
  1. 《中国妇女的状况》女王对中国的国事访问

    Situation of Chinese Women the Queen 's state visit to China

  2. 《中国妇女的状况》白皮书

    The Situation Of Chinese Women

  3. 为使国际社会更好地了解东道国的妇女情况,现将中国妇女的状况公诸于世界。

    To enable the international community to acquire a better understanding of the condition of women in the host country , we have prepared this report for release to the world .

  4. 中国妇女的科学素养状况分析

    Analysis on Scientific Literacy of Chinese Women

  5. 透视弱势群体&中国离婚妇女的生活状况及其权益保障

    Looking into the Weak Group & Living State and Rights Assurance of Devoiced Women in China

  6. 到1958年,有1600万妇女学会了阅读,初步改变了中国妇女愚昧落后的状况。

    By 1958 , 16 million women had learned to read , and this represented an initial step in eradicating the ignorance and backwardness of Chinese women .

  7. 本研究正是基于这一目标,对黎巴嫩和中国妇女社会地位的现实状况给予深刻思考,提出了妇女性别歧视是宗教问题还是传统问题这一问题,采取了历史-比较研究方法。

    This study is based on this target , Lebanon and the social status of Chinese women to the reality of profound thinking , presented " Women and religious issues of gender discrimination or traditional issues " on this issue , take a history - Comparative research methods .