中国知名学者周四联名发表公开信,要求政府重新考虑中国的独生子女政策,这是中国长期实行的计划生育政策本周第二次受到公然挑战。

    A group of prominent Chinese scholars issued an open letter on Thursday calling for a rethink of the country 's one-child policy , the second high-profile challenge to the long-standing law this week .