首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 我叫约翰,我在洛基山高中读八年级。

    I 'm John . I 'm in Grade Eight at Rocky Mountain High School .

  2. 数字9在汉语中读作jiu,意思是"永远"。

    The number 9 is pronounced as jiu in Chinese , which means " forever " .

  3. 继续读下去,在不同的课文中读几遍,你就会熟悉这些单词。

    Keep reading , and you will become familiar with the words after reading them several times in different texts .

  4. 说实话,我在屈利劳尼的信中读到高个约翰这个人时,

    Now , when I read about Long John in Squire Trelawney 's letter ,

  5. Java中读写锁的实现及分析

    Implementation and Analysis of Read-Write Locks in Java

  6. 对利用FPGA实现交织器和解交织器中读写地址的产生方法进行了比较和深入的探讨。

    Several address generation techniques utilizing FPGA has been compared and discussed in detail .

  7. 然后,您会从XML文件或关系数据库表格中读到预期的结果。

    Then , you would read the expected results from either an XML file or a relational database table .

  8. 此文件允许您在DB2中读写LotusForms文档并将它们嵌入在JSP页面内进行显示。

    This file allows you to write and read the Lotus Forms documents in DB2 and display them embedded in JSP pages .

  9. 如今,当她的朋友们重读她的作品时,他们可以在埃夫龙2010年的散文集《我什么都不记得》(IRememberNothing)中读到“告别”的暗示;

    These days , when her friends reread her works , they can see hints of a " goodbye " in her 2010 collection of essays I Remember Nothing ;

  10. 当安装在同一台机器上时,ModelImporter可以直接从操作系统(operatingsystem,OS)的注册表中读到已安装的Rose的属性文件的位置。

    When it is installed on the same machine , the Model Importer can directly read the location of installed Rose property files from the operating system ( OS ) registry .

  11. 这是Python语言的关键词,当你在文件中读到这个词的时候,它的意思就是我正在创建一个定义。

    This is a keyword to Python that says , when it reads this in the file , it says , I 'm creating a definition .

  12. 在ACS模块采用四个ACS单元并行处理计算的方式,合理的安排路径度量存储器中读写数据的顺序。

    ACS module adopts 4 ACS units to do parallel computing , properly organize the order of data reading / writing to path metric memory .

  13. 特伦卡的若干说法不算新鲜,有些可以在“滚石”的贝斯手,比尔·怀曼(BillWyman)1990年的回忆录《孤独的石头》(StoneAlone)中读到,这本传记常常受到忽视;还有若干乐队圈外人的书中可以找到的内容。

    Some of Mr. Trynka 's account is not new , having appeared in " Stone Alone , " the often overlooked 1990 memoir of the Rolling Stones bassist Bill Wyman , or other books written by band outsiders .

  14. 最后本文选择Java平台本文的开发平台,并对数据库访问与更新机制,RFID中间件功能模块中读、写、事物处理、数据库读写和监控进行了深入的分析和实现。

    Finally , the paper select Java platform , this development platform , and database access and updating mechanism , RFID middleware function modules in reading , writing , transaction processing , database , reading and writing and monitoring conducted in-depth analysis and implementation .

  15. 通过RFID系统中读写器设备读取电子标签中的信息,将信息交付给用户或者服务器做下一步处理,同时读写器还以对电子标签进行信息的写入操作更新标签中的信息。

    In the RFID system , the reader reads and writes the information in the labels and transmits the information to users or the server to do the further processing , at the same time it write informations to update the labels .

  16. 结合ADO技术,给出了在数据库中读写文件的方法,讨论了管理文件的窗口界面及文件操作方式,同时提供了关键技术实现代码。

    The method of reading-writing file in database combining with the technique of ADO is given . The windows interface of file management and the pattern of file operation are discussed . At the same time , the programs of the key techniques are provided .

  17. 尘肺诊断中读片差异的分析

    Analysis on the diversity in chest skiagram observation during pneumoconiosis diagnosis

  18. 查看您在此帮助会话中读过的页。

    View pages that you 've read during this help session .

  19. 他在昨天的一版《时代》中读到的它。

    He read it in yesterday 's edition of the times .

  20. 我能借一本书旅途中读吗?

    Can I borrow a book to read on the journey ?

  21. 现在就写吧,或许我们会在演讲视频中读你的故事。

    Do it now , maybe we 'll be reading your story .

  22. 我想我曾在什么书中读过这样的例子。

    I think Id read that in a book somewhere .

  23. 我是从一张老旧的剪报中读到这个的。

    I had read that in an old newspaper clipping .

  24. 他从地理书中读到一段关于水稻栽培的文章。

    He read a passage on rice farming from the geography book .

  25. 那个父亲从晚报中读到了什么消息?

    What important news did the father read in the evening paper ?

  26. 芯片设计中读周期的同步问题

    The Synchronous Issue of Read Cycle in Chip Design

  27. 在Windwws应用程序中读写.DBF内的数据

    Read / Write the Data of . DBF from the Windows Application Program

  28. 请向你的同伴复述你在材料中读到的内容。

    Please retell to your partner what you 've read in the material .

  29. 我在某本书中读过这个故事。

    I 've read the story in some book .

  30. 玛丽坐在椅中读小说。

    Mary sat in a chair reading a novel .