
  • 网络China's Aerospace;China's Space Activities
  1. 《中国的航天》白皮书

    White Paper on China 's Space Activities

  2. 自《中国的航天》白皮书发布后,空间立法速度明显加快,但与主要航天大国相比,中国的空间立法还处于相对落后状态。

    The pace of Chinese space legislation quickened obviously since the issue of the White Paper entitled China 's Space Activities .

  3. 20世纪中国的航天返回与遥感

    Chinese Spacecraft Recovery & Remote Sensing in the 20 ~ ( th ) Century

  4. 中国的航天技术日臻成熟。

    In China , space technology is maturing and begins to enter into the operational stage .

  5. 《考克斯报告》对中国的航天事业也进行了大量的歪曲。

    The Cox Report also offers a large number of distortions about China 's space undertakings .

  6. 为把中国的航天事业搞上去而奋力拼搏&北京空间机电研究所成立45年的历程回顾

    Strive to Develop the Chinese Space Cause Review on 45 Years ' History of Beijing Institute of Space Mechanics Electricity

  7. 由于中国的航天飞船仿照俄罗斯的对接装置,所以中国航天飞船可以与国际空间站相兼容。

    Because China 's space vehicles use docking mechanisms that appear modeled after Russia 's , they should be compatible with the ISS .

  8. 美联社还提到,中国的航天项目绝大多数依靠国产技术,与俄罗斯的合作十分有限。

    AP also noted that China 's space program has relied overwhelmingly on domestic technology and know-how , and cooperation with Russia has been highly limited .

  9. 它的设计是对这个国家不断增长的财富和技术能力的一种昭示,高速列车工程的声望是和中国的航天蓝图同样的重要。

    Designed to show off the country 's rising wealth and technological prowess , the prestige attached to the high-speed rail project is on a par with China 's space program .

  10. 他说,尽管中国的航天计划并不比其他已进入太空的国家更先进,但是拥有一大批工程技术精英和科学家的中国得以取得稳步进步,而且是低成本高效益。

    He suggests that while China 's space program is no more advanced those of other space-faring nations , a team of elite engineers and scientists is making incremental and cost-effective progress .

  11. 中国的航天雄心沿着美国几十年前就趟出的道路又向前迈进了一步。有消息称,中国首个太空实验室很可能将于明年坠回地球。

    China 's space ambitions have taken a further step down a path blazed by the US decades ago , after revelations that its first space laboratory is likely to fall to earth next year .

  12. 毋庸置疑,中国的航空航天事业在过去的几十年里已经取得了辉煌的成就。

    It is beyond doubt that China has made brilliant achievements in aviation and space industry in the past decades .

  13. 随着国际国内市场的不断扩大,中国的航空航天工业还将得到更大的发展。

    With the growth of both domestic and international markets , china 's aviation and space industries expect to make greater progress .

  14. 与那狂热的苏美太空竞赛岁月不同,中国的载人航天项目慎之又慎。

    Unlike the gung-ho days of the Soviet / American space race , China 's manned space programme is proceeding with cautious deliberation .

  15. 除了科幻小说界常见的中学生与大学生拥趸,中国的航空航天和互联网业界人士也热爱这套书。

    In addition to the usual high school and college-age fans of science fiction , China 's aerospace and Internet industries have embraced the books .

  16. 然而,这是主要由中国军方控制的航天项目的一部分。美国专家表示,航天项目正帮助中国获得先进的卫星、遥感和推进能力,这一切对中国的导弹项目也是有用的。

    However , it is part of a space programme largely controlled by the military which US experts say is helping China to acquire advanced satellite , sensor and propulsion capabilities , which are also useful for its missile programme .

  17. 航天测控。中国已建成完整的航天测控网,包括陆地测控站和海上测控船,圆满完成了从近地轨道卫星到地球静止轨道卫星、从卫星到试验飞船的航天测控任务。

    TT monitoring : tt China has established an integrated TT network comprising TT ground stations and ships , which has successfully accomplished TT missions for near-earth orbit and geo-stationary orbit satellites , and experimental spacecraft .

  18. 根据截至2006年的与中国卫星相关的中国航天发射数量的统计值,主要应用灰色系统理论预测了十一五规划期间(2006~2010年)中国航天器的发射数量和相关的中国航天运载火箭的发射数量。

    Based on statistical amount of the Chinese space launch in relation to the Chinese artificial earth satellites up to 2006 , the amount of the Chinese space launch during 2006 ~ 2010 is predicated by means of applying the theory of gree system mainly .

  19. 事实上,中国官员热衷于强调:中国的航天技术与俄罗斯之间仍存在很大差距,与美国之间的差距更大。

    Indeed , officials are keen to stress that there still remains a considerable gap between China 's space-faring technology and that of Russia and – even more so – the US .

  20. 中国航天发展的里程碑&《中国的航天》白皮书

    A Milestone in China 's Aerospace History & White Paper on China 's Space Activities

  21. 美联社报道,本次航天任务预计持续3天,是继2003年中国将一名宇航员送入太空后,中国最具挑战的航天任务。

    The mission , expected to last about three days , is China 's most challenging since it launched a person into space in2003 , AP reported .

  22. 现今,中国对空间技术体系的认识已得到深化,中国的航天器进入太空技术已位居世界前列,中国的航天信息应用技术已取得显著效益。

    Now , the Chinese technology of spacecraft entering space has located in the front row of world , the Chinese aerospace information applications technology has acquired gain obviously .