
  1. 第13条证券商出借中央登录公债加计附买回交易之馀额不得超过其净值百分之六百。

    Article 13 The outstanding balance of a securities firm ′ s loans of book-entry central government bonds plus repo transactions may not exceed 600 percent of its net worth .

  2. 但证券商与客户间已就中央登录公债本息支领之税负及相关费用另于事前以书面约定者,得从其约定。

    However , if the securities firm has reached a prior written agreement with the customer as to Taxation on the payment of principal and coupon interest on the bonds and other relevant fees , such agreement may control .

  3. 政府鼓励新公债持有人到新的中央银行把手中公债兑换为现金,而中央银行将发行单一货币以统一各州的财政系统。

    Holders of the restructured bonds would be encouraged to exchange them for capital in a new central bank that would issue a uniform currency to unify the states " financial systems .